
EMUSIC-L Digest                                    Volume 20, Number 1

This issue: Miscellaneous short topics and inquiries

   Bulletin Boards (4 messages)
   Graduate Programs in E-music (lists?)
   Granular synthesis and phase vocoding
   Gross/IRCAM soundfiles
   guitar E-mail??
   Hammond H100
   Karplus-Strong (2 messages)
   Mag. Filings #2
   MIDI File Format
   MIDI Thru Box - The Home Version (3 messages)
   Moment of silence please...
   Suggestions, please.
   U-20 Info Requested
   VFX/VFXsd Owners Note!
   Virtual Reality

Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with 
the line "SUB EMUSIC-L your name" as the text.
The EMUSIC-L archive is a service of SunSite ( at the 
University of North Carolina.

Date:         Fri, 24 Aug 90 11:51:29 GMT
From:         Peter K Isquith 
Subject:      Boston Midi BBS sought

Looking for info on any music/midi BBS's in the Boston area.  Gotta be
one or two, just can't find 'em.


(reply to address below, post here, or reply to:

				Peter K. Isquith
		   State University of New York at Buffalo

		"There ain't no devil, only God when he's drunk."
							-T. Waits


Date:         Sat, 25 Aug 90 09:24:59 -0400
From:         Eddie Anthony 
Subject:      MIDI BBS List


Since this is the 2nd. MIDIlist, many of these boards have not been verified.
However, future lists will be updated as the boards are verified. If you have
any additions, deletions or changes, please call MIDImaze BBS in Chattanooga TN

Sysops, please help me keep this list accurate.

The most current list will always be available on MIDImaze BBS at 615-877-5528
and Washington MIDI Users Group at 703-532-7860.

I assume no responsibility for errors or ommissions.
                                                    @ denotes additions
                                                    * denotes PC-Pursuitable

BBS Name                        City                         Number
AV-Sync                      Atlanta, GA                    404-320-6202  *
Alert Data OPUS              Greensboro, NC                 919-274-7000
Atlanta's IEMUG              Atlanta, GA                    404-942-3387  *
Condor Electronics BBS       Mansfield, MA                  508-261-9808
Dr. T's                      Boston, MA                     617-739-2366  *
Dwight School BBS            New York City, NY              212-879-2625  *
East Coast MIDI              New York                       516-928-4986
Eniac-MIDI                   Rockville, MD                  301-460-9134  *
House of Minus               Denton, TX                     817-565-1500
Iconnex MIDI BBS             Chicago, IL                  @ 815-452-2773
Illusion BBS                 Ocala, FL                      904-867-8411
IMUG BBS                     NYC, NY                      @ 212-879-2625  *
Joel Sampson's Engineering   Dallas, TX                   @ 214-328-6909
Larry's Shareware            Massachusetts                  413-783-3199
Mackintosh Users at Berklee  Boston, MA                   @ 617-739-2366
MIDI & ST Exchange           Columbus, OH                   614-848-5947
MIDI 'n Music                Irvine, CA                     714-552-3036
MIDI-Thru                    Baltimore, MD                  301-384-0351  *
MIDIline                     Baltimore, MD                  301-882-7734  *
MIDImaze BBS                 Chattanooga, TN                615-877-5528
Midwest ADLIB User's BBS     Ohio                         @ 513-746-5863
MidWest MIDI BBS             Oklahoma City, OK              405-733-3102
MIDI World Network           Los Angeles, CA              @ 213-841-0347
MIDIum BBS                   Los Angeles, CA              @ 818-764-4538
Music Quest BBS              Dallas, TX                     214-881-7311  *
Musicians Den                Phoenix, AZ                    602-864-0244  *
Musicnet                     Washington, DC                 301-946-6796  *
Photostar BBS                Richmond, VA                   703-774-4667
Power Station BBS            Vallejo, CA                    707-642-0824
San Francisco MIDI Users     San Francisco, CA              415-771-1788  *
Snarfs Music Studio          Chicago, IL                    708-351-0288  *
Sound Management Music       Chicago, IL                    708-949-6434  *
Southern New England & MIDI  Bridgeport, CT                 203-377-6758
Sysport MIDI BBS             San Diego, CA                  619-698-7155  *
Taste BBS                    Brooklyn, NY                   718-252-4529  *
Telecommuter's Express BBS   Huntington Bch, CA             213-863-3742
The Art's Rap                Rochester, NY                  716-223-7874
The Attic                    Herndon, VA                    703-742-4056  *
The Doctor's Office BBS      New York, NY                   212-662-8597  *
The Dungeon                  New Orleans, LA                504-282-5753
Video-Pro                    Virginia                       703-455-1873  *
Washington MIDI Users Group  Washington, DC                 703-532-7860  *
Yamaha C1 BBS                Los Angeles, CA                714-522-9464

MIDIlist is copyrighted and may not be altered, revised or published without
written consent from the author. It may not be used in any door program on a
BBS. It may be freely uploaded to any BBS.

(C) 1990, Lee Smith

Compuserve     >INTERNET:


Date:         Mon, 27 Aug 90 05:10:38 GMT
From:         Bryan Sells 
Subject:      Re: Boston Midi BBS sought

The best Boston BBS by far is called OnRecord, and can be reached at

That's 6170:-324-7310    617-324-7310      sorry I keep messing up.

They have lots of features,inculding the lowest prices on software you'll ever
see, great technical supprt, thousands of patches, and online midi utilities.
The president it:s an engineer and sound designer with  a subsidiary of Island


Date:         Mon, 27 Aug 90 15:49:00 EDT
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      Bulletin Boards

Thanks for the bulletin board lists. I will see if I can get them stored
on the LISTSERV at AU; this is limited by my technical ability, not by
disk space :-).

Please send new numbers, etc. in the form of updates. Thanks.

 --- Joe M.


Date:         Tue, 21 Aug 90 09:38:22 EDT
From:         kgeisel 
Subject:      Filters...
I think the Moog filter is patented, although I believe that the patent
runs out in '91 (or is it '92?)  I think the primary patent claim was on
cascading filters.  If you really want the patent number, let me know.

Are there any real filter gurus out there?

- Kurt


Date:         Fri, 31 Aug 90 20:00:21 GMT
From:         Billy Quinn 
Subject:      Graduate Programs in E-music (lists?)

I am sure this question has been addressed before, however, I am new to
the 'Net' and I am interested in finding a list (or even single entries)
of graduate programs in electronic music.  Is there a list of schools
and addresses that any one might know of? Any suggestions or references
would be greatly appreciated.  I will compile what I recieve and make it
accessable here (at U.K. in a public music directory) for others to
look at too.

thanks in advance!

		Billy Quinn (

    Billy Quinn (
                (home phone: 606-233-1568)


Date:         Wed, 29 Aug 90 13:22:03 EDT
From:         ronin 
Subject:      Granular synthesis and phase vocoding

1) does granular synthesis have any application for short files
   (as in tone samples)? it seems, from the literature, to be primarily
   a dynamic processing method best suited for series of events.
2) ok,ok... i've beaten my own brains out on this quite enough.
   what exactly is the phase vocoder, what is its basic algorithm, and
   what is it good for? i have some idea about it, but the writing on it
   that i've found is a little dense.
   roger... are you out there?

----------< Extremism In The Pursuit Of Good Noise Is No Vice >----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)                 | V.P., Chief Engineer
                       | Transmedia Music, inc.
The American University Physics Dept.| (202) 347-8050
Washington, D.C                      |


Date:         Mon, 3 Sep 90 18:15:51 EDT
From:         ronin 
Subject:      Gross/IRCAM soundfiles

oh, yeah... one more thing...
remember my scrambling around trying to get the Gross/IRCAM Soundfile
structure docs? well, i finally managed to reach one of the two living humans
who knows anything about the Waveframe implementation of these things
(the Audioframe being my current axe), and got the straight dope on what's
going on there.
the blasted machine is programmed to put out integer data to be read directly
by a Vax. no wonder my Turbo C program running on a PC clone couldn't make
sense of the stuff.

----------< Extremism In The Pursuit Of Good Noise Is No Vice >----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)                 | V.P., Chief Engineer
                       | Transmedia Music, inc.
The American University Physics Dept.| (202) 347-8050
Washington, D.C                      |


Date:         Wed, 22 Aug 90 12:20:49 EDT
From:         Billy Quinn 
Subject:      Re: guitar E-mail??

Newsgroups: bit.listserv.emusic-l
References: <>

A guitar oriented news group sounds good to me too.  Please send
me (or post here) e-mail on any possible groups.  Maybe we will
have to make one ...

	Billy Quinn


Date:         Mon, 27 Aug 90 13:12:01 -0400
From:         "Jerry A. Jelinek" 
Subject:      Hammond H100

OK, so who out there has a Hammond organ??? Does anyonknow
of a place where I can replace the speaker amplifier with a solid
state one?? My H100 tubes are a PAIN IN THE %$# to replace and I'm
no electrical wiz, but it looks like it should be fairly easy.

If anyone has any info on where I might get a solid state amp for
it, let me know.



Date:         Wed, 29 Aug 90 13:20:36 EDT
From:         ronin 
Subject:      Karplus-Strong

has anyone here that has attempted to implement the karplus-strong
plucked string algorithm encountered a DC offset in their output table?
i keep getting this click where there should be none.

----------< Extremism In The Pursuit Of Good Noise Is No Vice >----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)                 | V.P., Chief Engineer
                       | Transmedia Music, inc.
The American University Physics Dept.| (202) 347-8050
Washington, D.C                      |


Date:         Fri, 7 Sep 90 16:05:57 MDT
From:         Adam Schabtach 
Subject:      Karplus-Strong answer

Someone posted a question awhile ago regarding clicks in
Karplus-Strong -generated samples. I think I've found an answer. Could
you repost the question so I can tell if we're talking about the same



Date:         Tue, 4 Sep 90 16:49:22 BST
From:         "Benjamin M. J. Ellis :->" 
Subject:      Re: Mag. Filings #2

   Just being a dig digging through my files, and
it seems that Celia ctan was/is going to start compiling
magnetic filings 2 in september...
   while I'm on the subject, does anyone in ENGLAND still
have a copy of mag. filings I... I've been trying to
track it down for ages!!!

            Benjamin 'Bass' Ellis
            U.K.C,  England


Date:         Tue, 28 Aug 90 09:27:08 +0100
From:         Bill Purvis 
Subject:      MIDI File Format

Hi, can some kind person Email me the specs for MIDI File Format?

	Bill Purvis    (JANET)


Date:         Wed, 29 Aug 90 11:02:41 EDT
From:         "ISA-HRDD Robert N. Muth" 
Subject:      MIDI Thru Box - The Home Version

I want to build my own MIDI Thru Box.  This is a result of me getting so fed up
with a passive MIDI splitter that doesn't work with a computer, that I nearly
threw it through a wall.  I was just wondering how might one go about this?
I'm digging about for my MIDI 1.0 spec.  I figured someone might have travelled
down this road before and could thus steer me away from pitfalls.  The only
two design requirements are 1) it is active and 2) it works.

Oh, for Joe's message (Enough.), many apologies, even though I asked in one of
previous messages to send me mail for interest in the DR-550.  This offer still
stands.  It's just that I don't get toys too often (for lack of money).  Well,
I hereby ask for your humble forgiveness.

One more thing.  Are rolodex files still being accepted?  If so, I'd like to
submit mine.  I've been away for the summer, and only read about it while
looking at the 600 messages that accumulated in my mailbox during my absense.

Thanks for your help and ears.
| Robert N. Muth                   Internet:        |
| Coop Student/EE    	             |
| Stevens Tech/Picatinny Arsenal     BITNET:  U92_RMUTH@SITVXC                |


Date:         Wed, 29 Aug 90 14:59:54 EDT
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      Re: MIDI Thru Box - The Home Version

Yes, send in those Rolodexes. You can get the current crop by mailing a
GET EMUSIC RSRCS message to LISTSERV@AUVM.BITNET. I'll be happy to add yours

The problem I was having with the drum machines discussion is that there
wasn't really anything substantive coming out. Everyone was agreeing that
it sure was nice, but no one was saying why. The only thing I can think of
that would help would be to remind everybody to send to you so you can
summarize. Perhaps the best we would have gotten would have been "the
following people also have the box, and they like it:...". It wasn't
your fault. Since our potential user community has of a sudden grown
explosively, I'm doing my best to keep discussions on target, and
perhaps I came down a little too hard. I apologize to *you* if that


Date:         Thu, 30 Aug 90 10:27:19 EDT
From:         "ISA-HRDD Robert N. Muth" 
Subject:      Re:  MIDI Thru Box - The Home Version

Ok, here is my rolodex entry.  Stop laughing, I'm well aware its two months

NAME:          Robert N. Muth
E-MAIL:             (Work Internet)
	       U92_RMUTH@VAXC.STEVENS-TECH.EDU      (School Internet)
	       U92_RMUTH@SITVXC                     (School BITNET)
HOME ADDRESS:  Hackettstown, New Jersey (USA)
SCHOOL:	       Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
WORK:	       U.S. Army, ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal, Dover NJ.

EQUIPMENT OWNED:  	Ensoniq ESQ-1 synth
			Boss DR-550 drum machine
			Roland DEP-5 digital effects processor
			Peavy K-150 amplifier
			Bach Stradivaruis Trumpet
			Radio Shack 4-track mixer
			Sony Studio Monitor Headphones
			Other assorted stereo components

			AT&T 6310 (IBM AT) 80286, 8MHz
			CMU MIDI Interface (MPU-401 comp)
			Voyetra Sequencer Plus, Mark II

			Kory Poly-800 synth
			Yamaha DX-21 synth

EQUIPMENT DESIRED:	Any 16-bit sampler
			Reel-to-reel 8-track
			Roland D-70
			A real mixer!
			More effects, wench, I want MORE.

STYLE:		Can't really pinpoint a particular style.  It could vary from
		progressive to dance to classical depending on what kind of mood
		I am in.  Probably a touch of new age and fushion should be
		thrown in.

INFLUENCES:	Rush, Yes, Styx, Heart, Queen, Kansas, Led Zepplin, Van
		Halen (pre Hagar), King's X, Red Hot Chilli Peppars, Maynard
		Ferguson, Basia, Bach (where'd he come from?), and Beethoven.

REAL JOB:	If I had a real job, I'd have a bigger equipment list, instead
		of filling it with junk like a Radio Shack Mixer :->.  I'm
		I'm a cooperative education (coop) student (3rd year) majoring
		in electronics engineering at Stevens Tech.  Currently, I'm
		employed at Picatinny Arsenal for my fall coop work term.  I
		basically support engineer's work in a failure analysis lab.

	By the way, any answers for my MIDI Thru Box endeavor??  Please?

| Robert N. Muth                   Internet:        |
| Coop Student/EE    	             |
| Stevens Tech/Picatinny Arsenal     BITNET:  U92_RMUTH@SITVXC                |


Date:         Mon, 27 Aug 90 15:18:53 -0400
From:         Eddie Anthony 
Subject:      Moment of silence please...

...for a true guitar master Stevie Ray Vaughn, killed this
morning in a helicopter crash. After all these years as a
musician I have become a true fan of talented people in whatever
area of endeavor they have chosen, and since guitar is one of
my instruments I have a special esteem for people who can play
it with the soul and heart that Stevie Ray Vaughn could.

Duane Allman, Jimi Hendrix, Randy Rhodes and now Stevie. All
I have left is Eric Clapton, Robin Trower, Jeff Beck, Joe Walsh
and Yngewie Malmsteen. Those loss of those first 4 names caused
a genuine feeling of loss in me.

So long SRV. We love ya!

Compuserve     >INTERNET:


Date:         Sat, 25 Aug 90 16:59:46 PDT
From:         "Don Johnson x2908 ms:c3-40 Pole: F7" 
Subject:      Suggestions, please.

OK, so now it's my turn.  I'm new to the music market, and I'm just
learning how to play.  I recently bought a used Kawai K-1 keyboard.  I had
a laptop computer already, so I bought the MIDIator and the software to go
with it.  (The MIDIator uses the PC's serial port as a MIDI port, so it's
not Roland 401 compatible.)  The sequencer's software isn't the greatest,
but it works and should be sufficient for now.

I wanted to ask for general suggestions about  a) publications I should
look at; b) BBS's I should check out (does Kawai have one?);  c) anything
else you may think would be of interest.

One question I do have:  Is there any software that allows a user to enter
a piece on staff notation and then play it back via MIDI?  I've heard of
users trying to program it the other way (wanting to get staff notation
from what they're playing on the keyboard), but having little success.
Staff to keyboard sounds much easier to program.  I just don't want to
reinvent the wheel if it's already available.

Thanks in advance,



Date:         Fri, 31 Aug 90 06:33:39 GMT
From:         Savino Grillo 
Subject:      U-20 Info Requested

Hi guys,

I just discover this wonderful things called News!

I'm posting from Italy and my English is not so good,
so sorry in advance for mistakes!

I would to buy an U-20 Roland sample player.
How is it?
I'll appreciate is somebody knows tricks and tips about it.
Critics are also welcome.

The price asked was 1650klire (1375$), what's your feeling?



Date:         Wed, 22 Aug 90 10:33:19 EDT
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      VFX/VFXsd Owners Note!

Alexander Publishing has recently released a book on programming the
VFX/VFXsd. It leaves out the 'sd-only functions and concentrates on
such things as setting up tuning tables, effects, and really learning
how to program the thing. It's really helped me relate my former
experience on analog machines to the digital world of the VFX.

Ensoniq VFX/VFXsd
Dan Walker
Peter L. Alexander Publishing
3537 Old Conejo Road
Suite 101
Newbury Park, CA 91320
(800) 633-1123 outside CA
(805) 499-6200 in CA

 --- Joe M.


Date:         Fri, 24 Aug 90 15:56:01 EDT
From:         Kevin ^G Purcell 
Subject:      Re: Virtual Reality

From Kevin Purcell ( on EMUSIC-D:

There was a mention recently in virtual-reality group that VPL are working
on a $200 dataglove with an RS232 interface built in. That may be the start of
people really using these devices.

Sorry I have no more info -- give Jaron Lanier a call and ask him whats

Kevin Purcell             |
Surface Science Centre    |
Liverpool University      | Omit needless words.


End of EMUSIC-L digest