
You use PATTERN mode to record and edit user phrases, to assemble preset and user phrases into patterns, and to set up the pattern playback characteristics.
This chapter describes all PATTERN-mode operations: pattern arrangement (style and sections), pattern play effects, voice and effects settings, phrase recording and editing, and pattern jobs.


[F1] Play Effects 
[F2] Pattern Voice Setup 
[F3] Pattern Effects 
[F4] Phrase Solo 
	[F6] Phrase Table 
[Recording] Phrase Recording 
[EDIT] Phrase Edit 
[JOB] Pattern Job 

You use PATTERN mode to record and edit user phrases, to assemble phrases into patterns, and to set up the playback characteristics for your patterns. 
The phrase is the basic unit of song-accompaniment patterns. 
A single phrase, for example, might provide a bass line for a bass part, a rhythm line for a rhythm part, or a chord backing for a guitar part. 
The QY700 includes 3,876 built-in phrases (preset phrases) that you can use to build your patterns. In addition, you can record and edit your own, original user phrases: up to 99 user phrases for each of the 64 available pattern styles. For general information about phrases, see Chapter 1. (-> p.37)
During replay, the QY700 can modulate (transpose) phrases to match a specified chord type and root. To do this, the QY700 uses an internal chord conversion table to convert the phrase's original chord/pitch relationships in accordance with the target chord type (28 types) and root (12 roots). 
For general information about the chord conversion setup, see Chapter 1. (-> p.38) 

A pattern is a multitrack arrangement of phrases. The pattern can consist of up to 16 tracks (or parts), with each part producing its own phrase sequence. Although each phrase reproduces a single instrument (voice), the pattern combines these phrases to produce a multivoice accompaniment -- which may include, for example, multiple drum phrases, a bass phrase, chord comps, and so on. 
The pattern is the basic unit of song accompaniment. At any given instant the QY700 can play a single pattern only (consisting of up to 16 tracks of independent phrase sequences). 
During replay, the QY700 switches from pattern to pattern in accordance with the pattern sequence you have specified. 
The QY700 organizes patterns within styles and sections. 
More precisely, each pattern exists as a section within a style. 
A style is a general accompaniment type, such as "TECHNO 1" or "Hip Hop." Each style consists of eight sections (A through H), which give different segments of the accompaniment: 
intro section, first melody section, fill-in, ending, and so on. Each section is equivalent to one pattern. (Thus, "Style 1 Section A," "Style 1 Section B," and "Style 9 Section D" all identify distinct patterns.) 

The QY700 provides 64 styles. Since you can set up 8 sections for each style, you can create, store, and access up to 512 patterns. 
You can transpose (modulate) an entire pattern by changing its source-chord value. The QY700 executes the modulation by transposing all of the phrase's patterns accordingly (using the chord conversion table). 
For more information about patterns, refer to Chapter 1. (-> p.39)

Track Output Channels 
During pattern replay, the QY700 transmits pattern-track data to both the tone generator block and the MIDI OUT connectors. You can set up the track/channel correspondence using the SONG mode's Output Channel function. (-> p.103)

PATTERN mode consists of a main screen (PATCH screen), and six submodes. You can access the submodes from the PATCH screen by pressing [F1], [F2], [F3], [Recording], [EDIT], or [JOB]. 
Key operation from the PATCH screen is as follows. 
[F1] (PlayFx) Move to Play Effects submode. (-> p.212) 
[F2](Voice) Move to Pattern Voice submode. (-> p.225) 
[F3](Effect) Move to Pattern Effects submode. (-> p.239) 
[F4](PhrSolo) Select "phrase solo" operation: The QY700 begins repeated playback of the cursor-selected phrase 
[F5](Rest) Enter a rest at the cursor-selected phrase position.
[F6](Clear) Delete the cursor-selected phrase or rest. 
[Recording] Move to Phrase Recording submode. 
[EDIT] Move to Phrase Editing submode. 
[JOB] Move to Pattern Job submode. 


[F1] Play Effects 
[F2] Pattern Voice Setup 
[F3] Pattern Effects 
[F4] Phrase Solo 
	[F6] Phrase Table 
[Recording] Phrase Recording 
[EDIT] Phrase Edit 
[JOB] Pattern Job 

Parameter 	Values 	Function 	See page 
1 Style number 	01 to 64 	Selects the style. 	P.202 
Style name 	View only 	Name of selected style. 	
2 Section 	A to H 	Selects the section (pattern). 	P.202 
Pattern name 	View only 	Name of pattern. 
3 Section connection 	A to H 	Selects next section. 	P.202 
4 Chord root 	C, C sharp, D, E flat, E, F, F sharp, G, A flat, A, B flat, B 
Chord type 	M, M7, 6, 7, m, m7, m6, mM7, m7(b5), dim, aug, sus4, add9, M7(9), 6(9), 7(9), madd9, M9, m7(9), m7(11), 7(b5), 7(#5), 7(b9), 7(#9), 7(13), 7(b13), 7sus4, 7(#11), --- (THRU) 	Selects initial (default) chord root and type for pattern replay. 	P.203 
5 Fingered-chord switch 	OFF, FINGRD 	Selects use or nonuse of fingered-chord input. 	P.204 
6 Current measure 	001 to pattern length Sets playback start location; or shows current playback location. 	P.204 
Measure length 	Pattern length (in measures) 	Shows total length of pattern. 
7 Tempo 	25.0 to 300.0 	Sets tempo for pattern playback. 	P.204 
Meter (time signature) 	1/16 to 16/16; 1/8 to 16/8; 1/4 to 8/4 	Sets the pattern's time signature. 
8 Click mode 	Off, Rec, Ply, All 	Selects use of acoustic click. 	P.205 
Click beat 	sixteenth note, eighth note, Quarter note, half note, whole note Selects the click interval. 
Count 	Off, 1 to 8Ms 	Sets number of lead-in measures to recording start. 
9 Data display 	View only Shows scale time, beat shift, or phrase name. 	P.205 
10 Track number 	1 to 16 	Pattern track. 	P.205 
11 Measure 	M001 to pattern length 	Determines phrase location within pattern (by measure). 	P.205 
12 Track status 	[M]: MUTE [S]: SOLO 	Indicates/selects track SOLO or track MUTE. 	P.206 
13 Scale time	 050 percent, 066 percent, 075 percent, 100 percent, 133 percent, 150 percent, 200 percent 	Proportionally adjusts playback length of phrases on track. 	P.206 
14 Beat shift 	minus 32 to plus 00 to plus 32 (*sixteenth note) 	Shifts playback timing of phrases on track, in 16th-note increments. 	P.207 
15 Phrase number 		Identifies/selects phrase. 	P.207 
Instrument category 	Da,Db,Fa,Fb,Fc,DP,PC,PF,Ba,Bb,GC,GA,GR,KC,KA,KR,PD,BR,SE,US 
Beat 	16,08,34 
Sequential no. 	001 to 256 (preset); 001 to 099 (user) 

