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Toolkit for Duke 3D
Add another dimension to your Duke 3D experience.
Operating Systems Released Price Add to Shopping Cart
October 1996 $19.95
Think you're finished with Duke Nukem 3D? Think again! Strap on your jet-pack and load your shotgun, because this CDROM's got 314 of the newest, most intensely wacked-out levels you'll ever hack your way through.

We've made this disc super-easy to use with all of the levels ready-to-run right off the CDROM.

In addition to the add-on levels, you also get:

  • Level editors with tutorials
  • Game playing FAQ+s
  • Game enhancing patches
  • New graphics and sounds
  • Graphics editors
  • Much more!

Learn to play like a pro! This CDROM includes hundreds of valuable tricks and tips from the Duke 3D Frequently Asked Questions archive.

Make your own levels with map and graphics editors. Think of it, more monsters, more levels, more fun!

Requires a registered copy of Duke Nukem 3D.