
This file was generated automatically.  Do not edit by hand.

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       -                  -  (reserved)
    1       -                  -  (reserved)
    2       -                  -  (reserved)
    3  0..127             0..127  Volume
    4  0..127              0..22  Hold Time
    5  0..127              0..15  Keyboard Track
    6       0               0..1  EQ Bypass
    7       0            -36..36  EQ Band1 Gain
    8       0            -36..36  EQ Band2 Gain
    9       0            -36..36  EQ Band3 Gain
   10       0            -36..36  EQ Band4 Gain
   11       0            -36..36  EQ Band5 Gain
   12       0            -36..36  EQ Band6 Gain
   13       0            -36..36  EQ Band7 Gain
   14       0            -36..36  EQ Band8 Gain
   15       0            -36..36  EQ Band9 Gain
   16       0               0..1  Control Surface Select
   17       -                  -  (internal)
   18  0..127          0..196607  Slot Performance

Slot Performance:

    This parameter's value contains a performance type, bank, and number packed
    into a single integer value as follows:

        type << 16 | bank << 8 | number


            0: combi
            1: program
            2: song

                combi   prog    song
            0:  I-A     I-A     -
            1:  I-B     I-B     -
            5:  I-F     I-F     -
            6:  U-A     GM      -
            7:  U-B     g(1)    -
           13:  U-G     g(7)    -
           14:  -       g(8)    -
           15:  -       g(9)    -
           16:  -       g(d)    -
           17:  -       U-A     -
           18:  -       U-B     -
           23:  -       U-G     -
           24:  -       U-AA    -
           25:  -       U-BB    -
           30:  -       U-GG    -

            0..127 for programs and combis
            0..199 for songs

Set List Message Format:

  F0 42 3g 68 43 25 00 00    F7

        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383
        single-byte value from table
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first