
This file was generated automatically.  Do not edit by hand.

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       -                  -  (reserved)
    1       0              0..26  ScaleType
    2       0               0..7  PitchRandomize
    3       0              0..11  ScaleKey
    4       0               0..1  Auto Load Tone Adjust

Effect Slots

param   slots   index         value                      name
-----  ------  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       -       -                  -  (reserved)
    1   0..15       0             0..185  Algorithm
    2   0..11       0              0..25  IFX Chain Bus Select
    3   0..11       0              0..25  IFX Bus Select
    4   0..11       0               0..2  IFX FX Control Bus
    5   0..11       0               0..6  IFX HDR Bus
    6   0..11       0             0..127  IFX Pan
    7   0..11       0             0..127  IFX Send 1 Level
    8   0..11       0             0..127  IFX Send 2 Level
    9  12..13       0             0..127  MFX Return Level
   10       0       0               0..1  MFX Chain Direction
   11       0       0             0..127  MFX Chain Level
   12       0       0             0..127  Master Volume
   13       -       -                  -  (reserved)
   14   0..15       0              0..17  DMod MIDI Routing
   15       -       -                  -  (internal)

slots indicates the valid range of  in the Effect Slot param message
for each param.

Effect Balance

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0            -10..10  IFX Balance
    1       0            -10..10  MFX Balance
    2       0            -10..10  TFX Balance

Effect Common LFO (1 & 2)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0             1..230  Frequency (Hz)
    1       0               0..1  Sync (Reset)
    2       0              0..37  Sync (Reset) Source
    3       0               0..1  BPM/MIDI Sync
    4       0        3999..30000  BPM
    5       0               0..9  Base Note
    6       0              1..32  Times
    7       0              0..16  MIDI Control Channel


param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..1  Vector Motion Enable
    1       0               0..1  Control Enable
    2       0               0..3  X Axis Mode
    3       0             0..162  X Plus Assign
    4       0             0..162  X Minus Assign
    5       0               0..3  Y Axis Mode
    6       0             0..162  Y Plus Assign
    7       0             0..162  Y Minus Assign
    8       0               0..1  Volume Control Enable
    9       0               0..1  Equal Power Enable
   10       0               0..4  Osc1 Center Volume
   11       0               0..4  Osc2 Center Volume
   12       0               0..1  EG Mode
   13       0               0..1  Vol EG Key Sync
   14       0               0..4  EG Loop Direction
   15       0             0..127  EG Loop Repeat
   16    0..4          -127..127  EG X Value
   17    0..4          -127..127  EG Y Value
   18    0..3             0..195  EG Hold Time
   19    0..4             0..195  EG Transition Time
   20    0..3              0..10  EG Hold Base Note
   21    0..3              1..32  EG Hold Base Note Times
   22    0..4               0..9  EG Transition Base Note
   23    0..4              1..32  EG Transition Base Note Times

Controller Info

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       -                  -  (internal)
    1       -                  -  (internal)
    2    0..3             0..142  Mod Knob Assign
    3       -                  -  (internal)
    4    0..1              0..15  Panel Switch Assign
    5    0..1               0..1  Panel Switch Mode
    6    0..1               0..1  Panel Switch State
    7       -                  -  (internal)
    8       -                  -  (internal)
    9       -                  -  (internal)
   10       -                  -  (internal)
   11       -                  -  (internal)
   12       -                  -  (internal)
   13       -                  -  (internal)
   14       -                  -  (internal)
   15       -                  -  (internal)
   16       -                  -  (internal)

Audio Input

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..1  Use Global Settings
    1    0..5             0..127  Level
    2    0..5             0..127  Pan
    3    0..5              0..25  Bus Select
    4    0..5             0..127  Send 1 Level
    5    0..5             0..127  Send 2 Level
    6    0..5               0..2  FX Control Bus
    7    0..5               0..6  HDR Bus
    8    0..5               0..1  Mute
    9    0..5               0..1  Solo

note: index selects audio input channel

Program Slots 1-16

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0              0..25  Output Bus
    1       0             0..127  Output Pan
    2       0             0..127  Output Level
    3       0             0..127  Send 1 Level
    4       0             0..127  Send 2 Level
    5       0               0..1  Use DKit Bus Settings
    6       0               0..2  FX Control Bus
    7       0               0..6  HDR Bus
    8       0              0..30  BankSelect
    9       0             0..127  ProgramId
   10       0              0..16  MIDI Channel
   11       0               0..4  TrackStatus
   12       0             0..127  BankSelectEx2MSB
   13       0             0..127  BankSelectEx2LSB
   14       0               0..1  Mute
   15       0               0..1  Solo
   16       0               0..3  ForceOscMode
   17       0               0..2  OscSelect
   18       0               0..1  Priority
   19       0               0..2  Osc On Off Ctrl
   20       0            -1..127  PortamentoTime
   21       0            -25..24  PitchBendRange
   22       0            -60..60  Transpose
   23       0        -1200..1200  Detune
   24       0               0..1  Delay type (time/tempo/time+hold/tempo+hold)
   25       0            0..6001  DelayTimeMs
   26       0               0..9  Delay Base Note
   27       0              1..32  Delay Times
   28       0               0..1  UseProgramScale
   29       0             0..127  KeyZoneTop
   30       0              0..72  KeyZoneTopSlope
   31       0             0..127  KeyZoneBottom
   32       0              0..15  KeyZoneBottomSlope
   33       0             1..127  VelZoneTop
   34       0              0..15  VelZoneTopSlope
   35       0             1..127  VelZoneBottom
   36       0              0..15  VelZoneBottomSlope
   37       0               0..1  EnableProgramChange
   38       0               0..1  EnableAfterTouch
   39       0               0..1  EnableDamper
   40       0               0..1  EnablePortamentoSW
   41       0               0..1  EnableJSXAsAMS
   42       0               0..1  EnableJSY
   43       0               0..1  EnableJSmY
   44       0               0..1  EnableRibbon
   45       0               0..1  EnableKnob1
   46       0               0..1  EnableKnob2
   47       0               0..1  EnableKnob3
   48       0               0..1  EnableKnob4
   49       0               0..1  EnableKnob5
   50       0               0..1  EnableKnob6
   51       0               0..1  EnableKnob7
   52       0               0..1  EnableKnob8
   53       0               0..1  EnableSW1
   54       0               0..1  EnableSW2
   55       0               0..1  EnableFootPedal
   56       0               0..1  EnableFootSwitch
   57       0               0..1  EnableOtherCC
   58       0               0..1  EnableKarmaWaveformSysex
   59       0               0..2  Key Sync
   60       0          -301..300  Swing %
   61       0               0..2  Quantize Trigger
   62       0               0..4  VJS Assign
   63       0               0..4  Volume Center Value
   64       0               0..1  Program Vector Volume
   65       0               0..1  Program Vector CC
   66       0               0..1  Combi Vector CC
   67       0               0..1  EQ Autload Program Settings
   68       0               0..1  EQ Bypass
   69       0              0..99  EQ Trim
   70       0            -36..36  EQ Low Gain
   71       0             0..165  EQ Mid Freq
   72       0            -36..36  EQ Mid Gain
   73       0            -36..36  EQ High Gain
   74   0..11              0..25  Drum Kit IFX Patch
   75       0             -1..28  Input Source
   76       0               0..2  Input Channel Select
   77       0              0..17  Max Num Notes
   78       0               0..3  Chord Mode
   79       0               0..8  Chord Source
   80       0               0..1  Chord SW (not stored)

Params which take patch id (0..1):
   75  Input Source
   76  Input Channel Select

    0  I-A
    5  I-F
    6  GM
    7  g(1)
   15  g(9)
   16  g(d)
   17  U-A
   23  U-G
   24  U-AA
   30  U-GG

Tone Adjust (for slots 1-16)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0    0..8             0..127  Assign Slider
    1    0..7             0..127  Assign Knob
    2   0..15             0..127  Assign Switch
    3   0..15      -32767..32767  Switch On Value
    4    0..8      -32767..32767  Slider Value
    5    0..7      -32767..32767  Knob Value
    6   0..15               0..1  Switch Value

Params which take patch id (0..1):
    0  Assign Slider
    1  Assign Knob
    2  Assign Switch

Message Formats

Combi and Related Objects:
  F0 42 3g 68 43  00 00    F7

        10: Combi
        16: Vector
        1B: Controller Info
        1E: Audio Input
        21: Effect Balance
        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383
        single-byte value from table
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

Tone Adjust:
  F0 42 3g 68 43  1C       F7

        0..15: Program slot 1..16
        Indicates target patch for tone adjust assignment params: 0: Patch 1, 1: Patch 2.
        Must be 0 for all other params.
        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383
        single-byte value from table
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

  F0 42 3g 68 43   00  00  F7

        17: Effect Algorithm
        18: Effect Slot
        0..11: IFX 1..12, 12..13: MFX 1..2, 14..15: TFX 1..2
        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

Effect Common LFO:
  F0 42 3g 68 43  19   00  00  F7

        0: LFO 1, 1: LFO 2
        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

Program Slot:
  F0 42 3g 68 43  04       F7

        0..15: Program Slot 1..16
        0..1 for params listed above. 0 otherwise.
        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383
        single-byte value from table
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first