EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 46, Issue 04
This issue's topics:
About MOD files (2 messages)
internet access to
MegaBeats CD
Music for drum machines? (fwd)
Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
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University of North Carolina.
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1992 18:30:00 +0800
From: H8710244@HKUCC.HKU.HK
Subject: About MOD files
Dear subscribers,
Do you know if there is any document describing the file
formatof MOD files? Please tell me if you find one. Thank you in anticipation.
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1992 10:42:00 EST
Subject: Re: About MOD files
In article , H8710244@HKUCC.HKU.HK writes:
> Dear subscribers,
> Do you know if there is any document describing the file
> formatof MOD files? Please tell me if you find one. Thank you in anticipation
> from,
> Roland
There is a file on the Compuserve MidiForum called "MODFMT.ZIP" which
contains MOD file formatting information. This forum contains
many files devoted to MOD player/editors, songs, and technical
information. I can recommend a program called MFED (for Mod File
Editor) as being the best shareware product for playing and editing
MOD files. (There are others which have better graphics - like
WHACKER - but it has some implementation problems. These programs
require at least a 286 at 12 mhz. If you want any more information,
you can call me at 201 408-3421.
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1992 11:26:30 CST
From: Al Vigland
Subject: Editor/Librarians
I ran across an ad for OPCODE's Galaxy Plus Editors software for the
Mac in this months Keyboard magazine. Has anybody had any experience
with this product? Is it only intended for high-end studio use (it
sounds expensive)? And lastly, are there any competing products
available to the starving musician?
-- Al
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1992 09:17:15 LCL
Subject: internet access to
>Subject: Re: About MOD files
>Comments: To: emusic-l@auvm.bitnet
>To: Multiple recipients of list EMUSIC-L
>Status: RO --- {stuff deleted} ---
>There is a file on the Compuserve MidiForum called "MODFMT.ZIP" which
>contains MOD file formatting information. This forum contains
>many files devoted to MOD player/editors, songs, and technical
--- {more stuff deleted} ---
Q: Is this information accessable via internet or is there a FTP site
where this information can be obtained?
I have already done the "archie" search with no success, any
help would be appreaciated.
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1992 03:30:25 GMT
From: "(Scott Fisher)"
Subject: Re: MegaBeats CD
Eric McCormick <0004775674@MCIMAIL.COM> writes:
>I remember seeing something about this CD posted several months back. Does
>anyone know the address/internet address of the company that has this Drum
>Sound Sample CD for sale? I think it was somewhere in the UK.
> +--------------------------------------------------------------+
> | _&_ |
> | / \ |
> | | | |
> | | (0)(0) Eric McCormick |
> | C .---_) |
> | | |.___| MCI Telecommunications |
> | | \__/ |
> | /_____\ 0004775674@MCIMAIL.COM |
> | /_____/ \ |
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> +--------------------------------------------------------------+
Address: Patchworks Frederick House
211 Frederick Road, Hastings
East Sussex TN35 5AU
The authors of this CD mention that it is dedicated to "sample-mania"
and they are right. It consists of drum-machines from 1980-90.
The drum machines were mastered direct to DAT then transferred digitaly to CD.
30 drum machines have been sampled. Now the first thing I worried about was
"what sounds had they left out?"...the answer: nothing! All the internal
sounds and any extra sounds that the makers could get their hands on (from
cards, eproms etc) were recorded off each machine.
The sound quality is as good as the original machines, after all the master
was a DAT recording live from the machines. About 3 or 4 of the 700+ sounds
appear to have been clipped in the recording process, it could be the machines
tho. The only hiss you hear is from the drum machines, if at all. In other
words if you are not satisfied with the audio quality of any of the sounds from
the CD the real thing will be exactly the same.
There are over 700 sounds, the CD is 73 minutes long. Each sound is played
at least twice so you can get your levels together. Where a machine
had additional controls such as "accent, snappy, ADSR" the guys may
fiddle and may give you the obvious variations. For example the TR-808
kick/bass drum sound has about 4 variations...BOK, BOOOoood,
Remember you get EVERY internal sound and (sometimes) card/rom/cart sounds they
could find. The machines covered are...
Roland CR78, R8, TR505, TR606, TR626, TR707, TR727, TR808, TR909
Boss DR550, DR55
Simmons KIT
Yamaha RX21L, RX11, RX5
Linn 2, 9000
Akai XR10, XE8
Sequential TOM
Casio RZ1
Korg KPR77, DDM110, DDM220, DDD1
Oberhim DMX
Emu Drumulator
Alesis HR-16, HR-16B
Dr Bohm
This CD is a "classic". Not only does it represent 10 years of the most
popular drum machines used in the music industry, but it preserves all the
internal sounds of these beasties for posterity.
I only wish they had put the Alesis SR-16, D-4, Korg DS-1 & 3, Fairlight,
Emu procussion...but then again that will be on their next CD right.
Scott Fisher [scott@wapsy.uwa.oz] PH: [61] (09) 380 3574.
_--_|\ N
Department of Psychology / \ W + E
University of Western Australia. Perth --> *_.--._/ S
Nedlands, 6009. PERTH, W.A. v
*** ERROR 144 - REBOOT? is a registered trademark of ENSONIQ Corp ***
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1992 09:33:00 -0500
From: "(Joseph D. McMahon)"
Subject: Music for drum machines? (fwd)
Paul Baker ( writes:
> Hi everyone.....
> This is my first mail to this list and I am wondering if anyone can
> help me out......
> I have a YAMAHA DD11 drum machine and I wonder if there is any music
> books written for this kit.....
> thanks in anticipation.....
> Paul.
> Bye for Now.............
> Thanks For The Chat.....
> Catch You Again.........
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest