Amused_To_Death lyrics


The Ballad Of Bill Hubbard


  (switch channels)
   [Alf Razzell:]
   "Two things that have haunted me most are the days when I
   had to collect the paybooks; and when I left Bill Hubbard in

   "I was picked up and taken into their trench.  And I'd no
   sooner taken two or three steps down the trench when I heard a
   call, 'Hello Razz, I'm glad to see you.  This is my second night
   here,' and he said 'I'm feeling bad,' and it was Bill Hubbard,
   one of the men we'd trained in England, one of the original
   battalion.  I had a look at his wound, rolled him over; I could
   see it was probably a fatal wound.  You could imagine what pain
   he was in, he was dripping with sweat; and after I'd gone about
   three shellholes, traversed that, had it been...had there been a
   path or a road I could have done better.  He pummelled me, 'Put
   me down, put me down, I'd rather die, I'd rather die, put me
   down.'  I was hoping he would faint.  He said 'I can't go any
   further, let me die.'  I said 'If I leave you here Bill you won't
   be found, let's have another go.'  He said 'All right then.'  And
   the same thing happened; he couldn't stand it any more, and I had
   to leave him there, in no-man's-land."

  (switch channels)
  (girl) "I don't mind about the war, that's one of the things I
   _like_ to watch, if it's a war going on, 'cause then I know if
   our side's winning, if our side's losing..."
  (switch channels)

What God Wants, Part I

  What God wants God gets God help us all
  What God wants God gets
  The kid in the corner looked at the priest
  And fingered his pale blue Japanese guitar
  The priest said
  God wants goodness
  God wants light
  God wants mayhem
  God wants a clean fight
  What God wants God gets
  Don't look so surprised
  It's only dogma
  The alien prophet cried
  The beetle and the springbok
  Took the Bible from its hook
  The monkey in the corner
  Wrote the lesson in his book
  What God wants God gets God help us all
  God wants peace
  God wants war
  God wants famine
  God wants chain stores
  What God wants God gets
  God wants sedition
  God wants sex
  God wants freedom
  God wants semtex
  What God wants God gets
  Don't look so surprised
  I'm only joking
  The alien comic cried
  The jackass and hyena
  Took the feather from its hook
  The monkey in the corner
  Wrote the joke down in his book
  What God wants God gets
  God wants boarders
  God wants crack
  God wants rainfall
  God wants wetbacks
  What God wants God gets
  God wants voodoo
  God wants shrines
  God wants law
  God wants organised crime
  God wants crusade
  God wants jihad
  God wants good
  God wants bad
  What God wants God gets

Perfect Sense, Part I

  The monkey sat on a pile of stones
  And stared at the broken bone in his hand
  And the stains of a Viennese quartet
  Rang out across the land
  The monkey looked up at the stars
  And thought to himself
  Memory is a stranger
  History is for fools
  And he cleaned his hands
  In a pool of holy writing
  Turned his back on the garden
  And set out for the nearest town
  Hold on hold on soldier
  When you add it all up
  The tears and the marrowbone
  There's an ounce of gold
  And an ounce of pride in each ledger
  And the Germans killed the Jews
  And the Jews killed the Arabs
  And the Arabs killed the hostages
  And that is the news
  And is it any wonder
  That the monkey's confused
  He said Mama Mama
  The President's a fool
  Why do I have to keep reading
  These technical manuals
  And the joint chiefs of staff
  And the brokers on Wall Street said
  Don't make us laugh
  You're a smart kid
  Time is linear
  Memory is a stranger
  History is for fools
  Man is a tool in the hands
  Of the great God Almighty
  And they gave him command
  Of a nuclear submarine
  And sent him back in search of
  The Garden of Eden

Perfect Sense, Part II

  Can't you see
  It all makes perfect sense
  Expressed in dollars and cents
  Pounds shillings and pence
  Can't you see
  It all makes perfect sense
  Little black soul departs in perfect focus
  Prime time fodder for the News at Nine
  Darling is the child warm in the bed tonight
  Hi everybody I'm Marv Albert
  And welcome to our telecast
  Coming to you live from Memorial Stadium
  It's a beautiful day
  And today we expect a sensational matchup
  But first our global anthem
  Can't you see
  It all makes perfect sense
  Expressed in dollars and cents
  Pounds shillings and pence
  Can't you see
  It all makes perfect sense
  And here come the players
  As I speak to you now the captain
  Has his cross hairs zeroed in on the oil rig
  It looks to me like he's going to attack
  By the way did you know that a submarine
  Captain earns 200,000 dollars a year
  Oh that's less tax Marv yeah less tax
  Uh thank you Emery you're welcome
  Now back to the game he fires one yes
  There goes two both fish are running
  The rig is going into a prevent defense
  Will they make it I don't think so
  Can't you see
  It all makes perfect sense
  Expressed in dollars and cents
  Pounds shillings and pence
  Can't you see
  It all makes perfect sense

The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range

  You have a natural tendency
  To squeeze off a shot
  You're good fun at parties
  You wear the right masks
  You're old but you still
  Like a laugh in the locker room
  You can't abide change
  You're at home on the range
  You opened your suitcase
  Behind the old workings
  To show off the magnum
  You deafened the canyon
  A comfort a friend
  Only upstaged in the end
  By the Uzi machine gun
  Does the recoil remind you
  Remind you of sex
  Old man what the hell you gonna kill next
  Old timer who you gonna kill next
  I looked over Jordan and what did I see
  Saw a U.S. Marine in a pile of debris
  I swam in your pools
  And lay under your palm trees
  I looked in the eyes of the Indian
  Who lay on the Federal Building steps
  And through the range finder over the hill
  I saw the front line boys popping their pills
  Sick of the mess they find
  On their desert stage
  And the bravery of being out of range
  Yeah the question is vexed
  Old man what the hell you gonna kill next
  Old timer who you gonna kill next
  Hey bartender over here
  Two more shots
  And two more beers
  Sir turn up the TV sound
  The war has started on the ground
  Just love those laser guided bombs
  They're really great
  For righting wrongs
  You hit the target
  And win the game
  From bars 3,000 miles away
  3,000 miles away
  We play the game
  With the bravery of being out of range
  We zap and maim
  With the bravery of being out of range
  We strafe the train
  With the bravery of being out of range
  We gain terrain
  With the bravery of being out of range
  With the bravery of being out of range
  We play the game
  With the bravery of being out of range

Late Home Tonight, Part I

  Standing at the window
  A farmer's wife in Oxfordshire
  Glances at the clock it's nearly time for tea
  She doesn't see
  The phantom in the hedgerow dip its wings
  Doesn't hear the engine sing
  But in the cockpit's techno glow
  Behind the Ray Ban(R) shine
  The kid from Cleveland
  In the comfort of routine
  Scans his dials and smiles
  Secure in the beauty of military life
  There is no right or wrong
  Only tin cans and cordite and white cliffs
  And blue skies and flight flight flight
  The beauty of military life
  No questions only orders and flight only flight
  What a beautiful sight in his wild blue dream
  The eternal child leafs through his
  War magazine
  And his kind Uncle Sam feeds ten trillion in
  Change into the total entertainment
  Combat video game
  And up here in the stands
  The fans are goin' wild
  The cheerleaders flip
  When you wiggle your hip
  And we all like the bit when you take
  The jeans from the refrigerator and
  Then the bad guy gets hit
  And were you struck by the satisfying
  Way the swimsuit sticks to her skin
  Like BB gun days
  When knives pierce autumn leaves
  But that's okay see the children bleed
  It'll look great on the TV
  And in Tripoli another ordinary wife
  Stares at the dripping her old man hadn't
  Time to fix
  Too busy mixing politics and rhythm
  In the street below

