000	[no name]
001	Alternate Drum Map
002	Alternate DrumMap On/Off
003	Arp<->Gated<->Fixed
004	Arpeggio<->Gated
005	Auto Transpose On
006	Bend (Note) On/Off
007	Bend Alternation
008	Bend Always Even If Zero
009	Bend Amount
010	Bend Amt [-] Rand [+]
011	Bend Arpeggiation On
012	Bend Attack Time
013	Bend Delay
014	Bend Direction
015	Bend Direction (To/From)
016	Bend End %
017	Bend Env. Delay
018	Bend Env. Latch Mode
019	Bend Env. Latch On
020	Bend Env. Time Scale
021	Bend Env. Trig. Mode
022	Bend Env. [-] Off [+]
023	Bend Envelope Level
024	Bend Envelope On/Off
025	Bend Envelope Shape
026	Bend Length
027	Bend Normal/Arpeggiated
028	Bend Note Release Delay
029	Bend On Release
030	Bend On/Off
031	Bend Pattern
032	Bend Range (Semitones)
033	Bend Release Delay
034	Bend Release Level
035	Bend Release Time
036	Bend Shape
037	Bend Smooth/Stepped
038	Bend Start %
039	Bend Start Level
040	Bend Start/End/Width
041	Bend Trigger By Vel.
042	Bend Width %
043	Chop <-0 Restrike
044	Chord Size/Density
045	Chord Size/Density[1]
046	Chord Size/Density[2]
047	Chord Strum On/Off
048	Chord Strum Time
049	Chord Strum/Pick
050	Chord Strum/Pick [1]
051	Chord Strum/Pick [2]
052	Chord Voicing
053	Chorus Control
054	Clock Adv.Chord Trig
055	Clock Advance Mode
056	Clock Advance On/Off
057	Clock Advance Size
058	Cluster Advance
059	Cluster Pattern
060	Cluster Pattern [1]
061	Cluster Pattern [2]
062	Cluster Randomize
063	Cluster Randomize[1]
064	Cluster Randomize[2]
065	Cluster Randomize[3]
066	Complexity
067	Crash Level
068	Delay Start Length
069	Delay Start On/Off
070	Density
071	Direct Index Velocity
072	Drum/Perc Sound
073	Drum/Perc Sound [1]
074	Drum/Perc Sound [2]
075	Drum/Perc Sound [3]
076	Drum/Perc Sound [4]
077	Drum/Perc Sound [5]
078	Drum/Perc Sound [6]
079	Drum/Perc Sound [7]
080	Duration % (Gate)
081	Duration % (Gate) [1]
082	Duration % (Gate) [2]
083	Duration Control
084	Duration Control/Mode
085	Duration Mode
086	Duration Pattern
087	Duration Pattern [1]
088	Duration Pattern [2]
089	Duration Randomize
090	Duration Randomze[1]
091	Duration Randomze[2]
092	End Loop Length
093	End Loop On/Off
094	End Loop Start Step
095	Env(s) Latch Mode
096	Env(s) Latch On/Off
097	Env(s) Trigger Mode
098	Env. Amount
099	Env. Amount [1]
100	Env. Amount [2]
101	Env. Amount [3]
102	Env. Attack Level
103	Env. Attack Level [1]
104	Env. Attack Level [2]
105	Env. Attack Level [3]
106	Env. Attack Time
107	Env. Attack Time [1]
108	Env. Attack Time [2]
109	Env. Attack Time [3]
110	Env. AttackSmoothing
111	Env. Decay Time
112	Env. Decay Time [1]
113	Env. Decay Time [2]
114	Env. Decay Time [3]
115	Env. Loop Mode
116	Env. Loop Mode [1]
117	Env. Loop Mode [2]
118	Env. Loop Mode [3]
119	Env. Loop On/Off
120	Env. Loop On/Off [1]
121	Env. Loop On/Off [2]
122	Env. Loop On/Off [3]
123	Env. Note Trig Rhythm
124	Env. Note Trigger [1]
125	Env. Note Trigger [2]
126	Env. Note Trigger [3]
127	Env. NoteTrig Multiplier
128	Env. On/Off
129	Env. On/Off [1]
130	Env. On/Off [2]
131	Env. On/Off [3]
132	Env. Release Level
133	Env. Release Level [1]
134	Env. Release Level [2]
135	Env. Release Level [3]
136	Env. Release Time
137	Env. Release Time [1]
138	Env. Release Time [2]
139	Env. Release Time [3]
140	Env. Start Level
141	Env. Start Level [1]
142	Env. Start Level [2]
143	Env. Start Level [3]
144	Env. Sustain Level
145	Env. Sustain Level [1]
146	Env. Sustain Level [2]
147	Env. Sustain Level [3]
148	Env. Time Scale
149	Env. Time Scale [1]
150	Env. Time Scale [2]
151	Env. Time Scale [3]
152	Env. Trigger Mode
153	Envelope(s) Level
154	Envelope(s) On/Off
155	Envelope(s)TimeScale
156	FX/Ctl Nte#<>Pat[1]
157	FX/Ctl Nte#<>Pat[2]
158	FX/Ctl Pat.Polarity[1]
159	FX/Ctl Pat.Polarity[2]
160	FX/Ctrl CC Number
161	FX/Ctrl CC Number[1]
162	FX/Ctrl CC Number[2]
163	FX/Ctrl Depth
164	FX/Ctrl Depth [-]0[+]
165	FX/Ctrl Depth [1]
166	FX/Ctrl Depth [2]
167	FX/Ctrl Env. Latch On
168	FX/Ctrl Env. Level
169	FX/Ctrl Env. On/Off
170	FX/Ctrl Env. Shape
171	FX/Ctrl Env. Shape[1]
172	FX/Ctrl Env. Shape[2]
173	FX/Ctrl Env. Shape[3]
174	FX/Ctrl Env.LatchMde
175	FX/Ctrl Env.TimeScale
176	FX/Ctrl Env.Trig.Mode
177	FX/Ctrl Fixed/Patn[1]
178	FX/Ctrl Fixed/Patn[2]
179	FX/Ctrl Fixed/Pattrn
180	FX/Ctrl Level
181	FX/Ctrl Level [1]
182	FX/Ctrl Level [2]
183	FX/Ctrl Level [3]
184	FX/Ctrl Movement
185	FX/Ctrl Movement [1]
186	FX/Ctrl Movement [2]
187	FX/Ctrl Movement [3]
188	FX/Ctrl Note#<>Pat
189	FX/Ctrl On/Off
190	FX/Ctrl On/Off [1]
191	FX/Ctrl On/Off [2]
192	FX/Ctrl Pat. Polarity
193	FX/Ctrl Pattern
194	FX/Ctrl Pattern [1]
195	FX/Ctrl Pattern [2]
196	FX/Ctrl Randomize
197	FX/Ctrl Randomize[1]
198	FX/Ctrl Randomize[2]
199	Fill
200	Force Mono
201	Force Range
202	Freeze Effect
203	Gate Type Vel<->CC
204	Gating [1]
205	Gating [2]
206	Harmony Delay
207	Harmony Mix
208	Harmony NumOfVoices
209	Harmony On/Off
210	Harmony Voicing
211	Harmony Volume
212	HiHat/Cym Randomize
213	HiHat/CymComplexity
214	HiHats Complexity
215	HiHats Level
216	HiHats Randomize
217	HiHats/Cym Level
218	Improvisation
219	Improvisation On/Off
220	Indexing Bend On/Off
221	Indexing Duration %
222	Indexing Range
223	Indexing Repeat On
224	Indexing Transpose
225	Invert Phrase
226	Invert Phrase [1]
227	Invert Phrase [2]
228	Kbd Thru Inside Zone
229	Kbd Thru Outside Zone
230	Key Thru/AT Trigger
231	Key Zone Bottom
232	Key Zone Top
233	Keyboard Thru
234	Keyboard Thru [1]
235	Keyboard Thru [2]
236	Keyboard Thru [3]
237	Keyboard Thru [4]
238	Keys Held = Notes Played
239	Keys Held=NotesPlayed[1]
240	Keys Held=NotesPlayed[2]
241	Keys Held=NotesPlayed[3]
242	Kick Complexity
243	Kick Level
244	Kick Randomize
245	Kick Sound
246	Kick/Snare Level
247	Kick/Snare Randomize
248	Kick/SnareComplexity
249	LFO Key Sync On/Off
250	LFO Loop On/Off [1]
251	LFO Loop On/Off [2]
252	LFO Max Val [1]
253	LFO Max Val [2]
254	LFO Min Val [1]
255	LFO Min Val [2]
256	LFO Note Trig Multiplier
257	LFO Note Trig Rhythm
258	LFO Note Trigger
259	LFO Note Trigger [1]
260	LFO Note Trigger [2]
261	LFO Note Trigger [3]
262	LFO On/Off [1]
263	LFO On/Off [2]
264	LFO Rate (Coarse) [1]
265	LFO Rate (Coarse) [2]
266	LFO Rate (Fine) [1]
267	LFO Rate (Fine) [2]
268	Level
269	Loop Length
270	Module Run
271	Module Run [1]
272	Module Run [2]
273	Module Run [3]
274	Module Run [4]
275	Mute Tracks
276	Note Advance On
277	Note Advance On [1]
278	Note Advance On [2]
279	Note ChordShift On
280	Note ChordShiftMode
281	Note Direction
282	Note Direction [1]
283	Note Direction [2]
284	Note Doubling Delay
285	Note Doubling Intervl
286	Note Doubling On
287	Note Doubling On [1]
288	Note Doubling On [2]
289	Note Doublng Intvl[1]
290	Note Doublng Intvl[2]
291	Note End Offset
292	Note End Offset [1]
293	Note End Offset [2]
294	Note Filter ScaleStep
295	Note FilterDuplicates
296	Note Input Sort
297	Note Interval Shift
298	Note Inv/Dbl Vel. Offset
299	Note Inv/Dbl VelOffst[1]
300	Note Inv/Dbl VelOffst[2]
301	Note Inversion
302	Note Inversion On
303	Note Inversion On [1]
304	Note Inversion On [2]
305	Note Latch On/Off
306	Note Movement
307	Note Movement [1]
308	Note Movement [2]
309	Note Octave Range
310	Note Pattern
311	Note Pattern <-> Chord
312	Note Pattern [1]
313	Note Pattern [2]
314	Note Pattrn<>Rand[1]
315	Note Pattrn<>Rand[2]
316	Note Pattrn<>Random
317	Note Random Jump
318	Note Random Jump[1]
319	Note Random Jump[2]
320	Note Randomize
321	Note Randomize [1]
322	Note Randomize [2]
323	Note Randomize [3]
324	Note Range
325	Note Range Bottom
326	Note Range Limit
327	Note Range Top
328	Note Replications
329	Note Scale Type
330	Note Scale Type [1]
331	Note Scale Type [2]
332	Note Start
333	Note Start Offset
334	Note Start Offset [1]
335	Note Start Offset [2]
336	Note Sweep
337	Note Transpose
338	Note Transpose [1]
339	Note Transpose [2]
340	Note Transpose [3]
341	Note Trigger Mode
342	Note Voicing
343	NoteAsPlayed<>Scalic
344	Notes Control Length
345	Notes Ctrl Length [1]
346	Notes Ctrl Length [2]
347	Notes Ctrl Length [3]
348	Number Of Events
349	Number Of Events [1]
350	Number Of Events [2]
351	Number Of Measures
352	Octave
353	Octave Down
354	Octave Up
355	Octave [1]
356	Octave [2]
357	Octave [3]
358	Octave [4]
359	Pan Fixed/Pattern
360	Pan Fixed/Pattern[1]
361	Pan Fixed/Pattern[2]
362	Pan Note#<>Patrn[1]
363	Pan Note#<>Patrn[2]
364	Pan Note#<>Pattern
365	Pan Off <-> Width
366	Pan On/Off
367	Pan On/Off [1]
368	Pan On/Off [2]
369	Pan Pattern
370	Pan Pattern Polarity
371	Pan Pattern [1]
372	Pan Pattern [2]
373	Pan Pattrn Polarity[1]
374	Pan Pattrn Polarity[2]
375	Pan Randomize
376	Pan Randomize [1]
377	Pan Randomize [2]
378	Pan Width
379	Pan Width [1]
380	Pan Width [2]
381	Pan/Bend On/Off
382	Pattern Kbd Track
383	Pattern Kbd Track[1]
384	Pattern Kbd Track[2]
385	Pattern Kbd Track[3]
386	Pattern On/Off
387	Pattern On/Off [1]
388	Pattern On/Off [2]
389	Pattern On/Off [3]
390	Pattern Randomize
391	Pattern Randomize[1]
392	Pattern Randomize[2]
393	Pattern Randomize[3]
394	Pattern Select
395	Pattern Select [1]
396	Pattern Select [2]
397	Pattern Select [3]
398	Pattern Variation
399	Pattern Variation - End
400	Pattern Variation - Main
401	Patterns On/Off
402	Percussion Level
403	Percussion On/Off
404	Percussion Pattern
405	Percussion Pattern [1]
406	Percussion Pattern [2]
407	Percussion Randomize
408	PercussionComplexity
409	Perfect Solo On/Off
410	Phrase Cycle Length
411	Phrase Cycle Length [1]
412	Phrase Cycle Length [2]
413	Phrase Gate
414	Phrase Overlap
415	Phrase Retrigger
416	Phrase Selection
417	Phrase Selection [1]
418	Phrase Selection [2]
419	Pitch Humanize
420	Pitch Pattern
421	Quantize
422	Randomize/Improvise
423	Repeat Chord Shift
424	Repeat Decay
425	Repeat Initial Volume
426	Repeat Note Range Limit
427	Repeat On Release
428	Repeat On/Off
429	Repeat On/Off By Pattern
430	Repeat On/Off Pattern[1]
431	Repeat On/Off Pattern[2]
432	Repeat On/Off Pattern[3]
433	Repeat Range Abs/Rel
434	Repeat Range Top
435	Repeat Rebound Mode
436	Repeat Repetitions
437	Repeat Rhythm Value
438	Repeat Stop Mode
439	Repeat Time +/-
440	Repeat Time Tuning
441	Repeat Transpose
442	Repeat Trigger By Vel.
443	Repeat Velocity Range
444	Repeat Velocity/Decay
445	Repeat Volume/Decay
446	Resync To Downbeat
447	Resync To Downbeat [1]
448	Resync To Downbeat [2]
449	Resync To Downbeat [3]
450	Resynchronize Indexes
451	Reverb Control
452	Rhythm Complexity
453	Rhythm Complexity[1]
454	Rhythm Complexity[2]
455	Rhythm Complexity[3]
456	Rhythm Humanize
457	Rhythm Multiplier
458	Rhythm Multiplier [1]
459	Rhythm Multiplier [2]
460	Rhythm Multiplier [3]
461	Rhythm Pattern
462	Rhythm Pattern [1]
463	Rhythm Pattern [2]
464	Rhythm Randomize
465	Rhythm Randomize[1]
466	Rhythm Randomize[2]
467	Rhythm Randomize[3]
468	Rhythm Swing %
469	Rhythm Syncopation
470	Rhythm Syncopatn.[1]
471	Rhythm Syncopatn.[2]
472	Rhythm Syncopatn.[3]
473	Rhythm Value
474	Rhythm Value [1]
475	Rhythm Value [2]
476	Rhythmic Feel
477	Riff<->Gated
478	Snare Complexity
479	Snare Level
480	Snare Randomize
481	Snare Sound
482	Split On/Off
483	Step Transpose Pattern
484	Tempo Env. Level
485	Tempo Env. On/Off
486	Tempo Env.Latch On
487	Tempo Env.LatchMode
488	Tempo Env.Time Scale
489	Tempo Env.Trig.Mode
490	Tempo Envelope Shape
491	Timbre Brightness
492	Timbre F/A Attack
493	Timbre F/A Decay
494	Timbre F/A Release
495	Timbre F/A Sustain
496	Timbre Filt EG Intens.
497	Timbre HPF Cut
498	Timbre LPF Cutoff
499	TimbreLPF Resonance
500	Time Signature
501	Time Signature On/Off
502	Time Signature [1]
503	Time Signature [2]
504	Time Signature x2
505	TimeSignature On/Off
506	Toms/Fill Complexity
507	Toms/Fill Level
508	Toms/Fill Randomize
509	Transpose Pattern
510	Trigger By Velocity
511	Vel. Env. Latch Mode
512	Vel. Env. LatchOn/Off
513	Vel. Env. Time Scale
514	Vel. Env. TriggerMode
515	Velocity Accents
516	Velocity Accents [1]
517	Velocity Accents [2]
518	Velocity Accents [3]
519	Velocity Chord Mode
520	Velocity Chrd Mode[1]
521	Velocity Chrd Mode[2]
522	Velocity Env. Level
523	Velocity Env. On/Off
524	Velocity Env. Shape
525	Velocity Level
526	Velocity Level [1]
527	Velocity Level [2]
528	Velocity Level [3]
529	Velocity Mode
530	Velocity Pattern
531	Velocity Pattern [1]
532	Velocity Pattern [2]
533	Velocity Randomize
534	Velocity Randomize[1]
535	Velocity Randomize[2]
536	Velocity Randomize[3]
537	Velocity Range Bottom
538	Velocity Range Top
539	Velocity Sensitivity
540	Vibrato <-> Bend
541	Vibrato Env. Delay
542	W.Seq Pattern Length[1]
543	W.Seq Pattern Length[2]
544	WaveSeq Offset
545	WaveSeq Offset [1]
546	WaveSeq Offset [2]
547	WaveSeq Pattern
548	WaveSeq Pattern Length
549	WaveSeq Pattern [1]
550	WaveSeq Pattern [2]
551	WaveSeq Randomize
552	WaveSeq Randomize [1]
553	WaveSeq Randomize [2]
554	WaveSequence On/Off
555	Waveform Select
556	Waveform Select [1]
557	Waveform Select [2]
558	Waveform Select [3]
559	Waveform Select [4]
560	Waveform Select [5]
561	Waveform Select [6]
562	Waveform Select [7]
563	Waveform Select [8]
564	Waveform Select [9]
565	Waveform Select [10]
566	Waveform Select [11]
567	Waveform Select [12]
568	Waveform Select [13]
569	Waveform Select [14]
570	Waveform Select [15]
571	Waveform Select [16]