This file was generated automatically.  Do not edit by hand.


comp  sub                name
----  ---  --------------------------------
 127    0  MS-20EX Patch
   0    0  Stereo 3-Band EQ
   1    0  Common KeyTrack 1
   2    0  Common KeyTrack 2
   3    0  Pan/Output
   4    0  AMS Mixer 1
   5    0  AMS Mixer 2
   6    0  AMS Mixer 3
   7    0  AMS Mixer 4
   8    0  LFO 1
   9    0  LFO 2
  10    0  LFO 3
  11    0  LFO 4
  12    0  EG 3
  13    0  EG 4
  14    0  EG 5
  15    0  EG 6
  16    0  MS-20 Synth
  17    0  EG 1 & 2

MS-20EX Patch (comp 127, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0              0..97  VoiceDelay
    1       0               0..1  MG Key Sync
    2       0            0..1000  MG Frequency
    3       0              0..77  MG Frequency AMS Source
    4       0        -1000..1000  MG Frequency AMS Intensity
    5       0              0..77  MG Frequency AMS Int Mod Source
    6       0        -1000..1000  MG Frequency AMS Int Mod Intensity
    7       0               0..1  MG Tempo Sync
    8       0               0..9  MG Base Note
    9       0              0..15  MG Tempo Sync Times
   10       0              0..77  MG Tempo Sync Times AMS Source
   11       0            -15..15  MG Tempo Sync Times AMS Intensity
   12       0              0..77  MG Tempo Sync Times AMS Int Mod Source
   13       0            -15..15  MG Tempo Sync Times AMS Int Mod Intensity
   14       0            0..1000  MG Waveform
   15       0              0..77  MG Waveform AMS Source
   16       0        -1000..1000  MG Waveform AMS Intensity
   17       0              0..77  MG Waveform AMS Int Mod Source
   18       0        -1000..1000  MG Waveform AMS Int Mod Intensity
   19       0               0..5  Voice Allocator EG

Stereo 3-Band EQ (comp 0, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..1  Bypass
    1       0              0..99  InputTrim
    2       0            -36..36  Low
    3       0             0..165  MidFreq
    4       0            -36..36  Mid
    5       0            -36..36  High

Common KeyTrack 1 (comp 1, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0             0..127  LowKey
    1       0             0..127  MidKey
    2       0             0..127  HighKey
    3       0          -100..100  LowRamp
    4       0          -100..100  MidLowRamp
    5       0          -100..100  MidHighRamp
    6       0          -100..100  HighRamp

Common KeyTrack 2 (comp 2, sub 0)

    see Common KeyTrack 1 (comp 1, sub 0)

Pan/Output (comp 3, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..1  PanUseDrumkitSetting
    1       0              0..77  PanAMSSource
    2       0            -99..99  PanAMSIntensity
    3       0             0..127  Pan
    4       0             0..127  Send 1 Level
    5       0             0..127  Send 2 Level
    6       0             0..127  Patch Level
    7       0               0..1  Patch Mute
    8       0               0..1  Patch Solo (not stored)

AMS Mixer 1 (comp 4, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..6  Mixer Type
    1       0              0..77  Source A
    2       0            -99..99  Amount A
    3       0              0..77  Source B
    4       0            -99..99  Amount B
    5       0              0..77  Amt A x B: Source A (deprecated. use Source A)
    6       0            -99..99  Amt A x B: Amount A (deprecated. use Amount A)
    7       0              0..77  Amt A x B: Source B (deprecated. use Source B)
    8       0            -99..99  Amt A x B: Amount B (deprecated. use Amount B)
    9       0              0..77  Offset: Source (deprecated. use Source A)
   10       0          -199..199  Offset: Amount
   11       0          -199..199  Offset: Offset
   12       0              0..77  Smoothing: Source (deprecated. use Source A)
   13       0              0..99  Smoothing: Attack
   14       0              0..99  Smoothing: Decay
   15       0              0..77  Shape: Source (deprecated. use Source A)
   16       0            -99..99  Shape: Shape
   17       0               0..1  Shape: Mode
   18       0              0..77  Quantize: Source (deprecated. use AMS Source A)
   19       0              2..32  Quantize: Steps
   20       0              0..77  Gate: Source
   21       0            -99..99  Gate: Threshold
   22       0               0..1  Gate: Control at Note-on only
   23       0               0..1  Gate: Below Threshold Use AMS
   24       0               0..1  Gate: At/Above Threshold Use AMS
   25       0              0..77  Gate: Below Threshold AMS Source Select (deprecated. use Source A)
   26       0              0..77  Gate: At/Above Threshold AMS Source Select (deprecated. use Source B)
   27       0            -99..99  Gate: Below Threshold Fixed Value
   28       0            -99..99  Gate: At/Above Threshold Fixed Value

AMS Mixer 2 (comp 5, sub 0)

    see AMS Mixer 1 (comp 4, sub 0)

AMS Mixer 3 (comp 6, sub 0)

    see AMS Mixer 1 (comp 4, sub 0)

AMS Mixer 4 (comp 7, sub 0)

    see AMS Mixer 1 (comp 4, sub 0)

LFO 1 (comp 8, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0              0..17  Waveform
    1       0            -36..37  Start Phase
    2       0            -99..99  Shape
    3       0              0..77  Shape AMS Source
    4       0            -99..99  Shape AMS Intensity
    5       0              0..99  Frequency
    6       0              0..99  FrequencyFine
    7       0               0..1  Stop
    8       0            -99..99  Offset
    9       0               0..1  KeySync
   10       0              0..99  Fade
   11       0              0..99  Delay
   12       0              0..77  FrequencyAMS1Source
   13       0            -99..99  FrequencyAMS1Intensity
   14       0              0..77  FrequencyAMS1ModSource
   15       0            -99..99  FrequencyAMS1ModIntensity
   16       0              0..77  FrequencyAMS2Source
   17       0            -99..99  FrequencyAMS2Intensity
   18       0               0..1  MIDITempoSync
   19       0               0..9  MIDITempoSyncBaseNote
   20       0              1..32  MIDITempoSyncTimes

LFO 2 (comp 9, sub 0)

    see LFO 1 (comp 8, sub 0)

LFO 3 (comp 10, sub 0)

    see LFO 1 (comp 8, sub 0)

LFO 4 (comp 11, sub 0)

    see LFO 1 (comp 8, sub 0)

EG 3 (comp 12, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0            -99..99  Start Level
            1                     Attack Level
            2                     Breakpoint Level
            3                     Sustain Level
            4                     Release Level
    1       0              0..99  Attack Time
            1                     Decay Time
            2                     Slope Time
            3                     Release Time
    2       0              0..10  Attack Curve
            1                     Decay Curve
            2                     Slope Curve
            3                     Release Curve
    3       0              0..77  LevelModAMS1Source
    4       0            -99..99  Start Lvl Mod Intens
            1                     Attack Lvl Mod Intens
            2                     Breakpoint Lvl Mod Intens
    5       0              0..77  LevelModAMS2Source
    6       0            -99..99  Start Lvl Mod Intens
            1                     Attack Lvl Mod Intens
            2                     Breakpoint Lvl Mod Intens
    7       0              0..77  TimeModAMS1Source
    8       0            -99..99  Attack Time Mod Intens
            1                     Decay Time Mod Intens
            2                     Slope Time Mod Intens
            3                     Release Time Mod Intens
    9       0              0..77  TimeModAMS2Source
   10       0            -99..99  Attack Time Mod Intens
            1                     Decay Time Mod Intens
            2                     Slope Time Mod Intens
            3                     Release Time Mod Intens
   11       0              0..77  TimeModAMS3Source
   12       0            -99..99  Attack Time Mod Intens
            1                     Decay Time Mod Intens
            2                     Slope Time Mod Intens
            3                     Release Time Mod Intens
   13       0              0..77  ResetAMSSource
   14       0            -99..99  ResetAMSThreshold

EG 4 (comp 13, sub 0)

    see EG 3 (comp 12, sub 0)

EG 5 (comp 14, sub 0)

    see EG 3 (comp 12, sub 0)

EG 6 (comp 15, sub 0)

    see EG 3 (comp 12, sub 0)

MS-20 Synth (comp 16, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0               0..3  Vco1Waveform
    1       0              0..77  Vco1WaveformAMSSource
    2       0              -3..3  Vco1WaveformAMSIntensity
    3       0            0..1000  Vco1PulseWidth
    4       0               0..3  Vco1Scale
    5       0              0..77  Vco1ScaleAMSSource
    6       0              -3..3  Vco1ScaleAMSIntensity
    7       0               0..3  Vco2Waveform
    8       0              0..77  Vco2WaveformAMSSource
    9       0              -3..3  Vco2WaveformAMSIntensity
   10       0        -1200..1200  Vco2Pitch
   11       0              0..77  Vco2PitchAMSSource
   12       0        -2400..2400  Vco2PitchAMSIntensity
   13       0              0..77  Vco2PitchAMSIntAMSSource
   14       0        -2400..2400  Vco2PitchAMSIntAMSIntensity
   15       0               0..3  Vco2Scale
   16       0              0..77  Vco2ScaleAMSSource
   17       0              -3..3  Vco2ScaleAMSIntensity
   18       0            0..1000  Portamento
   19       0          -500..500  FineTune
   20       0              0..77  FineTuneAMSSource
   21       0        -1000..1000  FineTuneAMSIntensity
   22       0              0..77  FineTuneAMSIntAMSSource
   23       0        -1000..1000  FineTuneAMSIntAMSIntensity
   24       0            0..1000  FreqModMgTExt
   25       0            0..1000  FreqModEg1Ext
   26       0            0..1000  Vco1Level
   27       0            0..1000  Vco2Level
   28       0            0..1200  BendRange
   29       0        -2400..2400  Transpose
   30       0              0..77  TransposeAMSSource
   31       0        -4800..4800  TransposeAMSIntensity
   32       0              0..77  TransposeAMSIntAMSSource
   33       0        -4800..4800  TransposeAMSIntAMSIntensity
   34       0            0..1000  Hpf Cutoff
   35       0            0..1000  Hpf Peak
   36       0            0..1000  Hpf MG/T.Ext
   37       0            0..1000  Hpf EG2/Ext
   38       0            0..1000  Lpf Cutoff
   39       0            0..1000  Lpf Peak
   40       0            0..1000  Lpf MG/T.Ext
   41       0            0..1000  Lpf EG2/Ext
   42       0            0..1000  EspSignalLevel
   43       0              0..77  EspSignalLevelAMSSource
   44       0        -1000..1000  EspSignalLevelAMSIntensity
   45       0            0..1000  EspLowCutFreq
   46       0              0..77  EspLowCutFreqAMSSource
   47       0        -1000..1000  EspLowCutFreqAMSIntensity
   48       0            0..1000  EspHighCutFreq
   49       0              0..77  EspHighCutFreqAMSSource
   50       0        -1000..1000  EspHighCutFreqAMSIntensity
   51       0            0..1000  EspCVAdjust
   52       0              0..77  EspCVAdjustAMSSource
   53       0        -1000..1000  EspCVAdjustAMSIntensity
   54       0            0..1000  EspThreshold
   55       0              0..77  EspThresholdAMSSource
   56       0        -1000..1000  EspThresholdAMSIntensity
   57       0            0..1000  Analog
   58       0              0..77  Wheel AMS Source
   59       0        -1000..1000  Wheel AMS Intensity
   60       0              0..77  Momentary Sw AMS Source
   61       0        -1000..1000  Momentary Sw AMS Intensity
   62       0        -1000..1000  Mixer 1 Level A
   63       0        -1000..1000  Mixer 1 Level B
   64       0        -1000..1000  Mixer 2 Level A
   65       0        -1000..1000  Mixer 2 Level B
   66       0              0..27  Total/Ext Ctrl In
            1                     Vco Freq Ctrl In
            2                     Ext Sig In
            3                     Hpf Freq Ctrl In
            4                     Lpf Sig In
            5                     Lpf Freq Ctrl In
            6                     Vca Sig In
            7                     Vca Init Gain In
            8                     Sample & Hold Clk In
            9                     Sample & Hold Sig In
           10                     Eg1 Trig In
           11                     Kbd Trig In
           12                     Vco 1&2 Cv In
           13                     Vco 2 Cv In
           14                     Mvca Ctrl In
           15                     Mvca Sig In
           16                     Esp Sig In
           17                     Esp BP In
           18                     Mixer 1 In A
           19                     Mixer 1 In B
           20                     Mixer 2 In A
           21                     Mixer 2 In B
   67       0            0..1000  Volume
   68       0              0..77  Volume AMS Source
   69       0        -1000..1000  Volume AMS Intensity
   70       0              0..56  Ext Mod A Source
   71       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod A to Hpf Fc
   72       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod A to Lpf Fc
   73       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod A to Vco1 Pw
   74       0        -2400..2400  Ext Mod A to Vco2 Pitch
   75       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod A to Amp
   76       0              0..56  Ext Mod B Source
   77       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod B to Hpf Fc
   78       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod B to Lpf Fc
   79       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod B to Vco T.Ext
   80       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod B to Hpf T.Ext
   81       0        -1000..1000  Ext Mod B to Lpf T.Ext
   82       0              0..77  Portamento AMS Source
            1                     Vco1PulseWidth AMS Source
            2                     Vco1Level AMS Source
            3                     Vco2Level AMS Source
            4                     PitchMgTExt AMS Source
            5                     PitchEg1Ext AMS Source
            6                     HpfCutoff AMS Source
            7                     HpfPeak AMS Source
            8                     HpfMgText AMS Source
            9                     HpfEg2Ext AMS Source
           10                     LpfCutoff AMS Source
           11                     LpfPeak AMS Source
           12                     LpfMgText AMS Source
           13                     LpfEg2Ext AMS Source
   83       0        -1000..1000  Portamento AMS Intensity
            1                     Vco1PulseWidth AMS Intensity
            2                     Vco1Level AMS Intensity
            3                     Vco2Level AMS Intensity
            4                     PitchMgTExt AMS Intensity
            5                     PitchEg1Ext AMS Intensity
            6                     HpfCutoff AMS Intensity
            7                     HpfPeak AMS Intensity
            8                     HpfMgText AMS Intensity
            9                     HpfEg2Ext AMS Intensity
           10                     LpfCutoff AMS Intensity
           11                     LpfPeak AMS Intensity
           12                     LpfMgText AMS Intensity
           13                     LpfEg2Ext AMS Intensity
   84       0              0..77  Portamento AMS Int AMS Source
            1                     Vco1PulseWidth AMS Int AMS Source
            2                     Vco1Level AMS Int AMS Source
            3                     Vco2Level AMS Int AMS Source
            4                     PitchMgTExt AMS Int AMS Source
            5                     PitchEg1Ext AMS Int AMS Source
            6                     HpfCutoff AMS Int AMS Source
            7                     HpfPeak AMS Int AMS Source
            8                     HpfMgText AMS Int AMS Source
            9                     HpfEg2Ext AMS Int AMS Source
           10                     LpfCutoff AMS Int AMS Source
           11                     LpfPeak AMS Int AMS Source
           12                     LpfMgText AMS Int AMS Source
           13                     LpfEg2Ext AMS Int AMS Source
   85       0        -1000..1000  Portamento AMS Int AMS Intensity
            1                     Vco1PulseWidth AMS Int AMS Intensity
            2                     Vco1Level AMS Int AMS Intensity
            3                     Vco2Level AMS Int AMS Intensity
            4                     PitchMgTExt AMS Int AMS Intensity
            5                     PitchEg1Ext AMS Int AMS Intensity
            6                     HpfCutoff AMS Int AMS Intensity
            7                     HpfPeak AMS Int AMS Intensity
            8                     HpfMgText AMS Int AMS Intensity
            9                     HpfEg2Ext AMS Int AMS Intensity
           10                     LpfCutoff AMS Int AMS Intensity
           11                     LpfPeak AMS Int AMS Intensity
           12                     LpfMgText AMS Int AMS Intensity
           13                     LpfEg2Ext AMS Int AMS Intensity
   86       0              0..77  Mixer1LevelA AMS Source
            1                     Mixer1LevelB AMS Source
            2                     Mixer2LevelA AMS Source
            3                     Mixer2LevelB AMS Source
   87       0        -2000..2000  Mixer1LevelA AMS Intensity
            1                     Mixer1LevelB AMS Intensity
            2                     Mixer2LevelA AMS Intensity
            3                     Mixer2LevelB AMS Intensity
   88       0              0..77  Mixer1LevelA AMS Int AMS Source
            1                     Mixer1LevelB AMS Int AMS Source
            2                     Mixer2LevelA AMS Int AMS Source
            3                     Mixer2LevelB AMS Int AMS Source
   89       0        -2000..2000  Mixer1LevelA AMS Int AMS Intensity
            1                     Mixer1LevelB AMS Int AMS Intensity
            2                     Mixer2LevelA AMS Int AMS Intensity
            3                     Mixer2LevelB AMS Int AMS Intensity
   90       0               0..1  Trigger On:

EG 1 & 2 (comp 17, sub 0)

param   index        value                      name
-----  ------  -----------------  --------------------------------
    0       0            0..1000  EG2 Hold Time
    1       0            0..1000  EG2 Attack Time
    2       0            0..1000  EG2 Decay Time
    3       0            0..1000  EG2 Sustain Level
    4       0            0..1000  EG2 Release Time
    5       0            0..1000  EG1 Delay Time
    6       0            0..1000  EG1 Attack Time
    7       0            0..1000  EG1 Release Time
    8       0              0..77  EG2 Hold Time AMS Source
    9       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Hold Time AMS Intensity
   10       0              0..77  EG2 Hold Time AMS Int AMS Source
   11       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Hold Time AMS Int AMS Intensity
   12       0              0..77  EG2 Attack Time AMS Source
   13       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Attack Time AMS Intensity
   14       0              0..77  EG2 Attack Time AMS Int AMS Source
   15       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Attack Time AMS Int AMS Intensity
   16       0              0..77  EG2 Decay Time AMS Source
   17       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Decay Time AMS Intensity
   18       0              0..77  EG2 Decay Time AMS Int AMS Source
   19       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Decay Time AMS Int AMS Intensity
   20       0              0..77  EG2 Sustain Level AMS Source
   21       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Sustain Level AMS Intensity
   22       0              0..77  EG2 Sustain Level AMS Int AMS Source
   23       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Sustain Level AMS Int AMS Intensity
   24       0              0..77  EG2 Release Time AMS Source
   25       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Release Time AMS Intensity
   26       0              0..77  EG2 Release Time AMS Int AMS Source
   27       0        -1000..1000  EG2 Release Time AMS Int AMS Intensity
   28       0              0..77  EG1 Delay Time AMS Source
   29       0        -1000..1000  EG1 Delay Time AMS Intensity
   30       0              0..77  EG1 Delay Time AMS Int AMS Source
   31       0        -1000..1000  EG1 Delay Time AMS Int AMS Intensity
   32       0              0..77  EG1 Attack Time AMS Source
   33       0        -1000..1000  EG1 Attack Time AMS Intensity
   34       0              0..77  EG1 Attack Time AMS Int AMS Source
   35       0        -1000..1000  EG1 Attack Time AMS Int AMS Intensity
   36       0              0..77  EG1 Release Time AMS Source
   37       0        -1000..1000  EG1 Release Time AMS Intensity
   38       0              0..77  EG1 Release Time AMS Int AMS Source
   39       0        -1000..1000  EG1 Release Time AMS Int AMS Intensity

Message Formats:
  F0 42 3g 68 43       F7

        09: HD-1 patch 1
        0A: HD-1 patch 2
        0B: EXi patch 1
        0C: EXi patch 2
        single-byte values from table
        pp: (7-bit) for parameter ids in the range of 0..126
        7F pp pp: (14-bit, MSB first) for parameter ids in the range of 127..16383 (deprecated)
        single-byte value from table
        vv vv vv: 21-bit signed value, MSB first

  F0 42 3g 68 44        F7

  , , 
        (as above)
        pp: parameter id
        (as above)
        02: 16-byte UUID
        binary value converted to 7-bit sys/ex data (see *3 in KRONOS_MIDI_SysEx.txt)

MS-20EX Tone Adjust

assign  type        value                      name
------  ----  -----------------  --------------------------------
     0     -                  -  Off
     1   Rel            -99..99  Filter Cutoff
     2   Rel            -99..99  Filter Resonance
     3   Rel            -99..99  Filter EG Intensity
     5   Rel            -99..99  Filter Amp EG Attack
     6   Rel            -99..99  Filter Amp EG Decay
     7   Rel            -99..99  Filter Amp EG Sustain
     8   Rel            -99..99  Filter Amp EG Release
    21   Rel            -99..99  Pitch LFO 1 Intensity
    22   Rel            -99..99  LFO 1 Speed
    23   Rel            -99..99  LFO 1 Fade
    24   Rel            -99..99  LFO 1 Delay
    25   Abs              -1..1  LFO 1 Stop
    26   Rel            -99..99  LFO 2 Speed
    27   Rel            -99..99  LFO 2 Fade
    28   Rel            -99..99  LFO 2 Delay
    29   Abs              -1..1  LFO 2 Stop
    30   Rel            -99..99  Common LFO Speed
    31   Abs               0..1  Unison Enable
    32   Abs              2..16  Unison Num Voices
    33   Abs             0..200  Unison Detune
    34   Abs               0..9  Unison Thickness
    35   Abs              0..99  Common Step Seq Attack
    36   Abs              0..99  Common Step Seq Decay

    48   Abs               0..3  VCO 1 WAVE FORM
    49   Abs            0..1000  VCO 1 PW
    50   Abs               0..3  VCO 1 SCALE
    51   Abs               0..3  VCO 2 WAVE FORM
    52   Abs        -1200..1200  VCO 2 PITCH
    53   Abs               0..3  VCO 2 SCALE
    54   Abs            0..1000  PORTAMENTO TIME
    55   Abs          -500..500  FINE TUNE
    56   Abs            0..1000  FREQ MOD MG/T.EXT
    57   Abs            0..1000  FREQ MOD EG1/EXT
    58   Abs            0..1000  VCO 1 LEVEL
    59   Abs            0..1000  VCO 2 LEVEL
    60   Abs            0..1000  HPF FREQUENCY
    61   Abs            0..1000  HPF PEAK
    62   Abs            0..1000  HPF MOD MG/T.EXT
    63   Abs            0..1000  HPF MOD EG2/EXT
    64   Abs            0..1000  LPF FREQUENCY
    65   Abs            0..1000  LPF PEAK
    66   Abs            0..1000  LPF MOD MG/T.EXT
    67   Abs            0..1000  LPF MOD EG2/EXT
    68   Abs            0..1200  BEND RANGE
    69   Abs        -2400..2400  TRANSPOSE
    70   Abs               0..1  MG Key Sync
    71   Abs               0..1  MG Tempo Sync
    72   Abs               0..9  MG Base Note
    73   Abs            0..1000  MG Frequency
    74   Abs              0..15  MG Times
    75   Abs            0..1000  MG Waveform
    76   Abs            0..1000  EG1 DELAY TIME
    77   Abs            0..1000  EG1 ATTACK TIME
    78   Abs            0..1000  EG1 RELEASE TIME
    79   Abs            0..1000  EG2 HOLD TIME
    80   Abs            0..1000  EG2 ATTACK TIME
    81   Abs            0..1000  EG2 DECAY TIME
    82   Abs            0..1000  EG2 SUSTAIN LEVEL
    83   Abs            0..1000  EG2 RELEASE TIME
    84   Abs        -1000..1000  MIXER 1 LEVEL A
    85   Abs        -1000..1000  MIXER 1 LEVEL B
    86   Abs        -1000..1000  MIXER 2 LEVEL A
    87   Abs        -1000..1000  MIXER 2 LEVEL B
    88   Abs            0..1000  ESP SIGNAL LEVEL
    89   Abs            0..1000  ESP LOW CUT FREQ
    90   Abs            0..1000  ESP HIGH CUT FREQ
    91   Abs            0..1000  ESP CV ADJUST
    92   Abs            0..1000  ESP THRESHOLD
    93   Rel            -99..99  EG3 ATTACK TIME (RELATIVE)
    94   Rel            -99..99  EG3 DECAY TIME (RELATIVE)
    95   Rel            -99..99  EG3 SUSTAIN LEVEL (RELATIVE)
    96   Rel            -99..99  EG3 RELEASE TIME (RELATIVE)
    97   Rel            -99..99  EG4 ATTACK TIME (RELATIVE)
    98   Rel            -99..99  EG4 DECAY TIME (RELATIVE)
    99   Rel            -99..99  EG4 SUSTAIN LEVEL (RELATIVE)
   100   Rel            -99..99  EG4 RELEASE TIME (RELATIVE)
   101   Rel            -99..99  EG5 ATTACK TIME (RELATIVE)
   102   Rel            -99..99  EG5 DECAY TIME (RELATIVE)
   103   Rel            -99..99  EG5 SUSTAIN LEVEL (RELATIVE)
   104   Rel            -99..99  EG5 RELEASE TIME (RELATIVE)
   105   Rel            -99..99  EG6 ATTACK TIME (RELATIVE)
   106   Rel            -99..99  EG6 DECAY TIME (RELATIVE)
   107   Rel            -99..99  EG6 SUSTAIN LEVEL (RELATIVE)
   108   Rel            -99..99  EG6 RELEASE TIME (RELATIVE)
   109   Abs              0..17  LFO1 WAVE FORM
   110   Abs            -99..99  LFO1 SHAPE
   111   Abs              0..17  LFO2 WAVE FORM
   112   Abs            -99..99  LFO2 SHAPE
   113   Abs              0..17  LFO3 WAVE FORM
   114   Abs            -99..99  LFO3 SHAPE
   115   Abs              0..17  LFO3 SPEED (RELATIVE)
   116   Abs            -99..99  LFO3 FADE (RELATIVE)
   117   Rel            -99..99  LFO3 DELAY (RELATIVE)
   118   Rel            -99..99  LFO3 STOP
   119   Rel            -99..99  LFO4 WAVE FORM
   120   Abs               0..1  LFO4 SHAPE
   121   Rel            -99..99  LFO4 SPEED (RELATIVE)
   122   Rel            -99..99  LFO4 FADE (RELATIVE)
   123   Rel            -99..99  LFO4 DELAY (RELATIVE)
   124   Abs               0..1  LFO4 STOP

MS-20EX AMS Sources

src                name
---  --------------------------------
  0  Off
  1  AMS Mixer 1
  2  AMS Mixer 2
  3  AMS Mixer 3
  4  AMS Mixer 4
  5  Common Step Seq
  6  EG 3
  7  EG 4
  8  EG 5
  9  EG 6
 10  MG Tri
 11  MG Pulse
 12  LFO1
 13  LFO2
 14  LFO3
 15  LFO4
 16  Common LFO
 17  Keytrack 1
 18  Keytrack 2
 19  Note Number
 20  Velocity
 21  Exp Velocity
 22  Poly Aftertouch
 23  Aftertouch
 24  JSX
 25  JS+Y (CC#1)
 26  JS-Y (CC#2)
 27  JS+Y + AT/2
 28  JS-Y + AT/2
 29  Pedal (CC#4)
 30  Ribbon (CC#16)
 31  Slider (CC#18)
 32  Knob5 (CC#17)
 33  Knob6 (CC#19)
 34  Knob7 (CC#20)
 35  Knob8 (CC#21)
 36  Knob5 [+]
 37  Knob6 [+]
 38  Knob7 [+]
 39  Knob8 [+]
 40  Damper (CC#64)
 41  PortaSW (CC#65)
 42  Sostenuto (CC#66)
 43  Soft Pdl (CC#67)
 44  SW1 (CC#80)
 45  SW2 (CC#81)
 46  FootSW (CC#82)
 47  MIDI Ctl (CC#83)
 48  Vector JS+X (CC#85)
 49  Vector JS-X (CC#86)
 50  Vector JS+Y (CC#87)
 51  Vector JS-Y (CC#88)
 52  Tempo
 53  Off
 54  Off
 55  Off
 56  Off
 57  Off
 58  Off
 59  Off
 60  Off
 61  Off
 62  Off
 63  Off
 64  Off
 65  Off
 66  Off
 67  Off
 68  Off
 69  Off
 70  Off
 71  Off
 72  Off
 73  Off
 74  Off
 75  Off
 76  Off
 77  Off