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Business Software Library (2nd Edition)
A powerful solution for your business needs.
Operating Systems Released Price Add to Shopping Cart
August 1995 $39.95

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This CDROM contains hundreds of Business related programs. You'll find useful software for different aspects of your business, ie. from accounting, shipping, bar coding, finance, desktop publishing and many more. This also includes a 159 page easy-to-follow reference book to guide you to every porogam on the CDROM.

Hundreds of of software solutions written by people like yourself for their specific business needs. This disc covers all aspects of business, from finance to desktop publishing, including:

  • Accounting, payroll, and bookkeeping software
  • Client, contract, and project tracking tools
  • Slide, desktop publishing, grammar and spell-checking software
  • Financial and estate planners
  • Databases, mailing systems, and bar coding

Comes with a 160-page book that gives a detailed description of each program.