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Linux Toolkit
The definitive resource for dedicated Linux users.
Operating Systems Released Price Add to Shopping Cart
December 1997 $29.95
This six-disc release of the Linux Toolkit features Linux software selected from popular Internet sites like and

This CDROM collection gives you a wealth of applications, source code, and development tools. You get over 31,500 files in a total of 3.3 gigabytes!

You will find all the necessary tools to turn your Linux system into a powerful cutting edge UNIX workstation, including:

Disc 1:

  • Slackware 3.4
  • XFree86 3.3.1

Disc 2:

  • Debian GNU/Linux v1.3
  • GCC 2.7.2
  • Linux Games
  • Extra Documentation

Disc 3:

  • Red Hat v5.0/x86

Disc 4:

  • Turbo Linux v1.0

Disk 5:

  • Software from
  • X-Windows Applications
  • System Utilities

Disk 6:

  • Additional software from
  • Newer experimental Linux kernels
  • Science and Mathematical programs

Both the system programmer and the everyday user will find these discs to be extremely valuable. The up-to-the-minute kernel updates and all the latest multimedia software upgrades will help you get the most out of your Linux system!