
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 34, Issue 03

This issue's topics: Software questions and answers
	beginner's sequencer?
	Cancel Mag Filings Orders! (4 messages)
	DMCS files on UCSD.EDU
	MIDI programming on Atari STe (2 messages)
	Modplay / Modedit
	Sequencing software (2 messages)
	Texture sequencing software

Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with 
the line "SUB EMUSIC-L your name" as the text.
The EMUSIC-L archive is a service of SunSite ( at the 
University of North Carolina.
Date:         Wed, 13 Nov 1991 08:34:00 EST
Subject:      beginner's sequencer?

Somebody on has a Korg SQ-8 for sale.  I figure
that I have to start somewhere and get a sequencer that I can afford,
even if it is limited in capability.  Is there any advice out there
about the capabilities/limitations of this pocket sequencer.
I have never seen one before, and I'd be nervous about buying
blindly over the .net.  However, the price of $50 seems reasonable.
Is it possible to be musical with this model, or is it a toy?
Michael Townsend
P.S. I hope this message doesn't qualify as one of those that
"should stay on"


Date:         Tue, 12 Nov 1991 17:11:14 PST
From:         Bill Flowers 
Subject:      Re: Cancel Mag Filings Orders!

Greetings, and welcome back.  After a few months of unemployment and a
major relocation (350 miles and one lifestyle), I am back on the net.  I
was wondering if you happened to reserve a copy of the tape for me, even
though I haven't sent you any money yet (did you set aside one per
contributor or anything like that)?  If so, I'll send a check straight
away.  Otherwise, I guess I'll have to impose upon some other kind soul
to make me a copy.  When I completed my piece, I sent you my only good
mix thinking I could just recreate it, but I have since moved my entire
setup and I can't seem to get the levels and eq right.  Soooo, if you
don't have any more compilations, would you be willing to send back the
original, assuming you still have it.  If not, again, no big deal.  I'll
get it all set back up eventually.

Bill Flowers (Trio Tres Bizarre/"Song for Linda")


Date:         Tue, 12 Nov 1991 18:50:52 EST
From: (Cecilia M Tan)
Subject:      Mag Filings

The Mag Filing reposting should be ignored.  I asked Cecilia Tan before
sending for the tape and got this reply.
                                      Lorne Hammond
----------------------------Original message----------------------------

What?  Someone re-posted about Mag Filings II?  No, we sold out a few
months ago and I am not taking more orders.  I also haven't had a
chance to catch up on emusic-l since then so I haven't seen this
message you mention...  I don't even live at 90 Montebello Road
Sorry I can't be of more help.



Date:         Tue, 12 Nov 1991 22:40:25 GMT
From:         Cecilia M Tan 
Subject:      Cancel Mag Filings Orders!

Hi, kids!  Sorry I haven't been around much for over three months now.
Today I got mail from three separate individuals saying they had just
sent me checks or inquiring about sending checks to order copies of
Magnetic Filings Volume II.  Apparently, my old msg from May 19th has
resurfaced mysteriously in some places..???

For the record, as of now, Magnetic Filings II is sold out.  There are
still afew people out there who I owe copies to, and they will be getting
theirs very soon (really!)  But I am not taking any new orders at this time.

Thanks all,

P.S. What's a good price to pay for a Korg M-1?  New? Used?  Please reply
via e-mail (esp. if you have one to sell.  It's for a friend)

*  "I have heard the big music, and I'll never be the same."   *
*                --The Waterboys
**-------------------> <-------------------**


Date:         Wed, 13 Nov 1991 11:28:10 EST
From:         Scott Bringen 
Subject:      Re: Cancel Mag Filings Orders!

Hi there,
 Although I don't know much about synths, I do know about M1 prices.
I purchased mine new from Washington Music Center about 1 year ago
for $1500. About 2 months ago I sold it for $1000. I checked around
before selling and $1000 was a pretty cheap price.
Good Luck,
Scott B.


Date:         Wed, 20 Nov 1991 11:10:04 EST
From:         Brian Adamson 
Subject:      DMCS files on UCSD.EDU

    There is a directory on accessible through anonymous
ftp (/midi/scores/DMCS) which contains a number of DMCS (Deluxe
Music Contstruction Set) files in a .mid format.  Could someone
enlighten me, Is this standard Midi File Format or some other
format?  I have DMCS version 2.5 and have been unable to read
these files.  I wonder if the intent of the poster of these files
was that they only be read and played back as standard MIDI files
without being able to open them from DMCS????. . . . .

		         Brian Adamson
      	                 NRL Code 5523


Date:         Tue, 26 Nov 1991 22:06:33 -0700
From:         Hugh Moore 
Subject:      Finale

  Does anyone out there use Finale on the PC?  I have acquired it recently,
but I'm having a few problems with it.  I can't get it to send patches
to my Proteus/1 correctly.  I always resets the patches to 00 (Piano).
I have a 386-40 w/ 64K cache, a Music Quest interface, a Proteus/1, etc.
I would appreciate hearing any other problems/answers...

Take my degree, please...                  Department of Psychology    evenings...   Colorado State University    days...       Fort Collins, Colorado


Date:         Mon, 25 Nov 1991 09:04:06 EST
From:         tjt@BLINK.ATT.COM
Subject:      re: MIDI programming on Atari STe

> Is there anyone on the net who has written software to get around the
> problem with the standard bios midi input function. I was thinking about
> writing a sequencer package (yea, I now its already been done!) but using
> the basic bios call for input loses half the incoming data.

It's been many years since I worked on the ST, but I recall that it was
necessary to enlarge the buffer that was being used for MIDI input.  After
doing that, the standard stuff for handling MIDI input worked fine.  ...Tim...


Date:         Mon, 25 Nov 1991 12:05:21 GMT
From:         "B. Purvis" 
Subject:      MIDI programming on Atari STe

Is there anyone on the net who has written software to get around the
problem with the standard bios midi input function. I was thinking about
writing a sequencer package (yea, I now its already been done!) but using
the basic bios call for input loses half the incoming data. Using Atari's
Basic works OK, they obviously have some extra code to handle midi input,
but I hate writing in Basic.

Please reply direct to me by E-mail as I only get the digests which are
currently running about 6 months behind real-time.


W H Purvis			|
SERC, Daresbury Lab		|
Warrington, Cheshire, UK	| (+44) 925 603357


Date:         Mon, 18 Nov 1991 08:50:29 EST
From:         Dave Crowley 
Subject:      Modplay / Modedit

I just found both Modplay and Modedit (programs to write and play Amiga
4 channel sound files on a PC). Their both great programs but I have one
question...... Is there anyone who has a complete list of instrument files
that these programs use? I find it very time consuming to download a .mod
soundfile, unpack it, run modedit, listen to the sound or instrument to
see what it sounds like and then save it to disk.  I was wondering if anyone
has a fairly complete list of files they post somewhere? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.               (can)|

Also in the instructions for Modedit on how to make a D/A converter it say
you need:
         IC1 - a ZN426e (ferranti or plessey are UK manufacturers)

I took this info to a local electronics supplier and he had no idea what
it is other than some sort of ic chip.
And later in the same file it gives another diagram for a D/A converter
that is stereo and this one requires 2 of these chips , but the number
on these is different. These are labeled ZN428.
Does anyone know if these chips are available under a different name here
in the states? or know of a distributor I could contact?

once again

Dave Crowley -


Date:         Sat, 9 Nov 1991 04:24:21 GMT
From:         Stewart Schultz 
Subject:      Sequencing software

I'm looking for public domain Macintosh sequencing software.  Is there
anything around that I can use just to upload some sequences from
my M1 to free up space?

Stewart Schultz
Stewart Schultz
Botany Department
University of British Columbia


Date:         Sat, 9 Nov 1991 23:33:42 EST
From:         "Schmidt,Rodney" 
Subject:      Re: Sequencing software

Is it possible that someone from Coda Music Software reads this list? If
so, I would appreciate a communication. We own several copies of Prose
and Finale and are accumulating quite a list of bugs and boo-boos that
I would like ti discuss prior to future purchasing decisions. Both of
these programs receive EXTENSIVE use by students and faculty. Most
recently, the MIDI playback in both stopped timed sequencing and now
plays all the notes in a composition at once. Speaker playback in Prose
is OK. Not to mention problems with expressions, multiple stave setups
in the same piece, etc. All the option/clicks, and shift/option/clicks
become very tiresome. A few more menu options would be friendlier and more
Mac like. Anyway, just thought I'd throw out an inquiry........


Date:         Fri, 8 Nov 1991 09:25:04 EST
From:         Duane Beyer 
Subject:      Software


    I'am new to the midi world and would like to purchase some software
to place tracks down in real time, edit it step by step, and the be able
to print out the score and play back what I have written. I will be using
a Roland MPU401 midi interface that support 16 channels, 3 midi keyboards
for play back, two with 24 note poly and one with eight polo and an IBM 55sx
PC with EGA graphics.
    I want to write music for a small band, 3 trumpets, 2 saxes, 2 clarinets,
2 tbones, 3 flutes, 1 baratone, 1 tuba and a drummer. I would like the
software print out each part in the proper key, I will be entering everything
in C on the keyboard. I also would like the editor to show music staff, not
a different size black dots representating duration.
   Does anyone know of any such software that is in the 100 to 350 dollar

Duane Beyer
(914) 575-3252


Date:         Fri, 22 Nov 1991 16:59:04 EST
From:         "Joseph D. McMahon" 
Subject:      Texture sequencing software

Forwarded message:
> From: "George Buckner" 

 I am a Texture beta tester. Having bought it about 3 years ago, I
 noticed very early on that it had some serious timing problems, as
 well as a few other bugs.  I had graduated from using a Commodore 64
 with Dr. T's, which I ended up using as a MIDI datascope for
 troubleshooting some of these problems.

 Version 4.2 is the current version, and yes, it does work with standard
 MIDI song files. It still leaves a bit to be desired with the user
 interface (i.e. it asks whether you want to save when you exit, whether
 or not you have made changes, yet when asked to load another file it
 does so with no prompts, erasing whatever was in memory). However,
 I also prefer working in the "pattern --> song" mode that I was brought
 up using, and Texture is by far the most powerful sequencing program
 that works in this mode (on an IBM PC), IMHO.



Date:         Tue, 19 Nov 1991 13:48:40 GMT
From:         Piet van Oostrum 
Subject:      Update of mf2t/t2mf programs

I have new versions of mf2t and t2mf (formerly called mft/tmf) available.
These are programs to convert standard midifiles to/from a text
representation. In this way you can easily make chances to your midifiles
(e.g. program changes, channel/controller assignments, drum notes) using a
text editor, awk, perl or even Cobol :=).

Compared to the previous (alpha) release this release has a couple of bugs
solved and is the first official one.

The tar file contains sources only, the zoo file contains the sources
and executables for the Atari ST. (it is no use to get both). I will supply
MS-DOS (yack!) executables when I find out how to use the compiler.

How to get mf2t.tar.Z or mf2t.zoo from the archive at
	Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University:

NOTE: In the following I have assumed your mail address is

    Of course you must substitute your own address for this. This should be
    a valid internet or uucp address. For bitnet users name@host.BITNET
    usually works.

by FTP: (please restrict access to weekends or evening/night (i.e. between
about 20.00 and 0900 UTC).

    ftp []
    user name: anonymous or ftp
    password: your own email address (e.g. Don't forget to set binary mode if the file is a tar/arc/zoo archive,
      compressed or in any other way contains binary data.
    get MIDI/PROGRAMS/mf2t.tar.Z
    get MIDI/PROGRAMS/mf2t.zoo

by mail-server:

send the following message to (or uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!ruuinf!mail-server):

    send MIDI/PROGRAMS/mf2t.tar.Z
    send MIDI/PROGRAMS/mf2t.zoo


The path command can be deleted if we receive a valid from address in your
message. If this is the first time you use our mail server, we suggest you
first issue the request:
    send HELP
Piet* van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Telephone: +31 30 531806   Uucp:   uunet!mcsun!ruuinf!piet
Telefax:   +31 30 513791   Internet:   (*`Pete')

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest