
Always use the most recent firmware for this device. 
Please visit the TEAC Global Site at http://teac-global.com/ to check for the latest firmware.

Maintenance items
V1.02 changes

- When specific equalizer settings were made,
  the stereo level meters would move even when there was no sound. 
  This has been fixed.

- On rare occasions noise would occur at the beginning of a song 
  when a master file was played back. 
  This has been fixed.
V1.01 changes

- When files created on different devices were imported, a noise sometimes occurred at their ends.
  This has been fixed.

- Noise sometimes occurred during playback depending on the playback starting point.
  This has been fixed.

- When set to BAR display, editing would sometimes result in the beat becoming inaccurate.
  This has been fixed.

- An insufficient space error would sometimes occur when exporting and importing even though
  an SD card had sufficient open space. This has been fixed.

- Operation stability has been improved.