When you enter PATTERN mode, the QY700 displays the PATCH screen. You can use this screen to create a pattern (by arranging phrases onto the 16 pattern tracks), or to select and replay an existing pattern. 
During pattern playback, you can change the chord setting so that the pattern modulates. If you enable the fingered-chord switch, you can make the changes by playing appropriate chords at the microkeyboard or at an external MIDI keyboard. 
The lower half of the PATCH screen shows the pattern's phrase arrangement, by measure and by track. You can change the phrase settings directly at this screen. By selecting different voices for each track, you can easily build and try out a wide number of multipart variations (drum plus guitar plus bass, and so on). 

To select and play a pattern 
1. Press [PATTERN]. 
The QY700 enters PATTERN mode. The PATTERN indicator lamp comes on. 
2. Select the pattern. (-> p.202) 
Move the cursor to the style-number and section-letter areas on the screen, and make your selection using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 
3. Press the [Play] to start playback. 
The PLAY indicator lamp comes on, and the QY700 begins playback of the selected pattern. The QY700 repeats the pattern until you change the selection or switch playback off. 
4. Press the [Stop] to stop the playback. 

To create a pattern 
1. Press the [PATTERN]. 
The QY700 enters PATTERN mode. The PATTERN indicator lamp comes on. 
2. Select the pattern that you want to work on. 
. Move the cursor to the style-number and section-letter areas on the screen, and make your selection using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 
3. Set the pattern length and time signature. (-> p.204.) 
. Press [D1] or [D2] to move the cursor into the appropriate setting area. Set the values using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 
4. Move the cursor to the appropriate phrase-entry location. 
. Move the cursor to the appropriate track and measure location (lower half of the screen). 
5. Make an initial selection using the data dial or [Decrement] key/[Increment] key. 
The QY700 displays the phrase name and number. 
6. Complete the selection. (-> p.207) 
The phrase number consists of three sections: the instrument category, the beat value, and a sequential number. Move the cursor to each of these sections as necessary, and make your selection using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 
To enter a rest rather than a phrase: Press [F5] (Rest). 
To delete a phrase or rest setting: Move the cursor to the setting, and press [F6] (Clear). 
7. Set the beat shift and scale time (-> p.206, 207) 
Move the cursor to the beat-shift and scale-time entry areas, and set the values using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 
Note that the following controls continue to be effective while you are working at the PATCH screen: [Top], [Rewind]/[Forward], [Stop], [Play], and the shuttle dial. 
If you want to hear one of the phrases playing alone, select the phrase with the cursor and then press [F4](PhrSolo). 
The QY700 will begin repeated solo play of the selected phrase. 

1. Style number and name 
2. Section, and pattern name 
Each pattern exists as a section within a style. You select the pattern by selecting the style (by number: 01 to 64) and section (by letter: A to H). The QY700 displays the corresponding style and section names next to your entries. If you select an empty style or section, the QY700 displays a blank string (********) in the name area. 
You can use the Pattern Name job to set or edit the style and section names. Explanation of pattern jobs begins on page 256. 
For general information about styles and sections, refer to page 39. 
[Setting values]
Style number 01 to 64 
Section A to H 

1. Move the cursor to the style-number or section-letter entry area. 
2. Enter the appropriate value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad -> [ENTER]. 
[Supplementary comments]
For the section letter, you can also make your selection by pressing one of the first eight keys on the microkeyboard (section keys "A" to "H": the section letter appears under the key). 
If you change the style or section setting while playback is in progress, the QY700 will change the sound at the beginning of the next measure. 

3. Section connection 
This setting sets up automatic section switching. If the QY700 encounters this section during SONG replay, it plays the section once and then automatically switches into the section indicated at the right of the arrow (unless explicitly instructed otherwise by a PATTERN-track entry). 
Note that the setting operates only during playback under SONG mode. Automatic pattern switching does not occur while you are working in PATTERN mode. 
If the setting is A -> B, for example, then if the QY700 encounters section A during song playback, it plays the section once and then proceeds to Section B (of the same style). 
If the setting is A -> A, then the QY700 continues to repeat section A until instructed otherwise. 
A connection value of corresponds to "end of playback." 
If the setting is A -> , then upon encountering section A the QY700 will play it once and then terminate the song play. 
[Setting values]
A to H, (equal  end)

1. Move the cursor to the section-connection setting (the entry to the right of the arrow). 
2. Enter the appropriate value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the microkeyboard. 

4. Chord root and type 
This area sets the chord root and type for the initial (default) playback of the pattern. 
For each chord, you can select from among 12 roots and 28 types. 
For each chord, you can also select a separate on-bass or original bass setting. 
On-bass: 	Converts all bass-type phrases into repetitions of the selected on-bass pitch. (All bass-phrase notes automatically transpose into the selected pitch.) 
Original bass: 	Causes all bass-type phrases to transpose to the selected "original bass" chord (root and type). All notes within the bass phrase transpose to constituent notes of the "original bass" chord. 
For a full chord listing, refer to the QY700 Reference Listings (separately bound). 
[Setting values]
Chord root
C, C sharp, D, E flat, E, F, F sharp, G, A flat, A, B flat, B 
Chord type 
M, M7, 6, 7, m, m7, m6, mM7, m7(5), dim, aug, sus4, add9, M7(9), 6(9), 7(9), madd9, m7(9), m7(11), 7(5), 7(5), 7(9), 7(9), 7(13), 7(13), 7sus4, 7(11),--- (THRU) 

If you do not want to use fingered chording 
1. Set the fingered-chord switch to OFF. (See next page.) 
2. Move the cursor to the chord root/type area on the screen. 
3. Select the root by pressing a microkeyboard key from E2 to D sharp 3. 
4. Select the type by pressing a key from E3 to F4. 
5. To set an on-bass pitch: Hold down the left-side 
[OCT DOWN] key and press a key from E2 to D3. 
To set an original bass: Hold down the left-side [OCT UP] key and press a key from E3 to F4. 
6. Press [ENTER] to register your entries. 

