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Hornet Underground Volume 2
Beautiful multimedia works of art, produced by brilliant young minds, advertising nothing.
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August 1997 $19.95

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The Hornet Underground Volume 2 CDROM contains:
  • 687 Demos and Intros
  • 312 Coding Tutorials and Source Examples
  • 243 Graphics Images, Disks, and Programs
  • 25 Diskmags
  • 258 Party Invitations, Results, and Reports
  • 18 Issues of the Newsletter DemoNews
  • 34 Issues of the Newsletter TraxWeekly

PC Demos, as they are affectionately called, are not game or commercial Demos. They are beautiful multimedia works of art, produced by brilliant young minds, advertising nothing. They are art for the sake of art.

Some effects used in Demos today:

  • 3D Camera Movement
  • Realtime Raytracing
  • Reflection Mapping
  • Lightsourced Embossing

This CDROM contains the last 650 megs of cataloged productions (excluding /music) uploaded to the Hornet Archive, up until 08 Jul 1997.

Also included on this CDROM are graphic images, coding tutorials, newsletters, diskmags, and information about demo gatherings.

You will find everything you need to know about current happenings in the PC Demo Scene!