Bulk converting Wave files on MacOS
mkdir 16bit; cp -R sounds ./16bit; find ./16bit -iname “*.wav” -exec afconvert -d LEI16 {} {} “;”
Welcome to 32kb.net, hosted in Perth, Western Australia, a site dedicated to nothing more than sharing with the world things I find interesting, useful or worth preserving.
I am a Data and Computer Scientist who loves music, synthesisers, photography, mathematics, writing and exploring and learning about the world around me.
I have been haphazardly collecting software since the early 1990s, from the days of Bulletin Board Services, ftp, gopher, archie and veronica. I have made some of this software available here, some comes from more recent resources such as the excellent Internet Archive and WinWorldPc.
The Articles section contains articles written by me.
This site is running on a Raspberry Pi 4 running FreeBSD, because I wanted to learn something new, and I like the philosophy behind FreeBSD. Consequently, this site is systemd free. You can find more details about the network and hosting system here.
I also have a gopher site at gopher://gopher.32kb.net. Perhaps you would like to visit that?
mkdir 16bit; cp -R sounds ./16bit; find ./16bit -iname “*.wav” -exec afconvert -d LEI16 {} {} “;”
The brakes on the Ninebot Max can be adjusted using a 14mm and 8mm spanner.
\1997. The web is a new and wonderous place.
We have access to the [password] database and can get it any time.
Chills. Apparently salted and hashed passwords weren’t a thing in 1997.
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From civics@www5.geocities.com Mon Jun 9 04:59:18 1997
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Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 04:59:14 -0700
From: civics@www5.geocities.com [Save Address]
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Subject: Welcome To GeoCities
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