If you want to use fingered chording 1. Go to UTILITY mode and set up the fingered-chord zone. (-> p.299) 
2. Move the cursor to the fingered-chord switch area, and set the value to FINGRD (see next page). Leave the cursor in this area as you proceed. 
3. Press down the keys for the appropriate chord, using either the microkeyboard or a remote MIDI keyboard. 
Be sure that all the keys you press are within the fingered-chord zone. The QY700 will automatically detect and register the root and type values. 
To select an on-bass or original-bass value: Continue to hold down the chord notes within the fingered-chord zone, while pressing one note (to set an on-bass) or multiple notes (to set an original bass) in the keyboard area to the left of the zone. 
[Supplementary comments]
For more information about how to enter chords, refer to 

5. Fingered-chord switch 
This setting enables or disables the fingered-chord feature. 
If you enable this feature (by setting the value to FINGRD), you will be able to enter chord values directly by playing the appropriate chord either at the microkeyboard or at a remote MIDI keyboard. Specifically, you can enter the root and type by playing the keys within the keyboard's fingered-chord zone (-> p.299), and you can enter an on-bass or original-bass value by playing the appropriate key(s) in the area to the left of the zone. See the procedure given on the previous page. 
. For general information about the fingered chord feature, refer to Chapter 1. (-> p.42) 

[Setting values]

1. Move the cursor to the fingered-chord switch area. 
2. Use the data dial or [Decrement] key/[Increment] key to select the setting. 
[Supplementary comments]
If you have selected fingered chording, you can use the area to the right of the zone for normal play while using the rest of the keyboard for your chord input. But remember that all keyboard area from the chord downward is reserved for chord input only. 

6. Current measure; pattern length 
The top value sets the measure from which playback begins. 
The value then increments as playback proceeds. 
The lower value indicates the pattern's length, in measures. 
There are three ways to jump to a different measure while playback is in progress, as follows. 
1. Press [D1] to move the cursor into this measure area, and then change the current-measure value. 
2. Rotate the shuttle dial, or press [Rewind] or [Forward]. 
3. Press t to return to the top of the song. 
[Setting values]
Current length 	001 to pattern length (in measures) 
1. Press d [D1] once to move the cursor to the current-measure area, or twice to move it to the pattern-length area. 
2. Set the value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 

7. Tempo and meter 
The values set the tempo and meter (time signature) for pattern playback. 
The meter setting applies to all sections within in the style. 
Each style retains its own tempo and meter settings within memory. 
[Setting values]
Tempo 25.0 to 300.0 ( equal Quarter note )
Meter 1/16 to 16/16; 1/8 to 16/8; 1/4, to 8/4

1. Press [D2] as necessary to move the cursor to the tempo or meter setting. 
2. Set the value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 

8. Click beat, click mode, and count 
These parameters set up the sequencer's click sound. 
The beat value sets the click interval. 
The mode setting determines when the click feature is used. 
The count value sets the number of preliminary measures used as a lead-in for realtime recording. 
[Setting values]
Click mode: 
Off 	Disables the click feature. 
Rec 	Use click for realtime and punch recording only. 
Ply 	Use click for realtime recording, punch recording, and playback. 
All 	Always use click. 
Click beat 	sixteenth note, Eighth note, Quarter note, half note, whole note 
Count 	Off, 1 to 8Ms 

1. Press d [D4] as necessary to move the cursor to the appropriate click parameter. 
2. Set the value using the data dial or [Decrement] key/[Increment] key. (For the click beat, you can also set the value by pressing the appropriate note key on the numeric keypad.) 

9. Data display 
This area shows the name of the currently selected phrase, or the value of the currently selected scale-time or beat-shift setting. 

10. Track number 
11. Measure 
The lower half of the PATCH screen presents a matrix showing the pattern's phrase arrangement, with the track numbers running down the left side and the measure numbers running across the top. 
The track numbers run from 1 to 16. The measure numbers run from M001 (measure 1) to the final measure in the pattern. 
The entire arrangement cannot fit on the screen, but you can scroll in any direction as required. 
You can edit the pattern by entering any phrase, or a rest value, at any location on the matrix. 
[Setting values]
Track 	1 to 16 
Measure 	M001 to pattern length 
(where pattern length is set by the second value in the [D1] entry area; see page 204.) 
Move to the appropriate matrix position using [TRACK UP]/[TRACK DOWN], and/or the cursor keys. 

12. Track status 
You can choose to mute out one or more tracks, or to set one or more tracks to SOLO play. An [M] mark appears to indicate that a track is muted; an [S]mark indicates that it is set to SOLO. 
If you set one or more tracks to SOLO, the QY700 automatically switches off playback from all other tracks. (The track-number borders change appearance to indicate the tracks that are temporarily switched off.)
. During playback, the track-status area operates as a velocity meter that monitors the playback level of each track in real time.

1. Select a non-empty track by pressing [TRACK UP]/[TRACK DOWN] or the up or down cursor key. 
2. To mute the track: Press [MUTE] once, so that the appears. 
To release a mute: Press [MUTE] once again. 
3. To set the track to SOLO: Press [SOLO], so that the [S] appears. 
To deselect SOLO: Press [SOLO] once again. 

You can easily use this feature to listen to your tracks one by one. Begin by playing one of the tracks solo, then move the cursor to select the next track, then press [SOLO] again. 
Note that each time you press [SOLO], any previous SOLO selection is automatically canceled. 

