
Always use the most recent firmware for this device. 
Please visit the TEAC Global Site at http://teac-global.com/ to check for the latest firmware.

New functions
V1.10 addition

- 24-bit songs can now be used to write CD-DA discs.
  When you select a 24-bit master file, it will automatically
  be converted to 16-bit when writing a CD-DA.

- 48kHz songs can now be used to write CD-DA discs.
  Inclusion of the TASCAM Multi-Stage Sampling rate
  converter (TMSS) enables the creation of high-quality
  CD-DA discs. When you select a 48kHz master file,
  it will automatically be converted to 44.1kHz when writing a CD-DA.

- A meter peak hold function has been added.
  The addition of peak level hold indications enables you to
  check levels visually with greater ease.

- Track editing in subframe units is now possible.
  You can locate and set IN and OUT points using subframe units.

- This model can now read songs created by a DP-32.
  However, when a song created by a DP-32 is loaded, only tracks 1?24 will be loaded.

- In order to comply with the European Standby Power Regulation (ErP),
  an automatic power saving function has been added.
  By default, the automatic power saving function is set to 30 minutes,
  and the unit will automatically turn OFF (enter standby) after 30 minutes pass
  without operation or other use.

  For details about using these new functions, see the DP-24 Owner's Manual addenda.


Maintenance items
V1.16 changes

- When specific equalizer settings were made,
  the stereo level meters would move even when there was no sound. 
  This has been fixed.

- On rare occasions noise would occur at the beginning of a song 
  when a master file was played back. 
  This has been fixed.
V1.15 changes

- In auto punch mode, recording sometimes started before the IN point.
  This has been fixed.

- A very brief noise sometimes occurred after editing. This has been fixed.

- When files created on different devices were imported, 
  a noise sometimes occurred at their ends. This has been fixed.

- Noise sometimes occurred during playback depending on the playback starting point.
  This has been fixed.

- When set to BAR display, editing would sometimes result in the beat becoming inaccurate.
  This has been fixed.

- An insufficient space error would sometimes occur when exporting
  and importing even though an SD card had sufficient open space. This has been fixed.

- Operation stability has been improved.
V1.14 change

- MIDI time code would be output 1 frame late in some cases. This has been fixed.
V1.12 changes

- When using the LIVE WRITER function, CDs were not created properly sometimes.
  This has been fixed.

- On the track editing screen, the subframe (1/10 frame) positions of
  IN, OUT and TO points were not displayed correctly. This has been fixed.
V1.11 changes

- Under the following conditions, the input, track and equalizer settings would be initialized.
  This has been fixed.

  - When saving from the Home Screen
  - When shutting down (including by the automatic power saving function)
  - When switching to mixdown mode
  - When making a USB connection
  - When executing an item from the SONG menu
  - When executing an item from the CD menu
  - When loading a song created in a version before version 1.10

- With certain equalizer settings, the frequency display could become abnormal on the Mixer screen.
  This has been fixed.

- After deleting a virtual track from a stereo track (13/14?23/24), 
  using the undo function did not restore the state before it was deleted. This has been fixed.