[Nokia GSM Codes (Life timer, Lock status, Firmware, EFR, HFR, Stop SIM Clock status)] - HowardForums Pages:1

Nokia GSM Codes (Life timer, Lock status, Firmware, EFR, HFR, Stop SIM Clock status)

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Posted by: SVWComm

Hey all, here's a list of some of Nokia codes that I've gathered from the forums. If you have some other codes, feel free to PM me and I will post it up. This thread will be close and it could only be access by HowardForum Admin.

NOTE: I cannot guarantee that all the codes listed below will work with your Nokia phones. Try it at your own risk. Have fun

How to check Life Timer and Cell Info
- Enter 1 of these code at home screen *#92702689# OR *#92772689#.
- Life timer shortcut for the 8260: press and hold "#" for five seconds.

*Note: These codes only work on some Nokia.
How to tell if your phone is Locked or Unlocked?
#pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+3# for Country-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status

*Note: if for instance you enter the first code and you get from your phone "code error" it means that the provider lock is in place and that only the original SIMs from the operator that originated the service will work. On the first one if instead of entering 1234567890 you enter the code that was given to you by your operator to unlock you'll get a message "SIM restriction off" and then your phone will recycle or you'll have to power down and re-power the phone.
Don't enter more than 3 times or your phone will be lock.

Update: There has been report that those codes will not work on new Nokia models, such as 7210, 6610, 6100, etc. So best bet is to insert a SIM card from another carrier to verify it.

How to check firmware version?
Nokia 3360 and 8260: *#9999#
Nokia 3390, 8290, 8390, 8890: *#0000#
Nokia (Other): *#XXXX#

XXXX represents model number
Enhance Full Rate
Activate EFR - *3370#
Deactivate EFR - #3370#

This code will improves sound quality, but it will decreases battery life.
*Note: Phone will restart after code is entered.
Half Full Rate
Activate HFR - *4720#
Deactivate HFR - #4270#

This code will degrades sound quality, but will increases battery life.
*Note: Phone will restart after code is entered.
*credit to lostblur
How to check your phone IMEI number

*credit to lostblur

SIM Clock Stop

Note: Newer SIMs have a feature called 'clock stopping' that allows the phone to save energy -- it is a kind of sleep mode for SIM cards. Not all versions of software support this. You cannot turn the SIM clock on and off, the phone will do it automatically if the SIM supports clock stopping.

Field Test/ NetMonitor Mode (TDMA only)
Press *3001#12345#
Select Field Test
Enable it
Go to Menu
Select Field Test

* Enable/ Disable Field test mode
8260 and older models
Enable - Menu > Field Test > enter number from 01 to 07
Disable - Menu > Field Test > enter 00

3360 and newer models
Field Test is not automatically shown at power up.
Enable - Menu > Field Test > enter 2101
Disable - Menu > Field Test > enter 0000

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