Format Chunk Offset | Label | Length | Description |
00h | fId | 4 | Contains the characters "fmt " |
04h | fLen | 4 | Length of data in the format chunk |
08h | wFormatTag | 2 |
The wFormatTag specifies the wave format, eg 1 = Pulse Code Modulation
(or in plain english, regular 8 bit sampled uncompressed sound) |
0Ah | nChannels | 2 | Number of channels, 1=mono, 2=stereo |
0Ch | nSamplesPerSec | 2 | Playback frequency (Sample Rate) |
0Eh | nAvgBytesPerSec | 2 |
Indicates the average number of bytes a second the data should be
transferred at = nChannels * nSamplesPerSec * (nBitsPerSample / 8) |
10h | nBlockAlign | 2 | Indicates the block alignment of the data in the data chunk. Software
needs to process a multiplt of nBlockAlign at a time.
nBlockAlign = nChannels * (nBitsPerSample / 8)
12h | FormatSpecific | 2 | Format specific data area |