EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 8, Number 4
Today's Topics:
RE: I'm new here. (2 messages)
Another newcomer (2 messages)
D-50 archives (2 messages)
D-50 patches in archive (6 messages)
Oberheim Matrix 1000
Super-JX Patches ... who's got them ???
Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
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University of North Carolina.
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 11:04:00 MET
Subject: RE: I'm new here.
T. Shawn writes ... (Please 'T.': give us your _full_ name; we'd like to know
who we're talking to)
[... stuff deleted ...]
> -a smaller casiotone that has mini keys and
> a sampling ability , and a very simple synthesizing
> ability based on overtones and a selection of ADSR
> waves to choose from .
> question: what great things can I do with that , and/or
> what can I do to upgrade this stuff at minimal costs ?
> (ok , so thats two questions in one .... stand by for
> number 2)
You're probably talking about the SK-1. I know it; it was the first keyboard I
bought before my D-50, MT-32, Super-JX, etc.
I was quite pleased by the reasonable quality of the sounds coming from this
litle beast. It sounded perticulary good on a nice big sound-system and some
delay/reverb. The only 'but' was that it didn't have MIDI...
I also have an Apple 2e for wich I had built a couple of parallel ports that
appeared to be perfectly suitable for driving the Casio. As I also had an MIDI-
interface on the Apple, I wrote a little program that could receive event-data
from my sequencer (an Amiga by the way) on any MIDI-channel and convert that
into the proper binary format to put on the parallel port; et voila: there we
have a (pretty expensive) MIDI-input for the Casio.
Maybe an idea for you and your Tandy ... ?
> -bye for now
> -T. Shawn...
Robert Belleman
"I'm finished. Staying with you requires a degree of
stupidity that I no longer feel capable of."
Avon - Blake's 7
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 14:05:16 EDT
From: "T. Shawn Johnson"
Subject: RE: I'm new here.
22 Aug 89 11:04:00 MET from
Thanks Rob :-) It might help , depending on the cost , but
nonetheless the fact that someone ""into"" the e-music scene started
out as simply definately will :-) Oh , by the way ... T. Shawn Johnson
is my name .. I go by Shawn ... the T is like a middle initial ... I'm
not being candid or antisocial :-) But *sigh* if I must ... my first
name is Tim ... whats your middle name ;-)
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 10:48:58 CDT
From: "Steven J. DeRose"
Subject: Another newcomer
Hello. As keyboards etc. have now reached affordability (to me), I'm planning
to act on my long-standing but latent interest in MIDI. I've been thinking
of getting one of the new Yamaha MIDI keyboards, and hooking it to my Mac II.
Unfortunately, I haven't seen any software that's both nice and affordable.
So my question is, is anyone out there doing anything in the shareware
or public domain arena, or willing to provide some source to work from?
Mainly what I'm looking for is something to read the MIDI-in and save it
to disk in some format I can then edit. A staff editor would sure be nice,
but I appreciate the difficulty of writing one.
I can code in any likely language, so would be willing to tweak things or
work with someone else. Also, in relation to this is a broader question:
Are there any *standards* for encoding music in electronic form?
If so I'd much rather write code that conformed than reinvent the wheel.
I wouldn't count MIDI itself as an *encoding* standard, since (if I
understand it right) it has no internal time encoding, but just sends
events which have to be clocked by some device if their time or duration
is to be recorded.
Thanks for any help!
Dr. Steve DeRose
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 89 14:11:31 EDT
From: "Kevin R. Weiner"
Subject: Re: Another newcomer
A MIDI file format has been adopted. The format contains general timing
information, and a breakdown of the MIDI stream by track and event time.
MIDI channel messages and their timing are fully represented, but there
is only minimal support to store other notational information.
There is a copy available from the list: GET FILEFMT MIDISPEC
Kevin Weiner Lehigh University Computing Center (215) 758-3991
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 89 13:00:40 EST
Subject: Finale
Those of you that have finale please help. My problem is that when I try to
display lyrics that was created in mass mode, I see nothing in either view.
Also, I cant use On page create (its dimmed). Please help!!
:DJ WOOD emusic-d@auvm 8/23/89 FINALE v 1.2
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 89 14:29:03 BST
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: D-50 archives
Somebody recently sent me a message about the D-50 banks, but the message
got thrown away by the mail system. I can't remember the details of the
question, but it was something about the file format. The answer is that
the banks are compressed, so run them through uncompress on a Unix host
to get the original 34688 byte data. Then, the D-50 loading is a bit more
complicated, with checksums and the like.
Nick Rothwell, Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, Edinburgh. !mcvax!ukc!lfcs!nick
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Fais que ton reve soit plus long que la nuit.
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 89 18:03:00 MET
Subject: re: d50 archives
aha !!! i though _i_ was doing something stupid !! i have had the smae
problem as eric lau: analogfx was 33016 bytes at my machine.
at first i thought i did something wrong transferring the patches from our
vax to our unix-system (ascii transfer instead of binary) but this is not
the case.
the analogfx i got came from emusic-l@auvm. anyone have any comments???
robert belleman.
(why is all this in lower case ??? i think my apple 2 is messing up ...)
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 89 13:04:35 BST
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: D50 patches in archive
Well, it looks as if you're right, and there's been some corruption of
the D-50 banks on the way to the archive, or on the way to you. Your
dump of AnalogFX agrees with mine upto byte 374 (octal) or so.
How big is your patch file? It should be 34688 bytes long.
So: (i) here's a compressed uuencoding of AnalogFX, direct to the mailing
list. Please try with this one, and let me know if it decodes to the
right size on the UNIX host, in which case the fault is in your modem
transfer program, perhaps. I've had Kermit programs corrupt files, so it
isn't unknown.
(ii) Has anybody else tried? I pulled AnalogFX from the archive, and it
was still 34688 bytes long, so I'm inclined to think the archives are
begin 644 AnalogFX.Z