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2000 TrueType Fonts
2000 TrueType fonts plus 5000 clip art images in PCX format + 500 page reference book.
Operating Systems Released Price Click here to order!
February 1998 $39.95
This disc will provide you with 2000 True Type Fonts and 5000 clipart images in PCX format. Along with the fonts and clipart, you get a collection of font manipulation shareware and graphics utilities.

The CDROM includes a 419 page book illustrating each font and clipart image. A handy font browser makes it easy to find and install the font you want!

The PCX clipart images include such subjects as:

  • Animals
  • Art
  • Astrology
  • Buildings
  • Cartoon Images
  • Dogs
  • Myth & Fantasy
  • Fish
  • Flowers
  • Gardens
  • Ham Radio
  • Holidays
  • Maps
  • Medical
  • Military
  • Music
  • Seasonal
  • Space & Astronomy
  • Travel

and much more!