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Toolkit for Quake 2
New levels, skins, and utilities for the game you love.
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April 1998 $19.95
The Toolkit for Quake 2 Archive

Welcome to the Toolkit for Quake 2 CDROM! Included on this disc are new levels, skins, console apps, and utilities that will help you get the most out of Quake 2.

You will find:

  • Official release of the Qoole for Quake and Quake 2 level editor
  • 81 New Levels
  • 70 Deathmatch
  • 6 Single Player
  • 5 Capture The Flag
  • Over 250 new skins that can make your player look like anything from a Snowman to a Crazed Killer!
  • Scripts and examples of Quake 2 configuration files
  • Demos of people playing Quake 2, and examples of how YOU can do amazing acrobatic feats
  • Technical documentation about entities, functions, triggers, etc.
  • Desktop icons and themes
  • Utilities like model editors and scene builders
  • Tools for manipulating Quake 2 data files

To use the add-on levels included on this disc you must have a registered version of Quake 2.