
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 46, Issue 09

This issue's topics:
	Editor/Librarians (3 messages)
	Looking for band in a box files (2 messages)
	Looking for patches for D-5/10/20/110 Roland synths (2 messages)
	midi files
	Notation Software
	Patch Editor

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University of North Carolina.
Date:         Mon, 16 Nov 1992 10:51:25 PST
From:         metlay 
Subject:      Re: Editor/Librarians

>I ran across an ad for OPCODE's Galaxy Plus Editors software for the
>Mac in this months Keyboard magazine.  Has anybody had any experience
>with this product?  Is it only intended for high-end studio use (it
>sounds expensive)?  And lastly, are there any competing products
>available to the starving musician?

I use Galaxy without editors. I consider it to be the best-arranged,
cleanest, least-aggravating librarian program for the Mac right now.
I got my copy for free when I bought Vision, and love it to death.
I may upgrade to the "Plus editors" package, but I try to avoid such
things by buying synths with easily usable front panels. |->

dr. michael metlay       | and she's a master of return hitting
atomic city              | giving rhythm to her posts
p. o. box 81175          | so you read her and think hey it sounds good
pittsburgh pa 15217-0675 | and wish her posts had a soundtrack too        |                               (f. ercolessi)

Date:         Mon, 16 Nov 1992 20:17:00 EST
From:         rg8 
Subject:      Re: Re: Editor/Librarians

>>I ran across an ad for OPCODE's Galaxy Plus Editors software for the
>>Mac in this months Keyboard magazine.  Has anybody had any experience
>>with this product?  Is it only intended for high-end studio use (it
>>sounds expensive)?  And lastly, are there any competing products
>>available to the starving musician?
>I use Galaxy without editors. I consider it to be the best-arranged,
>cleanest, least-aggravating librarian program for the Mac right now.
>I got my copy for free when I bought Vision, and love it to death.
>I may upgrade to the "Plus editors" package, but I try to avoid such
>things by buying synths with easily usable front panels. |->

Agreed, and I would add that the "Plus Editors" does the same good
things for editing.  My home studio became a nice place to work when I got a
MIDI Time Piece and installed Galaxy Plus Editors.  Unfortunately there are
some nice synths (good sound possiblities) out there which don't have nice
front panels :-).

Bob Gibson

Date:         Mon, 16 Nov 1992 22:00:00 CDT
From:         Z3CBN@TTACS.BITNET
Subject:      RE: Editor/Librarians

I the Opcode librarians and love them. I am rarely involved w/ any high
end studio stuff but I have made a few commercial jingles in which I
used them. However; as anyone who has this knows,it's like having any of
the things in life that we take for granted, Once you have had it, you can't liv
e without it. If you use Vision, it is possible to copy the patch names right
into the sequencer, no hunting for numbers of cut/pasteing names,very conveinent
Here is a number for Computers and Music, they have the lowest price that I have
 found 800-767-6161.
Hope this helps

Date:         Mon, 2 Nov 1992 10:39:00 CST
Subject:      Looking for band in a box files

I am looking for a source of music files
compatable with the Band In A Box program.

I work with disabled individuals, one of who is
interested in this program.

Please send any ideas to
Both my client and I thank you for your assistance.

Brad Hodges

Date:         Thu, 5 Nov 1992 23:42:49 GMT
From:         forresti@EMU.INSTED.UNIMELB.EDU.AU
Subject:      Re: Looking for band in a box files

> I am looking for a source of music files
> compatable with the Band In A Box program.
>I may be able to help you I have about 1.5 meg of band in a box files
all pretty radical rock and roll stuff, if you are interested
reply to ,I think it would be better to
whack a disk in the post as I can only transfer files via kermit
at 100cps, are you using an atari to run biab
L8R - Ian.F.
> I work with disabled individuals, one of who is
> interested in this program.

> Please send any ideas to
> ""
> Both my client and I thank you for your assistance.
> Brad Hodges

Date:         Sun, 15 Nov 1992 20:37:20 MET
From:         "V. Palleschi" 
Subject:      Looking for patches for D-5/10/20/110 Roland synths

A few weeks ago I bougth a Roland D-110 expander. Yes. I know it is a quite
old gear but, on the scale of my (very low) playing ability, I am enjoing
a lot the features of this module (it was relatively cheap for me, too...).

I am quit satisfacted of the sound of the D-110, except for what concernes
the piano section. I have found somwhere on the net a definition of this
sound as "thin and crystalline", but I believe it is really innatural for
this kind of section. Could someone send me some hint/trick for making the
D-110 playing better the Piano ? By the way, I own a very cheap keyboard,
and its piano sound is MUCH better than the D-110 one.... I believe that the
LA method should be a little bit more efficient. I am waiting for your help.

More in general, I am surprised about the small number of PD patches which
are available on the net for the D-10/D-110/MT32/etc. I have already visited
the two classic ftp sites ( and, but I am sure that
some of the users of this synths have produced a lot of new sounds. Would
someone kindly send me some of these? In the future, when I will became more
expert, I will probably send them back some other sounds :)... Thanks a lot
in advance. Sincerely yours

Date:         Mon, 16 Nov 1992 13:51:01 +0100
From:         Adam Mirowski 
Subject:      Re:  Looking for patches for D-5/10/20/110 Roland synths

>I am quit satisfacted of the sound of the D-110, except for what concernes
>the piano section. I have found somwhere on the net a definition of this
>sound as "thin and crystalline", but I believe it is really innatural for
>this kind of section. Could someone send me some hint/trick for making the
>D-110 playing better the Piano ? By the way, I own a very cheap keyboard,
>and its piano sound is MUCH better than the D-110 one.... I believe that the
>LA method should be a little bit more efficient. I am waiting for your help.

Does it have a piano attack sample? My CM-32L doesn't, whereas a D-10 does.
I believe the D-5/D-10/D-20 had two banks of samples, whereas the MT-32 and
the CM-32L have only one, and organized differently. The D-110 could be on
the MT-32 side.

Adam Mirowski, (FRANCE),  tel. +33 (1) 30-64-82-00 or 74
Chorus systemes, 6, av.Gustave Eiffel, 78182 Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines CEDEX

Date:         Tue, 17 Nov 1992 07:45:08 EST
From:         Bernadette C Himaras 
Subject:      midi files


I am developing some children's games for the PC.  I have an ATI
Stero/FX sound card (Sound Blaster compatible).  I am incorporating
background music and am looking for a source of midi files.  Can
anyone recommend a source of midi files?  Thanks.
Bernadette Himaras

Date:         Sun, 1 Nov 1992 04:03:12 EST
From:         Ernest Ruppenthal 
Subject:      Notation Software

Is anyone familiar with Thoughtprocessor's "The Note Processor"?
I've been looking at several notation software packages and
recently came across this one I hadn't heard of before.


Date:         Wed, 11 Nov 1992 17:07:41 CST
From:         "(Al Vigland)" 
Subject:      Patch Editor

Does anyone out there know of a patch editor for an SGX-2000 that
runs on an IBM PC?  If so, what sound cards is it compatible with?

Thanks!                        Al Vigland ->

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest