
              Song Event Data Transfer Protocol

NOTE: the sys/ex dump format for this undergoing a redesign. Song event
dumps are currently disabled.

The data to be sent must be broken up into packets by the client.
Each packet must be the same size(24000bytes(*1)), except the last packet.

Song Event Packet Format:

  F0 42 3g 68 73 09   00  F7

        0..99:  0..99
        pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) 0..199
        dd dd dd... max:27432bytes

(*1)24000 = 8 * 3000 (size of event * number of events)
(*2)Store bank request message must be sent after sending the song data.

  F0 42 3g 68 76 02 00 F7

For instance, if you send the song000 data that has 24014 bytes of event data to OASYS, 
please send them as follows.

  F0 42 3g 68 73 02 00 00 00 02  F7
  F0 42 3g 68 73 08 00 00 00 00  F7
  F0 42 3g 68 73 09 00 00 00 01 <27432 bytes of event data> F7
  F0 42 3g 68 73 09 01 00 00 01 <16 bytes of event data> F7
  F0 42 3g 68 76 02 00 F7

                              EVENT DATA FORMAT IN SONG

 *  Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    k: kind(8bit)

    master track event
    kind =
    0x01: Bar
    0x03: TrkEnd
    0x0b: TempoChg

    track event
    kind =
    0x01: Bar
    0x02: Pat
    0x03: TrkEnd
    0x09: Note
    0x0a: PolyPress
    0x0b: ControlChg
    0x0c: ProgramChg
    0x0d: ChPress
    0x0e: PitchBend

    0x0f: Excl
    0x07: ExclData
    0x08: ExclEnd

    pattern event
    kind =
    0x01: Bar
    0x03: TrkEnd
    0x09: Note
    0x0a: PolyPress
    0x0b: ControlChg
    0x0c: ProgramChg
    0x0d: ChPress
    0x0e: PitchBend

 *  Bar Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    m: meas
    s: size
    M: meter    * only mastertrk, patterntrk

    meter format
       bit image (M16)  |01 23 4567|
       bit 0-1 undefined
       bit 2-3 0:specified 1:/4 2:/8 3:/16
       bit 4-7 0~15

 *  TrkEnd Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    m: meas

 *  TempoChg Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    t: tick
    N: No.(=0x6b [fixed])
    u: last tempo unfixed
    V: tempo val

 *  Pat Event bit image (Instead of BAR)

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    m: trk meas
    n: pat No.
    M: pat meas

 *  Note Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    t: tick     (=0xfff :tie from last measure)
    k: key No.
    v: vel
    l: length   (=0xfff :tie to next measure)

 *   PolyPress Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    t: tick
    k: key No.
    v: val

 *   ControlChg Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    t: tick
    n: control No.
    u: unfixed
    V: val
    v: last val

 *   ProgramChg Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    t: tick
    N: prog No.
    B: bank
    n: last prog No.
    u: last prog No. and bank unfixed
    b: last bank

 *  ChPress Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    t: tick
    V: val
    v: last val
    u: last val unfixed

 *   PitchBend Event bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    t: tick
    L: val(low)
    H: val(high)
    l: last val(low)
    h: last val(high)
    u: last val unfixed

 *   ExclEvent bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    t: tick     (=0xfff :invalid message)
    e: enable parameter change
    u: last val unfixed
    L: last Value
 *   ExclDataEvent bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    d: data

 *  EOXEvent bit image

    |M  07  L|M  06  L|M  05  L|M  04  L|M  03  L|M  02  L|M  01  L|M  00  L|

    d: data