
Owner's Manual

Chapter 7
Various types of playback
This chapter explains how to use the locator and marker functions, and various other playback methods provided by the AW1600.

Using the locator
"Locate points" are locations you specify within a song in order to execute functions such as auto punch-in/out and A-B repeat. You can use this function to "locate" (move the current location of the song) to one of these points just by pressing a single key. On the AW1600, you can use the following locate points.

In/out points
These locate points are used to specify the region for auto punch-in/out (-> p. 59). Normally, the beginning and end of the recording you last performed will be automatically set as the In point and Out point. However, you may change these points as desired.

A/B points
These locate points are used to specify the region for the A-B Repeat function (-> p. 70). The A point and B point can be set to any point in a song, either by pressing a key or by operations in the screen.

Start/end points
These locate points normally correspond to the beginning and end of the song. When you create a new song, the Start point will initially be set to absolute time 00:00:00.000. When you record, the end of the song will automatically be set as the End point. If you record past the previously-set End point, the End point will automatically move back.
If you select SEC or T.C. as the counter display format, the Start point will be the basis (the zero point) of the time and time code that are displayed. This means that if you change the Start point, the display will change as follows, depending on the counter display format.

When you create an audio CD, the Start and End points can be used to specify the region of the stereo track that will be written to the audio CD (-> p. 102).

Start point = 00:00:00:00.00
Counter display format
Start point = 00:00:05:00.00
Counter display format

When the AW1600 transmits MTC to an external device, the Start point will be the basis (the zero point) of the time code that is generated. The Start point will also be the basis (measure 1 beat 1) for the measures displayed in the counter.

Relative zero point
This locate point stores the relative zero position. When you press the RTZ key in the transport section, you will move to this location. If the song is in the initial state, the relative zero point will be the same as absolute time 00:00:00.000, but you can change this if desired by using key operations or operations in the screen.
If you select REL as the counter display format, the current location will be displayed with the Relative Zero point as 0.

The following procedure shows how to register the current location in one of the locate points, and then move the song to that locate point.

1	Move the song to the point that you want to register as a locate point.
You can set a locate point whether the song is playing or stopped.
2	Hold down the [SET] key and press the key for the desired locate point.
The locate points correspond to the following keys.

In point
Out point
A point
B point
Relative Zero point

[IN] key
In point

[OUT] key
Out point

[A] key
A point

[B] key
B point

RTZ key
Relative Zero point

If you want to change the Start point or End point, use the SONG screen POINT page. These points cannot be set by key operations.
The In point and Out point will be updated automatically when you perform a recording operation.

3	To move to a locate point you registered, press the corresponding key while the song is stopped or playing.
The song will move to that location, and an icon will appear at the left side of the counter to indicate the currently selected locate point.

Locator icon

This icon will remain visible until you play or rewind/fast-forward past the previous or next locate point or marker location.
Locate points that you register are displayed in the TRACK screen VIEW page or PAD page as shown below.

Locator icon

Locate point settings are stored on the hard disk as part of the song.
Locate points can be adjusted as desired (-> p. 68). Locate points other than the Start point and End point may also be erased (-> p. 69).

Using markers
"Markers" are symbols that you assign at desired locations in a song, so that you can move quickly to a desired point. You can assign up to 99 markers in each song. Use the MARK SEARCH [Back]/[Forward] keys to find and move to markers.

1	Move to the position in the song at which you want to assign a marker.
You can assign a marker whether the song is playing or stopped.
2	Press the [MARK] key.
The top line of the display will briefly indicate "MARK POINT SET." This indicates that a marker has been set. A new marker will be added each time you press the [MARK] key.
Markers are automatically numbered 1 to 99 starting at the beginning of the song. If you register a new marker between two existing markers, subsequent markers will be automatically renumbered upward.

Register a new marker

Marker settings are stored on the hard disk as part of the song.
Markers can be deleted (-> p. 69) or moved (-> p. 68) as desired.
If you press the [MARK] key at a location in which a marker has already been registered, the display will indicate "CANNOT SET MARK," and a new marker will not be created.

3	Press the MARK SEARCH [Back] key to locate to the previous marker, or press the MARK SEARCH [Forward] key to locate to the next marker.
The song will move to that location, and an icon will appear at the left of the counter to indicate the currently selected marker number.

Marker icon

This icon will remain visible until you play or rewind/fast-forward past the previous or next locate point or marker location.
Markers that you register are displayed in the TRACK screen VIEW page or PAD page as shown below.

Marker icon

Markers other than the marker displayed at the left of the counter are shown as icons without a number, and indicate their approximate location.

When creating an audio CD, you can use markers to divide the stereo track into the tracks that will be written to the audio CD (-> p. 102).

Adjusting the position of a locate point or marker
Here's how you can adjust the position of a previously-registered locate point or marker.

1	In the Work Navigate section, repeatedly press the [SONG] key or hold down the [SONG] key and use the CURSOR keys to access the POINT page.
In the POINT page you can adjust the time location of each locate point and marker.

1	LOCATOR button
2	MARKER button
These buttons select whether the screen will show locate points or markers. The button that is currently turned on will be highlighted.

3	Locator point/marker display area
This area shows a list of the locate points or markers, depending on whether you have selected the LOCATOR button or the MARKER button.

2	If you want to adjust the position of a locate point, make sure that the LOCATE button is turned on (highlighted) in the display.
When the LOCATOR button is on, the POINT page will display the positions of each locate point.

1	Locate points
Shows the type of locate point and its abbreviation.

Shows the position of each locate point as time code or the counter display format.

Shows the position of each locate point as measures/beats. This value is calculated according to the tempo and time signature of the tempo map (-> p. 149).
The format in which the position is displayed will depend on the locate point. The following table shows the display format for each locate point.

Locate point	POSITION field	MEAS field
REL.ZERO	Time code	-
START	Time code	Measure/beat
END	Time code	Measure/beat
IN	Counter display format	Measure/beat
OUT	Counter display format	Measure/beat
A	Counter display format	Measure/beat
B	Counter display format	Measure/beat
(Table End)

If a locate point has not been registered, the numerical field will indicate "--."

3	Move the cursor to the locate point value that you want to adjust, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to change the value.
Only in the case of the Start point, a "Change START Position?" popup window will ask you for confirmation when you attempt to change the value. Move the cursor to the OK button and press the [ENTER] key, and then change the value.

Changing the Start point will mean that locations already recorded in a track will move relative to the measure lines defined by the tempo map. Please be aware of this if you are using measure display for the metronome or for the quick loop sampler.

4	To adjust the location of a marker, move the cursor to the MARKER button in the display and press the [ENTER] key.
When the MARKER button is on, the POINT page will list the markers that have been registered.

1	List
Lists the markers that have been registered. The line that is enclosed by a dotted frame is selected for operations.

These are the marker numbers 01 to 99.

Shows the position of each marker, in the counter display format.

Shows the position of each marker, in measure/beat units.

5	DELETE button
To delete the currently selected marker, move the cursor to this button and press the [ENTER] key.

5	Move the cursor to the MARKER area, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to scroll the list so that the dotted frame encloses the marker number that you want to edit.
6	Move the cursor to the value that you want to edit, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to edit the value.

You cannot change the location beyond the next or previous marker.

Erasing a locate point or marker
If necessary, you can erase a previously-registered locate point (except for the Relative Zero, Start, and End points) or marker.

A locate point that you erase cannot be recovered.

Erasing a locate point
To erase a locate point, hold down the [CANCEL] key in the Locate section, and press the corresponding locate key ([IN]/[OUT] key, [A]/[B] key). That locate point will be erased, and a message of "LOCATE POINT ERASED" will be displayed for a time.

Erasing a marker
You can erase a marker in one of two ways; using key operations, or in the screen.
To erase a marker using key operations, locate to the marker that you want to erase. Then hold down the [CANCEL] key of the Locate section and press the [MARK] key. The corresponding marker will be erased, and a message of "MARK POINT ERASED" will be displayed for a time.
To erase a marker by operations in the screen, access the list of markers in the POINT page of the SONG screen, select the marker that you want to erase, move the cursor to the DELETE button and press the [ENTER] key.

Repeatedly playing a specific region (the A-B Repeat function)
The AW1600 provides an "A-B Repeat" function that repeatedly plays the region between the A point and B point. This is useful when you want to repeatedly play back a certain region of the song while you adjust the mix.

1	Register the A point and B point to the locations at which you want the repeated playback to start and end.
For details on how to set the A point and B point, refer to "Using markers" (-> p. 67).

If you set the B point earlier than the A point, the B -> A region will play repeatedly.

2	While the transport is stopped, press the [REPEAT] key.
The [REPEAT] key will light, and the A-B Repeat function will be on. The song will automatically locate to the A point.

The A and B points must be at least one second apart. If they are closer than this, a message of "REPEAT POINTS TOO CLOSE" will appear when you press the [REPEAT] key, and repeat playback will not be possible.

3	To begin repeat playback, press the PLAY key.
Playback will begin from the A point. When you reach the B point, you will automatically return to the A point and continue playback.

Playback will stop automatically when the A/B region has been repeated 99 times.
If you press the [REPEAT] key while the song is playing, repeat playback between the A and B points will begin automatically, regardless of the current position.

4	To stop playback, press the STOP key.
Playback will stop, but the A-B Repeat function will remain turned on.
When the A-B Repeat function is on, pressing the PLAY key will immediately resume repeat playback, regardless of the current position.
5	To cancel repeat playback, press the [REPEAT] key.
The [REPEAT] key will go dark, and the A-B Repeat function will be cancelled. If you cancel the A-B Repeat function during repeat playback, normal playback will occur from that point.

If you perform a recording operation while the A-B Repeat function is on, the A-B Repeat function will be temporarily disabled.