4. You can also use the solo feature to select multiple tracks "solo", so that only the selected tracks are produced (with all other tracks silent). Begin by setting one of the tracks to SOLO as described above. Then move to each of the other tracks and press [SHIFT] plus [SOLO]. 
To cancel all of these solo selections at once : Move the cursor to any one of the tracks, and press [SOLO].
 To switch off only one of the solo selections : Move to the corresponding track, and press [SHIFT] plus [SOLO]. 
13. Scale time
You use this value to speed up or slow down the playing speed of the phrases on the corresponding track. The scale-time value acts as a multiplier. 
If the meter is set to 4/4, for example, then setting the scale time to 50 percent compresses the meter to 2/4, while setting it to 75 percent compresses the meter to 3/4. A 150 percent scale time expands the meter to 6/4; a 200 percent time expands it to 8/4. 
Note timing also changes accordingly. At 50 percent scale, a quarter note in the original phrase converts into an eighth note; at 66 percent, into a quarter-note triplet; at 75 percent, into a dotted eighth; at 133 percent, into a quarter plus eighth-triplet; at 150 percent, into a dotted quarter; at 200 percent, into a half note. 
This scaling feature makes it easy to set up complex rhythms within your patterns. 
[Setting values]
050 percent, 066 percent, 075 percent, 100 percent, 133 percent, 150 percent, 200 percent

14. Beat shift 
You use this feature to shift the entire pattern backwards or forwards in time, by 16th-note increments. 
A setting of  plus 01*x sixteenth note, for example, shifts the phrase forward (toward the end of the pattern) by one 16th note, while a setting of minus 01*x sixteenth note shifts the phrase backwards by that amount. 
This feature lets you produce a wide range of variations from a single phrase. This, in turn, increases the range of patterns that you can build. 
[Setting values]
minus 32*x  to plus 00*x to  plus 32*x sixteenth note

15. Phrase number and name 
As mentioned above, you can freely enter or change phrases within the matrix area of the PATCH screen. You select each phrase by its phrase number, as described below. 
If a selected phrase is longer than one measure, the box surrounding the phrase number will extend horizontally across the measure boundary. 
. A phrase starts playing at the measure at which it is entered, and continues until the last measure of the pattern or until a subsequent entry is encountered on the same line (track). 
You select a phrase by moving the cursor to the matrix position, then setting the phrase number as described immediately below. Note that the data area (above the matrix) shows the phrase number, phrase name, and instrument category for the cursor-selected phrase. 
The QY700 provides two types of phrases: preset phrases and user phrases. 
The phrase number for a preset phrase consists of three 
fields: the instrument category, the beat value, and a sequential number. You select the phrase by choosing values for each of these fields. You can select from a total of 3,876 preset phrases. 
The phrase number for a user phrase consists of two fields. 
It starts with the characters US (in the instrument-category field), which are followed by a sequential number. (The beat field is left blank.) 
[Setting values]
Instrument category 	

Instrument category 	Numeric keypad entry 
Da 	Drum-a	1
Db 	Drum-b(General)		2
Fa 	Drum Fill-a(Pop&Rock)	3
Fb 	Drum Fill-b (Specific)	4
Fc 	Drum Fill-c(General)	5
DP 	Drum Parts	6
PC 	Percussion	7
PF 	Percussion Fill	8
Ba 	Bass-a	9
Bb 	Bass-b(General)	10
GC 	Guitar Chord	11
GA 	Guitar Arpeggio	12
GR 	Guitar Riff	13
KC 	Keyboard Chord	14
KA 	Kbd Arpeggio	15
KR 	Keyboard Riff	16
PD 	PadBR Brass	17
SE 	Sound Effect	18
US 	User	19
(Table End)

Beat value 
Beat category 	Numeric keypad entry
16 	16 beats	5
08 	8 beats	4
34 	3/4 beat 	3
(Table End)

Sequential number	
Preset phrase: 001 to 256 
User phrase: 001 to 099 

1. Move the cursor to an appropriate space in the matrix area. 
2. Press [Decrement] key/[Increment] key or rotate the data dial to cause a phrase
number to appear.
3. Move the cursor to each of the fields of the phrase number (instrument category, beat value, and sequential number) in turn. For each field, select the appropriate 
value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad.
[Supplementary comments]
Phrase numbers for user phrases do not include a beat value. 
You can record new user phrases using the Phrase Recording submode. (-> p.247) 

[F5] (Rest) 
You use this function to enter a rest into the cursor-selected space on the matrix.
The rest causes any phrase that is already playing on that track to stop, so that the track becomes silent. The track remains silent until the next phrase entry appears.

[F6] (Clear) 
Use this function to delete any entry (phrase or rest) from the matrix. Simply move the cursor to the entry, and then press [F6] (Clear).

[F4] (PhrSolo) 
The "phrase-solo" feature lets you play a single phrase repeatedly. Just move the cursor to the phrase you want to hear, and then press [F4] (PhrSolo). All other phrases immediately stop playing, and the selected phrase plays repeatedly. 
While this feature remains selected, you can switch play from one phrase to another by moving the cursor. Phrase-solo operation continues in effect until you press [F4] (PhrSolo) once again to switch it off. 
Once you have moved into phrase-solo operation, you can press [F6] (PhrTable) (-> p.209) to access the phrase table for the selected phrase. This table shows the various internal settings for the phrase, as described immediately below. 

Phrase Table 

[F4] Phrase Solo 
[F6] Phrase Table 

Parameter 	Values 	Function 	See page 
1 Phrase number, name 	View only 	Identifies the currently selected phrase. 	P.210 
2 Length 	View only 	Shows the length of the phrase, in measures. 	P.210 
3 Phrase type 	Mldy1, Mldy2, Chrd1, Chrd2, Bass, Bypas, Para 	Shows/selects phrase type, for purposes of chord conversion. 	P.210 
4 Retrigger 	OFF, ON 	Shows/selects how in-play phrase responds to chord change. If OFF, the phrase stops; if ON, it transposes and continues. 
5 Low and high limits 	Low: C-2 to G8 High: C-1 to G8 	Pitch range for modulated phrase playback. (Notes outside this range are shifted by octave as necessary.) 
6 High key 	C to B 	Highest key for upward transposition of root.(Applies to Mldy1, Chrd1, and Bass phrase types only.) 	P.211 
7 Voice category 		Shows/selects the voice used for playing the phrase. 	P.211 
Program number 	001 to 128 
Bank number 	000 to 127 
8 Source chord 	Chord root and type 	Phrase's original key (chord). 	P.211 
(Table End)

You use the phrase table to access the parameters for the currently selected phrase. 
Note that it is not possible to edit the parameter values for preset phrases. But you are free to edit the values on your user phrases. 
If you wish to change the values for a preset phrase, you can copy it into a user phrase, and then edit the copy. 
1. Select the phrase at the PATCH screen. (-> p.208) 
2. Press [F4] (PhrSolo) once, to set the PATCH screen into "phrase solo" mode. 
3. Press [F6] (PhrTable) to move to the Phrase Table screen. 
4. If you have selected a user phrase: Move the cursor to each of the settings you want to change, and enter the appropriate value using [Decrement] key/[Increment] key or the data dial. 
5. When you have finished, press [EXIT] to return to the "phrase solo" screen. 
6. When you are ready, press [EXIT] again to release "phrase solo" and resume normal PATCH-screen operation. 

