
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 46, Issue 05

This issue's topics:
	DIVIDED is presently accepting submissions
	Post available in computer music (Glasgow, Scotland)

Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with 
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University of North Carolina.
Date:         Thu, 12 Nov 1992 22:28:15 GMT-0800
From:         Conrad_Geiger 
Subject:      DIVIDED is presently accepting submissions

I thought that some of you might be interested in this

International NeXT User Groups


P.O.Box 8302
chicago, IL 60680
(312) 489-3951

Re: Please post this letter or share it with individuals who might be


DIVIDED is presently accepting submissions for a series of several
compilations to be released beginning in the spring and summer of
next year.  Any composer working in the electronic / electroacousitic
/ Computer music fields are welcome to submit compositions for
consideration.  DIVIDED was founded a year ago to pursue lesser known
composers worldwide and give greater exposure to this genre of music.
Recently we released "Scend" by Jim O'Rourke and are expecting the
release of new works by Jean-Francois Denis early in 1993.

PRESENCE is DIVIDEDs ongoing compilation project. Each compact disc
released will contain several composers. All compositions submitted
should be on DAT and may not be longer than fifteen minutes each. The
deadline to submit entries for the initial CD is January 31st 1993. A
properly self-addressed stamped envelope should be included to
retrieve one's master tape.

We believe the copyrights should remain with the composers. The
production rights shall be given to DIVIDED while the CD is in print
and a contract will be drawn allowing composers fifteen percent of
the wholesale price of each CD.

By assembling these compilations we wish to bring to listeners new
works by international composers which are artistically innovative
and dynamic as well as emotionally engaging. DIVIDED wishes to
encourage all composers working in these fields to submit
compositions knowing that their work will be seriously considered.

Please direct all correspodence to the above address.

Mohammad Abed                           Ken Hoenigman
P.O.Box 8302
chicago, IL 60680
(312) 489-3951

Date:         Tue, 10 Nov 1992 11:11:16 -0500
From:         "(Joseph D. McMahon)" 
Subject:      Post available in computer music (Glasgow, Scotland)

Stephen Arnold (stephen@MUSIC.GLASGOW.AC.UK) writes:
> University of Glasgow
> Department of Music
> Technician in Computer Music Technology
> This new post complements the present post of Computer Music
> Operator/Programmer and primarily involves maintaining, developing
> and demonstrating professional recording, synthesis, processing and
> audio-visual equipment, and giving support to a community of student,
> academic and professional users from home and overseas, working in
> the areas of teaching composition and research.
> The Department has extensive audio and computing facilities, mainly
> based in an Audio Lab and a Composition Studio.  Equipment includes
> Soundcraft mixers, Tascam, HHB and Revox recorders, Yamaha
> synthesizers, an Akai sampler, Lexicon, Drawmer and Alesis
> processors, and Atari and NeXT computers which are linked to the
> campus ethernet.
> Included as supported music systems are csound, cmusic, cmix and clm,
> as well as a wide variety of MIDI applications.
> Among courses offered are an M.Mus. in Computer Music and a B.Sc. in
> Electronics with Music, taught jointly with the Department of
> Electronics and Electrical Engineering.
> You will have extensive experience with a variety of music
> technologies, including professional recording and broadcasting
> studios, the ability to operate and demonstrate complex systems and a
> familiarity with good studio practice.
> Familiarity with programming UNIX systems, and software systems such
> as CSOUND, CMIX and Common LISP Music would be an advantage, as would
> a full understanding of MIDI.  You will have an organized and
> disciplined approach and will enjoy taking responsibility and working
> within a small team to support the Department's academic and
> professional responsibilities.  You will be expected to assist
> students and other users of the music-technological resources, and
> take responsibility for at least one of the studios.
> Salary placing will be on the Grade E scale, #13,476-15,166 per
> annum.  Application forms and further particulars can be obtained
> from the Personnel Office (Non-Academic) 041 339 8855 Ext. 5855,
> quoting reference T/115, where applications should be lodged by 30
> November, 1992.
> The University is an EO employer.
> University of Glasgow
> Department of Music
> Technician in Computer Music Technology
> Further Particulars
> The appointed person will work to the direction of the Director of
> the Computer Music Studios (Dr. Stephen Arnold) and of the Head of
> Department (Professor Graham Hair).  The post involves taking
> responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the Department's
> professional audio and audio-visual equipment, liasing with the
> Computer Music Operator/Programmer (whose primary responsibility is
> for the Department's computing facilities) and giving support to a
> growing community of student, academic and professional users.
> Applicants should have a minimum level of qualification equivalent to
> an HNC, although a degree-equivalent qualification is expected.
> Applicants should have experience of most, if not all, of the
> following:
> working in electro-acoustic music studios, computer music studios,
> recording studios or broadcasting studios
> setting up and maintaining audio systems of various kinds
> diffusing electro-acoustic music in concert situations
> digital audio
> CSOUND, CMIX, Common LISP Music
> MIDI, particularly in the recording studio
> programming in C, C++, Objective C, UNIX
> Applicants must be willing to:
> manage and maintain the Department's audio and audio-visual resources
> organize the ordering of consumables relating to these resources
> provide some technical cover for the Department's computing resources
> work with the users of the Department's audio and computing
> facilities
> support the academic and professional work of the Department
> follow and enforce the rules for the use of the Department's
> facilities.
> It is especially important for that the appointee work responsibly
> and well, and in an organized manner, without moment-to-moment
> supervision and within a small team of colleagues.  Typical working
> hours are between 9.30 a.m. and 5.30 a.m.  Annual leave, including
> public and customary holidays, is 34 days.  The Department is willing
> to provide opportunities for research and composition to an
> appropriately qualified appointee.
> Salary will be within the scale  #13,476-15,166 per annum (Grade E).
> Discretionary additions may be payable in recognition of exceptional
> performance.
> The Department has extensive audio and computing facilities, mainly
> based in two Audio Labs, a research room and a Composition Studio.
> Equipment includes Soundcraft mixers, Tascam, HHB and Revox digital
> and analogue recorders, Yamaha synthesizers, an Akai sampler,
> Lexicon, Alesis and Drawmer processors, a network of over 40 NeXT
> computers which are linked to the campus ethernet.  It is believed
> that that these high-end UNIX workstations comprise the most powerful
> computing resource devoted to musical and audio applications
> currently in the UK.  Included as supported music systems are csound,
> cmusic, cmix and clm, as well as a wide variety of MIDI applications.
> In order to meet the demands of expanding student numbers, a new
> Centre for Music Technology is being planned, with additional
> recording facilities linked to an adjoining Concert Hall which is
> fully wired for recording, as is the nearby Bute Hall.
> The Department of Music runs undergraduate and postgraduate courses
> in a various aspects of Music and Technology and the Composition of
> Electro-Acoustic and Computer Music.  Among courses offered are the
> M.Mus. in Computer Music and the B.Sc. in Electronics with Music,
> taught jointly with the Department of Electronics and Electrical
> Engineering (with which a second Audio Lab and the entire NeXT
> network is jointly managed).
> The Department's professional work in recent years has included more
> than a dozen commissions from composers from Scotland and abroad,
> Music in Our Time broadcasts on BBC Radio 3 and organizing the 1990
> International Computer Music Conference as part of the Glasgow's City
> of Culture celebrations.  The Department is a reference site for NeXT
> computers.
Please send replies to Stephen at stephen@MUSIC.GLASGOW.AC.UK.

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest