
Owner's Manual

Listening to the demo song
When the AW1600 is shipped from the factory, its hard disk contains a demo song. This chapter explains how to play back the demo song while you operate the faders and keys of the front panel.

Connect external devices and turn on the power
The following diagram shows a typical example of connections to the AW1600. Connect your mics, instruments, and external devices as shown in this diagram.

Rhythm machine
Electric guitar/Electric bass
DAT recorder, MD recorder, etc.
Monitor system

INPUT 1 to 8

When you have finished making connections, turn on the power switch of each device in the following order.

1	External devices such as audio sources or effect processors connected to the input/output jacks of the AW1600
2	The AW1600 itself
3	The monitor system connected to the output jacks of the AW1600

After the opening screen, the following screen will appear.

When you turn on the power of the AW1600, the last-used song will be loaded automatically. When you turn on the power of the AW1600 with the factory settings, a blank song will be loaded, so you can start recording immediately.

Loading the demo song
Here's how to load the demo song from the hard disk.

1	In the Work Navigate section, press the [SONG] key.
The SONG screen will appear, where you can save or load songs.
2	Either press the [SONG] key repeatedly or hold down the [SONG] key and use the CURSOR [Up]/[Down] keys to access the LIST page.
In this page, you can select a song on the hard disk, and load or delete it.

1	List
This area lists the songs that are saved on the hard disk. The line enclosed by the dotted frame in the center of the list indicates the song that is selected for operations. The highlighted line indicates the song that is currently loaded into the AW1600. (This is called the "current song.")

Each row of the list will display the song name, data size, and bit depth (16/24 bit).

2	SORT field
These three buttons let you select how the songs in the list will be sorted. Choose the NAME button (sort alphabetically), OLD button (sort by save date), or SIZE button (sort by size).

3	Turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the song "The_Only_One."
4	Move the cursor to the LOAD button in the screen, and press the [ENTER] key.
A popup window like the following will appear. This window asks you whether you want to save the current song.
5	Move the cursor to either YES (save the current song) or NO (don't save the current song), and press the [ENTER] key.
The song data will be loaded, and "The_Only_One" will become the current song.

If you select NO, any changes that you made to the current song since you last saved it will be lost.

"You're the Only One"
(c) Timothy Akers

Playing the demo song
Here's how to play back the demo song you loaded, and adjust the monitor level.
1	Either press the [VIEW] key repeatedly or hold down the [VIEW] key and use the CURSOR [Up]/[Down] keys to access the VIEW screen METER page.
The VIEW screen METER page contains meters that show the input level of each channel and the output level of the stereo output channel. It is convenient to display this page when you want to check the level of each track.

Make sure that the selected channel area at the upper left of the METER page indicates either TRACK 1 to 8 or TRACK 9/10 to 15/16. If neither of these are displayed, press either the [TRACK SEL] key 1 to 8 or 9/10 to 15/16.

2	Lower the AW1600's [STEREO] fader to the - infinity position. Also make sure that the AW1600's [MONITOR PHONES] knob and the volume of your monitor system are turned down.
3	Press the PLAY key.
The demo song will begin playing, and the level of each track channel will be displayed in the METER page of the VIEW screen.
4	To adjust the monitor level appropriately, use the AW1600's [MONITOR PHONES] knob and the volume control of your monitor system.

The demo song uses the Scene function to switch the settings of the mixer. This means that playback will occur using the pre-specified balance - you do not need to operate the faders.

5	To stop the song, press the STOP key.

Mixing the demo song
When you play back a song, tracks 1 to 16 of the recorder are directly connected to track channels 1 to 8 and 9/10 to 15/16 of the mixer. The signals that pass through track channels 1 to 8 and 9/10 to 15/16 are sent to the stereo bus, routed through the stereo output channel, and sent from the STEREO/AUX OUT jacks or the MONITOR OUT jacks.

Signal flow during song playback
Recorder section
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Track 4
Track 5
Track 6
Track 7
Track 8
Track 9
Track 10
Track 11
Track 12
Track 13
Track 14
Track 15
Track 16
Track channels
Stereo output channel
Stereo bus
Mixer section

Track channels 1 to 8 and 9/10 to 15/16 are directly controlled by the faders and [TRACK SELECT] keys of the panel. Here's how you can adjust the mix level of each track channel and switch it on/off while the song plays back.

1	Press the RTZ key.
The demo song will be rewound to the beginning.
2	Press the PLAY button.
The demo song will begin playing.
3	While listening to the demo song, try operating faders 1 to 8 and 9/10 to 15/16.
Notice that the level of the corresponding track will change. Operating the [STEREO] fader will change the overall level of the song.
4	To mute the playback of a specific track, access the MONITOR screen ON/OFF page, either by repeatedly pressing the [MONITOR] key or by holding down the [MONITOR] key and using the CURSOR [Up]/[Down] keys.
The MONITOR screen ON/OFF page lets you switch each channel on/off. A channel that is switched off in this page will not be sent to the stereo bus or AUX bus, and will be muted.

This mute function switches muting on or off for the mixer track channels. Recorder track playback can be muted via the TRACK screen VIEW page (-> p. 48).

5	Press the [TRACK SEL] key(s) for the track channel(s) that you want to mute. (You may select more than one channel.)
For example if you press [TRACK SEL] keys 1 and 3, the screen will change as follows, and track channels 1 and 3 will be muted. At this time, [TRACK SEL] keys 1 and 3 will go dark. The graphic in the display will also indicate this.

The [TRACK SEL] key you press last will always light orange regardless of the mute status. This indicates that this channel is the "selected channel" (-> p. 26).

In this page, pressing the [STEREO SEL] key will have no effect.

6	To cancel the muted state, press the same [TRACK SEL] key you pressed in step 5, to make the indicator light green.
7	If you want to monitor the playback of just a specific track, access the MONITOR screen SOLO page by either repeatedly pressing the [MONITOR] key or by holding down the [MONITOR] key and using the CURSOR [Up]/[Down] keys.
The SOLO page of the MONITOR screen lets you mute all other channels while listening to only a specific channel. (This is called the "solo" function.) When you sol a channel in this page, the signals of the remaining channels will be muted, and will no longer be sent to the stereo bus or AUX buses.
8	Press the [TRACK SEL] key of the track channel that you want to solo.
For example if you press [TRACK SEL] key 3, the screen will change as follows, and channels other than track channel 3 will be muted. At this time, [TRACK SEL] key 3 will light orange, and the other [TRACK SEL] keys and [INPUT SEL] keys will go dark.

Only one channel can be soloed at a time.

9	To cancel soloing, press the currently selected [TRACK SEL] key (lit orange) once again.

While playing the demo song, the level or the on/off status of a channel you adjusted manually may return to its previous setting. This is because the Scene function has switched the state of the mixer settings, and is not a malfunction (-> p. 149). You can use the Recall Safe function to temporarily prevent scenes from being recalled. (-> p. 80)

This is the end of the file.