1. Phrase number and name 
These values identify the currently selected phrase. 
You can use the Phrase Name job to set or change the names for your user phrases. (-> p.279)

2. Phrase length 
This value shows the phrase's length, in measures. 
It is not possible to change this value for existing phrases. 
Before recording a new user phrase, however, you can set the length value from the Recording Standby screen. (-> p.249) 

3. Phrase type 
The TYPE value selects the kind of chord conversion used when modulating (transposing) the phrase. Different TYPE settings result in different conversion results, as follows. 
The "Melody" types (Mdly1, Mldy2) generate relatively slight, subtle changes in the playback sound. 
The "Chord" types (Chrd1, Chrd2) generate relatively large changes in the playback sound. 
For Mldy1 and Chrd1 transpositions, the QY700 first converts the original phrase line according to the chord type, and then transposes according to the chord root. For Mldy2 and Chrd2 transpositions, the QY700 attempts to remain closer to the original sound, so that the chord change is somewhat smoother. 
The Bass type is used for bass phrases. For these phrases, the QY700 always produces the root note at the start of any chord change. In addition, transposition is always according to the target chord's on-bass or original-bass setting (if any). 
The Bypas (Bypass) setting disables all phrase transposition the phrase always bypasses the conversion process and plays out in its original sound. (Note that drum and percussion voices are always Bypas type.) 
The Para (parallel) type transposes by root only; the chord type is ignored. This is useful for phrases that contain implicit internal chord changes, since chord type conversion in this case may produce unpredictable or clashing results. 
[Setting values]
Mldy1, Mldy2, Chrd1, Chrd2, Bass, Bypas, Para 

4. Retrigger 
This setting determines how the phrase responds to chord changes that occur while the phrase is already playing. If the setting is OFF, the phrase switches off when the chord change occurs. If ON, the QY700 transposes the phrase (in accordance with the chord-conversion parameters) and continues the playback. 
[Setting values]

5. Low and high limits 
These values select the highest and lowest notes that can be used for replay of the transposed phrase. If transposition produces a note that is outside the limit, the QY700 shifts the note (by octave) to bring it into range.
[Setting values]
Low limit 	C-2 to ,G8
High limit 	C-1 to G8 

6. High key 
This setting determines the highest key that the chord root can take following transposition. The setting applies only to phrases of the following types: Mldy1, Chrd1, and Bass. 
To transpose any of these phrase types, the QY700 normally shifts the root upwards by the number of semitones separating the source chord's root and the new chord's root. Because too large a shift upward can cause the phrase to lose its original character, however, the QY700 will automatically shift downward, by one octave, any transposition that would move to a root higher than the value set here. 
[Setting values]
C to B
7. Voice category, program number, bank number, and voice name 
The first three values (voice category, program number, and bank number) select the voice used to play the phrase. The screen also displays the selected voice's name. 
The voice category selects the general voice class, as given by the Bank Select MSB (the most significant byte of the Bank Select value). 
The program number selects the voice within the category. 
The bank number (or Bank Select LSB) can be used to select one of the alternative voices assigned to the program number. This value is effective only with respect to voices in the "normal" category; the value is fixed at 000 for all other categories. 
[Setting values]
Voice category 
Normal voice (Bank Select MSB  equal  000). 
SFX voice (Bank Select MSB  equal  064). This type of SFX voice (sound-effects voice) has the same character over the full range of the keyboard, but different keys produce the sound in different pitches (as with a normal voice). 
SFX kit (Bank Select MSB  equal  126). This type of voice exists as a collection of different sounds, so that each key produces a different kind of sound effect. 
Drum voice (Bank Select MSB  equal  127). As with the SFX kit, each key produces a different type of drum sound. 
Note that these sounds cannot be changed directly by editing. 

Program number 
001 to 128 
Bank number 
000 to 127 
[Supplementary comments]
For more information above voice and bank settings, refer to Chapter 1. (-> p.43) 
For a listing of voice names, voice numbers, and bank settings, refer to the QY700 Reference Listings. 

8. Source chord 
This value shows the phrase's original key (the key and chord value under which the phrase was originally played). The QY700 uses this value as the basis for executing chord conversions on the phrase. 
You can set this value only when recording a new user phrase. Be sure to set the value correctly, as an incorrect setting may lead to improper transpositions. 
[Setting values]
Chord root
C, C sharp , D, E flat, E, F, F sharp, G, A flat, A, B flat, B 
(Where C is equivalent to D, etc.)
Chord type
M, M7, 6, 7, m, m7, m6, mM7, m7(5), dim, aug, sus4, add9, M7(9), 6(9), 7(9), madd9, m7(9), m7(11), 7(5), 7(5), 7(9), 7(9), 7(13), 7(13), 7sus4, 7(11),--- (THRU) 
[Supplementary comments]
For information about setting up chords, refer to Chapter 1. (-> p.61) 

2. Play Effects 

[F1] Play Effects 
	[F1] Groove Quantize 
	[F4] Groove View 
[F2] Clock Shift, Gate Time, and Velocity 
[F3] Transpose 
	[F4] Drum Table Edit 

