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The definitive game and graphics programming CDROM!
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January 1998 $39.95
The X2FTP Archive

The X2 Support Group Archive contains a collection of programming related material. All the information on the X2FTP CDROM has been carefully selected to aid programmers in the creation of new games, utilities, or graphics programs. In general, you will find documents and source code rather than the typical binary distributions; this is NOT a public domain/shareware museum, this is a tool for you to get your programs written faster, more intelligently, with solid and reliable code.

On this CDROM you will find:

  • 49 document FAQs
  • File format specifications:
    • audio formats: MIDI, .mod, and .s3m
    • Graphics formats: .gif, .iff, .jpg, and .tiff
    • Compression formats
    • Database formats
    • Document formats
    • and many more

  • DJGPP tools and add-ons
  • Music and sound playing routines
  • Serial port access and I/O

Also included on this CDROM is DJGPP! DJGPP is a compiler for DOS/Win32 based off UNIX's gcc that produces very fast executables. There are many official libraries for DJGPP, including:

  • SWORD Windowing System
  • multi-threading libraries
  • curses
  • low-level hardware sources

There are also many unofficial add-ons from the X2FTP archive:

  • graphic format conversions
  • CPU type identification
  • soundcard libraries
  • Mode-X libs

Note: The X2 Support Group Archives are under compilation copyright by the X2 Support Group. DJGPP is not part of the official X2FTP collection and does not fall under this compilation copyright.