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Turbo User Group (TUG)
Collection of TUG source code, news, and utilities. Turbo C and Turbo Pascal.
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July 1996 $39.95
Get source code, utilities, and shareware that is hand-picked for the members of the Turbo User Group (TUG), including the best in Delphi 1.0 and 2.0!

Now the entire TUG library of 6,800 files are available to you on this CDROM. This exhaustive collection is full of great code and utilities for Borland's Turbo series of compilers, including C,C++, and Pascal.

Included on this CDROM you'll find: 51 Delphi programs (including Delphi 1.0 and 2.0). 1,800 C and C++ files.

2,200 Pascal files. 714 MS Windows files.

Source listings from PC Techniques Magazine.