The Play Effects submode allows you to adjust various pattern-playback parameters, including note timing, gate timing, and velocities. The submode gives you a high level of control over playback timing and articulation. Note that these adjustments are fully reversible and do not cause changes in your recorded data. 
Each style stores its own play-effect settings. When you change to a different style, the new style's settings automatically become effective. Note that the play-effect settings apply to all eight sections within the style. 
You can use the "Expand Backing" job (song job 21; R p.162) to convert your pattern data (as adjusted by the Play Effects settings) into MIDI sequence data. The job stores the results onto sequence tracks 17 to 32. 
You can continue to replay the selected pattern while working in the Play Effects submode. The playback keys ([Play],[Stop],[Top], [Rewind]/[Forward]) continue to operate. This means that you can monitor the results of your changes as you make 
The Play Effects submode comprises three main pages together with two supplementary pages. You access the main pages by pressing the appropriate function keys ([F1], [F2], [F3]). You can access the supplementary page (where available) by pressing [F4]. You can also switch to a different submode by pressing [F5] or [F6]. 
[F1] (Groove) displays the "Groove Quantize" page. You use this page to set up the rhythm quantizing for each track. 
[F2] (Shf|GT|Vel) selects the "Clock Shift, Gate Time, and Velocity" page. You use this page to set the corresponding values. Again, values are set separately for each track. 
[F3] (Transpose) selects the "Transpose" page. You use this page to set transposition values for each track. You also use it to access the "Drum Table Edit" page; see below. 
[F5](-> Voice) switches you into Pattern Voice submode, where you can set up the voicing for each style. (-> p.225) 
[F6] (-> Effect) switches you into Pattern Effects submode, where you can set up the effects for each style. (-> p.239.) 
[F4] (GrovView), accessible only from the "Groove Quantize" page, switches the display to the "Groove View" screen. You can use this screen to view the groove templates, and to view or adjust your user templates. 
[F4] (DrTabEdit), accessible only from the "Transpose" page, switches you to the "Drum Table Edit" page. You can use this page to adjust the drum table settings. 
1. At the PATCH screen in Pattern mode, press [F1] (PlayFx). 
The QY700 enters the Play Effects submode. 
2. If necessary, change the page by pressing the appropriate function key: [F1] (Groove), [F2] (Shf|GT|Vel), or [f3] (Transpose). Listen to the playback while making the various adjustments. 
3. When you have finished, press [EXIT] to return to the PATCH screen. 
[Supplementary comments]
Adjustment shortcut 1: To adjust the cursor-selected parameter by an equal amount on all tracks, hold down [SHIFT] while rotating the data dial or pressing [Decrement] key or [Increment] key. 
Adjustment Shortcut 2: To set the cursor-selected parameter to the same value on all tracks, hold down s and enter the value at the numeric keypad. 

Groove Quantizing 

[F1] Play Effects 
	[F1] Groove Quantize 
	[F4]Groove View 
Parameter 	Values 	Function 	See page 
1 Track number 	01 to 16 	Shows track numbers. (Track number at top right, and highlighted track-number box, show track selected for editing.) 	P.216 
2 Measure 	001 to 256 	Sets location (measure) for beginning of pattern playback, and indicates current playback location. 	P.85 
3 Voice program 	View only	Identifies the voice program, as selected under VOICE mode. 	P.85 
4 THRU setting 	(equal off), T ( equal on) 	Sets the play effects ON or OFF for each track. 	P.85 
5 Groove template 	-- ( equal off),1 to 100,US 	Sets the groove template, for each track. 	P.86 
6 Quantizing value 	(Selectable only if template type  equal  US.) 	Timing interval used as basis for quantization. 	P.86 
7 Strength 	000 percent to 100 percent 	Sets degree by which notes are pulled toward nearest quantizing line. 	P.86 
8 Groove timing 	000 percent to 200 percent 	Sets degree by which note data's original timing is adjusted by the groove template. 	P.87 
9 Groove gate time 	000 percent to 200 percent Sets degree by which note data's gate time is adjusted by the groove template. 	P.87 
10 Groove velocity 	000 percent to 200 percent 	Sets degree by which note data's velocity values are adjusted by the groove template. 	P.88 
11 Grid, and grid position View only The grid illustrates the interval arrangement for quantization. The numerical position value shows the location of the cursor-selected 
quantizing line. 	P.88 
12 Clock shift 	Setting range varies according to quantization value. Sets/shows final time shift applied after quantizing by template is completed. (Value is in clock cycles.) 	P.88 
13 Gate-time multiplier 	000 percent to 200 percent 	Gate time adjustment applied at each interval, by percent. 	P.89 
14 Velocity offset 	minus 99 to  plus 00 to  plus 99 	Velocity offset applied at each interval. 	P.89 
(Table End)

You use the groove quantize (rhythm quantization) feature to impart a swing, or "groove," to the note data as it is played back. The feature operates by making specified adjustments in note-event timing, velocities, and gate times. Effective use of this feature makes it possible to convert mechanical-sounding note data into driving, meaningful music. 
The QY700 comes equipped with 100 preset groove templates, each corresponding to a different musical genre. You can therefore get good quantization results simply by selecting the appropriate template. But the QY700 also lets you create your own, customized templates (user templates). 
Each template contains data for quantizing one measure of recorded data. Quantizing is executed by reapplying the template values to each measure of the track. 
Because you can select a different template for each track, you can combine a wide variety of different rhythms within a single pattern. You can also select how strongly each track's template will act on the track's data . so that you can get a wide range of variations even when working with the same template. 
You use the Groove View page to view the preset templates, and to view or create your own user templates. The page displays the template settings in an easy-to-follow graphical form. 
Each groove template is divided into equal quantizing intervals: eighth-note intervals, eighth-note triplet intervals, sixteenth-note intervals, or some other such value. On the Groove View page, these intervals are represented by a grid pattern. 
The groove template sets separate adjustment values for each interval, allowing for subtle but swinging nuances. For example, the template might increase the gate times and velocities in the first half of the first beat, while delaying the timing of notes that occur in the second half of the second beat. 
1. At the Play Effects screen, press [F1] (Groove). 
The Groove Quantize page appears. 
2. Move the cursor to each of the parameters you want to change, and set the new value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 
3. When you have finished making changes, press [EXIT] to return to the PATCH screen. 
The playback keys ([Play], [Stop], [Top], [Rewind]/[Forward]) continue to function while you are adjusting the groove settings, so that you can monitor the results of your changes as you make them. 
Adjustment shortcut 1: To adjust the cursor-selected parameter by an equal amount on all tracks, hold down [SHIFT] while rotating the data dial or pressing the [Decrement] key or [Increment] key. 
Adjustment Shortcut 2: To set the cursor-selected parameter to the same value on all tracks, hold down [SHIFT] and enter the value at the numeric keypad. 

1. Track number 
The numbers running horizontally across the screen identify the different tracks. The highlighted number (and the number value at the top right of the screen) indicates the track currently selected for editing. 
[Setting values]
Selected track: 1 to 16 

2. Measure 
3. Voice program 
4. Play-effects THRU setting 
5. Groove template 
6. Quantizing value 
7. Strength 
8. Groove timing 
9. Groove gate time 
10. Groove velocity 
11. Grid 
12. Clock shift 
13. Gate-time multiplier 
14. Velocity offset 
[F5] (CopyTmp) [appears on Groove View only] 

 The parameters listed above, as well as the [F5] (CopyTmp) switch, are functionally equivalent to the identically named items in the SONG mode's Play Effects submode. For information, refer to explanations on page 85 to 89. 