Late Home Tonight, Part II

  Hark the wire service sing
  Clear the satellite link
  Check the fax machine
  Hold the lead story boys
  There's some great pictures coming in
  Now the pilot's heartbeat slows
  Palms dry out
  No questions only orders
  And the F-1 glides in nose-up
  Through the cloudbase and the
  Ground crew cheers as he puts down
  His landing gear
  Hey boy you're a hero take this cigar
  Back home in Cleveland
  All the papers and local TV stations
  Will be calling your ma
  And the farmer's wife
  Shoos the cat off the chair
  She says sit down my dear
  Was the milking all right
  Our American friends are late home tonight

Too Much Rope

  When the sleigh is heavy
  And the timber wolves are getting bold
  You look at you companions
  And test the water of their friendship
  With your toe
  They significantly edge
  Closer to the gold
  Each man has his price Bob
  And yours was pretty low
  History is short the sun is just a minor star
  The poor man sells his kidneys
  In some colonial bazaar
  Ce sera sera
  Is that your new Ferrari car
  Nice but I think I'll wait for the F50
  You don't have to be a Jew
  To disapprove of murder
  Tears burn our eyes
  Moslem or Christian Mullah or Pope
  Preacher or poet who was it wrote
  Give any one species too much rope
  And they'll fuck it up
  And last night on TV
  A Vietnam vet
  Takes his beard and his pain
  And his alienation twenty years
  Back to Asia again
  Sees the monsters they made
  In formaldehyde floating 'round
  Meets a gook on a bike
  A good little tyke
  A nice enough guy
  With the same soldier's eyes
  Tears burn my eyes
  What does it mean
  This tearjerking scene
  Beamed into my home
  That it moves me so much
  Why all the fuss
  It's only two humans being
  It's only two humans being
  Tears burn my eyes
  What does it mean
  This tender TV
  This tearjerking scene
  Beamed into my home
  You don't have to be a Jew
  To disapprove of murder
  Tears burn in our eyes
  Moslem or Christian Mullah or Pope
  Preacher or poet who was it wrote
  Give any one species too much rope
  And they'll fuck it up

What God Wants, Part II

  Do you believe in a better day
  Do you have faith in a golden way
  If you do then we must come together this day
  Come together as one united
  Television audience
  Brought together by the sound of my voice
  United united financially united socially
  United spiritually and all possible ways
  Through the power of money
  And the power of prayers
  What God wants God gets God help us all
  God wants dollars
  God wants cents
  God wants pounds shillings and pence
  God wants guilders
  God wants Kroner
  God wants Swiss francs
  God wants French francs
  Oui il veut des francs francais
  God wants escudos
  God wants pesetas
  Don't send lira
  God don't want small potatoes
  God wants small towns
  God wants pain
  God wants clean up rock campaigns
  God wants windows
  God wants solutions
  God wants TV
  God wants contributions
  What God wants God gets God help us all
  God wants silver
  God wants gold
  God wants his secret
  Never to be told
  God wants gigolos
  God wants giraffes
  God wants politics
  God wants a good laugh
  What God wants God gets God help us all
  God wants friendship
  God wants fame
  God wants credit
  God wants blame
  God wants poverty
  God wants wealth
  God wants insurance
  God wants to cover himself
  What God wants God gets God help us all

What God Wants, Part III

  Don't be afraid it's only business
  The alien prophet sighed
  The vulture and the magpie took
  The cash box from its hook
  The monkey in the corner wrote
  The figures in his book
  Crazed the checkout lady's fingers
  Flash across the till
  The captain posts
  The menu for the day
  And in banks across the world
  Christians Moslems Hindus Jews
  And people of every
  Race creed colour tint or hue
  Get down on their knees and pray
  The raccoon and the groundhog
  Neatly make up bags of change
  But the monkey in the corner
  Well he's slowly drifting out of range
  Christ it's freezing inside
  The veteran cries
  The hyenas break cover
  And stream through the meadow
  And the fog rolls in
  Though his bottle of gin
  So he picks up a stone
  That looks like a bone
  And the bullets fly
  And the rivers run dry
  And the fat girls sigh
  And the network anchor persons lie
  And the soldier's alone
  In the video zone
  But the monkey's not watching
  He's slipped out to the kitchen
  To pile the dishes
  And answer the phone

