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Toolkit for Command & Conquer / Warcraft 2 (Volume 3)
New levels, utilities and editors for Command and Conquer and Warcraft 2.
Operating Systems Released Price Click here to order!
October 1996 $19.95
New Construction Options! Building! The Command and Conquer files on this disc will teach you, give you more single-player and multi-player levels, and help you get more out of these levels.

For Command & Conquer:

  • Learn how to play better with documents and FAQ+s.
  • Play 116 multi-player levels, including "Tiberium Delerium," "War Lord's Castle," and "Happy Birthday."
  • Play 173 single-player levels, including "Blood Creek," "Ground Assault," and "Secret Ways."
  • Patch your registered version of Command and Conquer.
  • View "map packs" containing collections of levels.
  • Customize your copy of the game with cool utilities.

Get ready to work with these add-ons to Warcraft 2!

  • Play 87 Single-player maps, including "Moats of Fury," "Lands of Glory and Doom," "Die Die Die." Right-o!
  • Play 126 Multiple-player maps including "The Ring," "Free for All," and "Canyon Raid."
  • Upgrade your system with upgrade patches, cheats, and editors.
  • Learn how to play better with a strategy guide.
  • 200 additional maps over Volume 2! 413 maps total!