Clock Shift, Gate Time, and Velocity 

[F1] Play Effects 
[F2] Clock Shift, Gate Time, and Velocity 

(Table End)
Parameter 	Values 	Function 	See page 
1 Track number 	1 to 16 	Shows track numbers. (The track number at top right, and the highlighted track-number box, indicate the track selected for editing.) 
2 Measure 	001 to 256	Sets location (measure) for beginning of pattern playback, and indicates current playback location 	P.216 
4 THRU setting 	( equal off), T ( equal on) 	Sets the play effects ON or OFF for each track. 	P.216 
15 Clock shift 	minus 999 to  plus 999 	Shifts playback timing of all notes on track, in clock-cycle increments. 	P.218 
16 Gate-time modifier 	000 percent to 200 percent 	Multiplier, applied to all gate times on track. 	P.218 
17 Velocity rate 	000 percent to 200 percent 	Multiplier, applied to all velocities on track. 	P.218 
18 Velocity offset 	minus 99 to  plus 99 	Offset, applied to all velocities on track. 	P.218 
(Table End)
You use this page to set the following play-effect parameters: clock shift, gate-time modifier, velocity rate, and velocity offset. 
1. At the Play Effects screen, press [F2] (Shf|GT|Vel). 
The "Clock Shift, Gate Time, and Velocity" page appears. 
2. Move the cursor to each of the parameters you want to change, and set the new value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 
3. When you have finished making changes, press [EXIT] to return to the PATCH screen. 
[Supplementary comments]
The playback keys ([Play], [Stop], [Top], [Rewind]/[Forward]) continue to function while you are adjusting the settings, so that you can monitor the results of your changes as you make them. 
Adjustment shortcut 1: To adjust the cursor-selected parameter by an equal amount on all tracks, hold down [SHIFT] while rotating the data dial or pressing [Decrement] key or [Increment] key . 
Adjustment Shortcut 2: To set the cursor-selected parameter to the same value on all tracks, hold down s and enter the value at the numeric keypad. 

15. Clock shift 
16. Gate-time modifier 
17. Velocity rate 
18. Velocity offset 
The parameters listed above are functionally equivalent to the identically named parameters in the SONG mode's Play Effects submode. Refer to Chapter 2, page 90 for details. 
For additional information about the clock shift parameter, see directly below. 

[Supplementary comments]
If you apply a negative clock shift value that would move a note past the beginning of the pattern, the note will sound at the precise start of the pattern when the pattern begins its replay. If you set the value to minus 200, for instance, all notes within the first 200 cycles of the track will sound together when the pattern starts up. 
For second and subsequent rounds of the pattern, however, all clock-shifts are applied correctly. 


[F1] Play Effects 
	[F3] Transpose 
	[F4] Drum-Table Edit 
Parameter 	Values 	Function 	See page 
1 Track number 	1 to 16 	Shows track numbers. (The track number at top right, and the highlighted track-number box, indicate the track selected for editing.) 
2 Measure 	001 to 256	Sets location (measure) for beginning of pattern playback, and indicates current playback location 	P.220 
4 THRU setting 	( equal off), T ( equal on) 	Sets the play effects ON or OFF for each track. 	P.220 
19 Drum table	 -- ( equal none),1 to 8 	Selects the drum table. 	P.220 
20 Transposition 	minus 99 to  plus 99 	Transposes all notes on track. 	P.220 
21 Inversion transposition 	minus 64 to  plus 00 to  plus 63 	Applies chord-based transposition. 	P.220 
22 Open harmony 	minus 15 to  plus 00 to  plus 15 	Opens or closes chord voicings produced by track. 	P.221 
(Table End)
You use this page to adjust note pitches and chord development on each track. These settings allow you to obtain a wide range of variations in the pattern's sound. 
You can access and edit the drum-table data by pressing [F4] (DrTabEdit). 
1. At the Play Effects screen, press 3 (Transpose). 
The Transpose page appears. 
2. Move the cursor to each of the parameters you want to change, and set the new value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric keypad. 
3. When you have finished making changes, press [EXIT] to return to the PATCH screen. 
The playback keys ([Play], [Stop], [TOP], [Rewind]/[Forward]) continue to function while you are adjusting the settings, so that you can monitor the results of your changes as you make them. 
Adjustment shortcut 1: To adjust the cursor-selected parameter by an equal amount on all tracks, hold down [SHIFT] while rotating the data dial or pressing [Decrement] key or [Increment] key. 
Adjustment Shortcut 2: To set the cursor-selected parameter to the same value on all tracks, hold down [SHIFT] and enter the value at the numeric keypad. 

The first three parameters listed in the table above ("track number," "measure," and "THRU") are identical to those on the Groove Quantize page; refer to page 214. The remaining parameters are described below. 

19. Drum table 
 Drum tables are required to handle rhythm data produced by drum machines that are not XG or GM compatible. As these machines may use different numbering arrangements to identify the various rhythm instruments, it becomes necessary to make appropriate substitutions when playing back the recorded data. Failure to make these substitutions will cause the "wrong" instruments to be produced. 
Each drum table therefore contains a list of rhythm-instrument substitutions. You can select the table separately for each track. 
You can also use the drum table to experiment with your own customized substitutions. This can be an easy way to try out different instrument combinations. 
The QY700 stores eight different drum tables. To view or edit the contents of a drum table you must press [F4] (DrTabEdit) to move into the Drum-Table Edit page. (-> p.222) 
[Setting values]
--( equal none),1 to 8
1. Move the cursor to the DR TABLE setting for the appropriate track. 
2. Set the value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric 

20. Transposition 
You use this setting to transpose all notes on the track. 
Transposition is in semitone increments. Setting the value to  plus 12, therefore, raises the pitch of all notes on the track by exactly one octave. A setting of minus 12 drops the pitch by exactly one octave. 
[Setting values]
minus 99 to  plus 99 
1. Move the cursor to the TRANSPOSE setting for the track you want to transpose. 
2. Set the value using the data dial,[Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric 

21. Inversion transposition 
This parameter implements chord-based transposition on each track. 
. This feature allows you to adjust chord pitch while retaining the original sense of the chord. The adjustment is distinct from the TRANSPOSE adjustment, which can cause a noticeable change in the chord's feeling. 
[Setting values]
minus 64 to  plus 00 to  plus 63 
1. Move the cursor to the INVERSION TRANSPOSE setting for the track you want to adjust. 
2. Set the value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric 
[Supplementary comments]
For Mldy1, Chrd1, and Bass-type phrases, each increment of the INVERSION TRANSPOSE value produces a whole one increment in the phrase table's low and high limit values. 
An inversion transposition value of  plus 1, for example, would raise the both limit values by one whole tone (two semitones) each. 
For Mldy2 and Chrd2 phrases, each increment of the INVERSION TRANSPOSE value produces a whole-tone increment in the original phrase's pitch values, and in the root of the phrase-table source chord. 