Watching TV

  I've been watching
  In Tiananmen Square
  Lost my baby there
  My yellow rose
  In her bloodstained clothes
  She was a short order pastry chef
  In a Dim Sum dive on the Yangtze tideway
  She had shiny hair
  She was the daughter of an engineer
  Won't you shed a tear
  For my yellow rose
  My yellow rose
  In her bloodstained clothes
  She had perfect breasts
  She had high hopes
  She had almond eyes
  She had yellow thighs
  She was a student of philosophy
  Won't you grieve with me
  For my yellow rose
  Shed a tear
  For her bloodstained clothes
  She had shiny hair
  She had perfect breasts
  She had high hopes
  She had almond eyes
  She had yellow thighs
  She was the daughter of an engineer
  So get out your pistols
  Get out your stones
  Get out your knives
  Cut them to the bone
  They are the lackeys of the grocer's machine
  They built the dark satanic mills
  That manufacture hell on earth
  They bought the front row seats on Calvary
  They are irrelevant to me
  But I grieve for my sister
  People of China
  Do not forget do not forget
  The children who died for you
  Long live the Republic
  Did we do anything after this
  I've a feeling we did
  We were watching TV
  Watching TV
  We were watching TV
  Watching TV
  She wore a white bandanna that said
  Freedom now
  She thought the Great Wall of China
  Would come tumbling down
  She was a student
  Her father was an engineer
  Won't you shed a tear
  For my yellow rose
  My yellow rose
  In her bloodstained clothes
  Her grandpa fought old Chiang Kai-shek
  That no-good low-down dirty rat
  Who used to order his troops
  To fire on the women and children
  Imagine that imagine that
  And in the spring of '48
  Mao Tse-tung got quite irate
  And he kicked that old dictator Chiang
  Out of the state of China
  Chiang Kai-shek came down in Formosa
  And they armed the island of Quemoy
  And the shells were flying across the China Sea
  And they turned Formosa into a shoe factory
  Called Taiwan
  And she is different from Cro-Magnon man
  She's different from Anne Boleyn
  She is different from the Rosenbergs
  And from the unknown Jew
  She is different from the unknown Nicaraguan
  Half superstar half victim
  She's a victor star conceptually new
  And she is different from the Dodo
  And from the Kankanbono
  She is different from the Aztec
  And from the Cherokee
  She's everybody's sister
  She's symbolic of our failure
  She's the one in fifty million
  Who can help us to be free
  Because she died on TV
  And I grieve for my sister

Three Wishes

  Reached back for the bottle
  And rubbed against the lamp
  Genie came out smiling
  Like some Eastern tramp
  He said hey boy what's happening
  What is going on
  You can have three wishes
  If you don't take too long
  I said well
  I wish they were all happy in the Lebanon
  Wish somebody'd help me write this song
  I wish when I was young
  My old man had not been gone
  Genie said consider it done
  There's something in the air
  And you don't know what it is
  You see someone through the window
  Who you've just learned to miss
  And the road leads on to glory but
  You've used up your last wish
  Your last wish
  And you want her to come home
  Genie said I'm sorry
  But that's the way it goes
  Where the hell's the lamp sucker
  It's time for me to go
  There's something in the air
  And you don't know what it is
  You see someone through the window
  Who you've just learned to miss
  And the road leads on to glory but
  You've used up your last wish
  Your last wish
  And you want her to come home