Finding a location while you listen to the sound (the Nudge function)
"Nudge" is a function that repeatedly plays a short region before or after the current location. By using the Nudge function, you can find a precise location while listening to the playback. This is useful when you need to specify a location precisely, such as when specifying the auto punch-in/out points, or when editing the contents of a track.

1	Locate to the vicinity of the point you want to find.
2	With the transport stopped, press the [JOG ON] key.
The [JOG ON] key will light, and the Nudge function will be turned on. A fixed region (referred to as the "nudge time") starting at the current location will play repeatedly.
3	To move the current location forward, turn the [DATA/JOG] dial toward the right. To move the current location backward, turn the [DATA/JOG] dial toward the left.
If time display is selected as the counter display format, you can move the current location forward or backward in millisecond units. If time code display is selected, you can move in sub-frame units.

Current location
Song track
Nudge time

Even while using the Nudge function, you can use locate points or markers to change the location, or register locate points or markers (-> p. 65).

4	To turn off the Nudge function, press the [JOG ON] key or the transport section STOP key.
The [JOG ON] key will go dark, and the Nudge function will be turned off.
5	If you want to change the playback duration or the playback mode, repeatedly press the Work Navigate section [UTILITY] key or hold down the [UTILITY] key and use the CURSOR keys to access the PREFER page of the UTILITY screen.

Specifies the region of sound (before or after the current location) that will be played by the Nudge function.

Specifies the duration of the region that will be played by the Nudge function.

6	To change the playback duration (nudge time), move the cursor to the value of the NUDGE TIME field, and use the [DATA/JOG] dial to set the nudge time.
You can set the nudge time in a range of 25 ms to 800 ms. (Default = 500 ms).
7	To change the playback position (nudge mode), move the cursor to the NUDGE MODE button, and press the [ENTER] key to switch between the following two nudge modes.

Repeatedly play for the duration of the nudge time, starting at the current location (default).

Repeatedly play for the duration of the nudge time, ending at the current location.

Current location
Current location

You cannot change the nudge time or nudge mode while using the Nudge function. You must turn off the Nudge function, and change these settings while the [JOG ON] key is dark.

Finding a location while you view the waveform
The AW1600 lets you find a location while viewing the waveform of the sound recorded on the track.

1	Locate to the vicinity of the point you want to find.
2	Repeatedly press the Work Navigate section [TRACK] key or hold down the [TRACK] key and use the CURSOR keys to access the VIEW page of the TRACK screen.
3	Move the cursor to the TRACK field, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the number of the track whose waveform you want to view.
4	Move the cursor to the WAVE button and press the [ENTER] key.
The WAVE DISPLAY popup window will appear. This popup window displays the waveform of the audio data recorded in the current track of the track (1 to 16) you selected in step 3.

Indicates the currently selected track number. You can also move the cursor to this field and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to switch tracks.

2	Counter
Displays the location of the vertical line (pointer) indicating the current location in the WAVE DISPLAY popup window. You can move the cursor to this field and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to move the current location forward or backward.

By moving the cursor to this area and turning the [DATA/JOG] dial, you can expand or shrink the waveform display in the time axis. The value of this field indicates the length of time displayed in the WAVE DISPLAY popup window.
If you select 1SEC, the distance from the left edge to the right edge of the screen will correspond to one second. Selecting SAMPLE will produce the highest magnification, and each horizontal pixel will correspond to one sample (1/44,100 second).

By moving the cursor to this area and turning the [DATA/JOG] dial, you can expand or shrink the waveform display in the amplitude axis. The value of this field indicates the level range of the waveform displayed in the WAVE DISPLAY popup window. If you select 0 dB, the top and bottom edges of the screen will correspond to the maximum level.

5	LISTEN button
If you move the cursor to this button and press the [ENTER] key, the waveform in the display area of the WAVE DISPLAY popup window will be played once. During playback, the vertical line (pointer) that indicates the current location will move, and the counter value will also change.
You cannot perform conventional transport operations when playing back by pressing the LISTEN button.

6	EXIT button
If you move the cursor to this button and press the [ENTER] key, you will exit the WAVE DISPLAY popup window and return to the previous VIEW page.

Even after displaying the WAVE DISPLAY popup window, you can use the [TRACK SEL] keys to switch the track for viewing.

5	As necessary, move the cursor to the TIME/AMP fields and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to adjust the vertical and horizontal scale of the waveform display.
6	To specify a location within the popup window, move the cursor to the counter and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial.
Turning the dial toward the right will move the pointer forward, and turning the dial toward the left will move it backward. If necessary, you can use the LISTEN button to play the waveform region shown in the WAVE DISPLAY popup window, and check the location by listening.

You can also change the pointer position by using the locate points or markers that are registered in the song (-> p. 65, 67).
The position displayed in the counter can be registered as a locate point or marker (-> p. 65, 67).

7	When you have finished specifying the location, move the cursor to the EXIT button and press the [ENTER] key.
You will return to the previous VIEW page, and the location that you specified in the popup window will remain the current location. As desired, register the location as a locate point or marker.

This is the end of the file.