22. Open harmony 
This adjustment opens or closes the chord voicings on the track. 
This feature lets you adjust chord resonance characteristics without changing the essential character of the chords. 
[Setting values]
minus 15 to  plus 00 to  plus 15 
1. Move the cursor to the OPEN HARMONY setting for the track you want to adjust. 
2. Set the value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric 

Drum Table Edit 

[F1] Play Effects 
	[F3] Transpose 
	[F4] Drum-Table Edit 

Parameter 	Values 	Function 	See page 
1 Track number 	1 to 16 	Shows track numbers. (The track number at top right, and the highlighted track-number box, show track selected for editing.) 	P.223 
2 Measure 	001 to pattern length 	Sets location (measure) for start of pattern playback, and monitors current playback location. 	P.223 
3 Voice program 	View only Identifies the track's voice program, as selected under VOICE mode. 	P.223 
4 Play-effects THRU setting 	( equal off), T ( equal on) 	Sets the play effects ON or OFF for each track. 	P.223 
19 Drum table 	-- ( equal none),1 to 8 	Selects the drum table. 	P.223 
23 Replacement list 		List of drum-voice replacements. 	P.223 
24 Velocity rate 	000 percent to 100 percent to 200 percent 	Adjusts the velocity of the replacement voice. This parameter allows you to correct for volume imbalance that may be caused by the replacement. 	P.223 
(Table End)

You use this page to edit the selected drum table. 
Drum tables are required to handle rhythm data produced by drum machines that are not XG or GM compatible. As these machines may use different numbering arrangements to identify the various rhythm instruments, it becomes necessary to make appropriate substitutions when playing back the recorded data. Failure to make these substitutions will cause the "wrong" instruments to be produced. 
Each drum table therefore provides a list of rhythm-instrument substitutions. The QY700 stores eight different tables. You can select the table separately for each track. You can also edit the contents of each table as required. 
The table also allows you to adjust velocities for each of your substitutions, so that you can maintain appropriate volume balance. 
You may also want to use these table to experiment with your own customized substitutions. This can be any easy way to try out different instrument combinations. 
1. At the PATCH screen, press [F1] (PlayFx). 
The QY700 enters the Play Effects submode. 
2. Press [F3] (Transpose). 
The Transpose page appears. 
3. Press [F4](DrTabEdit). 
The Drum-Table Edit page appears. 
4. Press [TRACK UP] or [TRACK DOWN] as necessary to select the appropriate track. 
5. With the cursor on the DR TABLE line, select the desired drum table. (-> p.220) 
6. Move the cursor to the list entry or Velocity Rate value that you want to set. 
7. Set the value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric 
8. When you have finished making changes, press [EXIT] to return to the PATCH screen. 
The playback keys ([Play],[Stop], [Top], [Rewind]/[Forward]) continue to function while you are adjusting the settings, so that you can monitor the results of your changes as you make them. 
Adjustment shortcut: To select the same drum table for all tracks, hold down s and select the value (at any one of the tracks) with the numeric keypad. To change all drum-table settings by an equal amount, hold down [ShIFT] and use the data dial or [Decrement] key/[Increment] key. 
The first five parameters listed in the table above (numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 19) are identical to those on the "Transpose" page; see page 219. The remaining parameters are described below. 

23. Replacement List 
This list sets up the rhythm-instrument replacements. 
If this drum table is selected for a track during replay, the QY700 will replace any rhythm instrument designated in the From column (when encountered in the performance data for that track) with the instrument named in the corresponding To line. 
A "No" entry in the From column actually means "All but." A "No Snares" entry, for example, instructs the QY700 to substitute the To instrument for all voices other than snare voices. 
An "All" specification in the From column (for example, "All Shakers") tells the QY700 to replace all instruments of the specified type with the item named in the To entry. 
[Setting values]
No Shakers, No Congas&Bongos, No Crash Sym., No Ride Sym., No Hi-Hat, No Tom, No Brush Snare, No Kick, No Snare, All Shakers, Congas&Bongos, All Crash Sym., All Ride Sym., All Hi-Hat, All Tom, All Brush Snare, All kick, All snare, All drum Kit, All Perc., C5 Bell Tree  to  C-1 Surdo Mute 
C5 Bell Tree to  C-1 Surdo Mute 

1. Move the cursor to the parameter you want to set (From entry, To entry, or Velocity Rate). 
2. Set the value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric 
3. When you have finished making changes, press [EXIT] to return to the Transpose screen. 

24. Velocity rate 
This Velocity Rate parameter adjusts the velocity of the re-placement rhythm instrument (the instrument named in the To column). 
To calculate the adjusted velocity, the QY700 multiplies the original velocity value by the Velocity Rate value. A Velocity Rate of 100 percent produces no adjustment, while larger values increase the velocity and lower values reduce it.
This parameter allows you to adjust for loudness imbalances that may occur when you replace one instrument with another. You may also want to use it to experiment with your own customized velocity adjustments. 
[Setting values]
000 percent to 100 percent to 200 percent 
1. Move the cursor to the Velocity Rate icon for the list entry you want to adjust. 
2. Set the value using the data dial, [Decrement] key/[Increment] key, or the numeric 

[F1] (Clear) 
Press [F1] (Clear) to delete the entry on the selected line of the table. 
If you press [F1] while the cursor is in the From column, the QY700 deletes both the From and the To entries for that line. 
If you press [F1] while the cursor is in the To column, only the To item will be deleted. (If the To entry is left blank, the "From" instrument will be muted.)
1. Move the cursor to the appropriate entry. 
2. Press [F1] (Clear). 
Original velocities 

[F2] (Default) 
Press [F2] (Default) to reset the drum table to its default values. All of the From, To, and Velocity Rate settings return to their defaults. 
1. Press [F2] (Default). 
The table resets to its defaults. 

This is the end of the file.