It's A Miracle

  Miraculous you call it babe
  You ain't seen nothing yet
  They've got Pepsi in the Andes
  McDonalds in Tibet
  Yosemite's been turned into
  A golf course for the Japs
  The Dead Sea is alive with rap
  Between the Tigris and Euphrates
  There's a leisure centre now
  They've got all kinds of sports
  They've got Bermuda shorts
  They had sex in Pennsylvania
  A Brazilian grew a tree
  A doctor in Manhattan
  Saved a dying man for free
  It's a miracle
  Another Miracle
  By the grace of God Almighty
  And the pressures of the marketplace
  The human race has civilized itself
  It's a miracle
  We've got warehouses of butter
  We've got oceans of wine
  We've got famine when we need it
  Got designer crime
  We've got Mercedes
  We've got Porsche
  Ferrari and Rolls Royce
  We've got choice
  She said meet me
  In the Garden of Gethsemene my dear
  The Lord said Peter I can see
  Your house from here
  An honest family man
  Finally reaped what he had sown
  A farmer in Ohio has just repaid a loan
  It's a miracle
  By the grace of God Almighty
  And the pressures of the marketplace
  The human race has civilized itself
  It's a miracle
  We cower in our shelters
  With our hands over our ears
  Lloyd-Webber's awful stuff
  Runs for years and years and years
  An earthquake hits the theatre
  But the operetta lingers
  Then the piano lid comes down
  And breaks his fucking fingers
  It's a miracle

Amused To Death

  Doctor Doctor what is wrong with me
  This supermarket life is getting long
  What is the heart life of a colour TV
  What is the shelf life of a teenage queen
  Ooh western woman
  Ooh western girl
  News hound sniffs the air
  When Jessica Hahn goes down
  He latches on to that symbol
  Of detachment
  Attracted by the peeling away of feeling
  The celebrity of the abused shell the belle
  Ooh western woman
  Ooh western girl
  And the children of Melrose
  Strut their stuff
  Is absolute zero cold enough
  And out in the valley warm and clean
  The little ones sit by their TV screens
  No thoughts to think
  No tears to cry
  All sucked dry
  Down to the very last breath
  Bartender what is wrong with me
  Why am I so out of breath
  The captain said excuse me ma'am
  This species has amused itself to death
  Amused itself to death
  Amused itself to death
  We watched the tragedy unfold
  We did as we were told
  We bought and sold
  It was the greatest show on earth
  But then it was over
  We ohhed and aahed
  We drove our racing cars
  We ate our last few jars of caviar
  And somewhere out there in the stars
  A keen-eyed look-out
  Spied a flickering light
  Our last hurrah
  And when they found our shadows
  Grouped around the TV sets
  They ran down every lead
  They repeated every test
  They checked out all the data on their lists
  And then the alien anthropologists
  Admitted they were still perplexed
  But on eliminating every other reason
  For our sad demise
  They logged the explanation left
  This species has amused itself to death
  No tears to cry no feelings left
  This species has amused itself to death
  (switch channels)
   [Alf Razzell:]
   "Years later, I saw Bill Hubbard's name on the memorial to the
   missing at Aras[?].  And I...when I saw his name I was absolutely
   transfixed; it was as though he was now a human being instead of
   some sort of nightmarish memory of how I had to leave him, all
   those years ago.  And I felt relieved, and ever since then I've
   felt happier about it, because always before, whenever I thought
   of him, I said to myself, 'Was there something else that I could
   have done?'  [background: "I'd rather die, I'd rather die..."]
   And that always sort of worried me.  And having seen him, and his
   name in the register - as you know in the memorials there's a
   little safe, there's a register in there with every name - and
   seeing his name and his name on the memorial; it sort of
   lightened my...heart, if you like."
  (woman) "When was it that you saw his name on the memorial?"
   "Ah, when I was eighty-seven, that would be a year,
   ninete...eighty-four, nineteen eighty-four."

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Greg Humphreys, CS Department, Princeton University,