
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 46, Issue 12

This issue's topics:
	MIDI programming with Windows?
	Which computer? (was: Re: Yamaha V50?)
	Which Midi Card for PC
	Which MIDI Card for PC? (2 messages)

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Date:         Thu, 5 Nov 1992 14:06:30 CST
From:         Joseph Fosco 
Subject:      MIDI programming with Windows?

Has anyone done any Windows MIDI programming, particularly
with Turbo C++.  Also, has anyone done programming using Windows'
MIDI mapper Any references would be greatly appreciated.


Joseph Fosco

Bitnet: b38669@anlvm

Date:         Tue, 17 Nov 1992 10:08:37 EET
From:         Jari 'Jartsu' Lehto 
Subject:      Which computer? (was: Re: Yamaha V50?)


>     Does anyone out there know of any MIDI software compatible with
> the Yamaha V50? Does anyone out there even know that this keyboard
> exists? I'd appreciate any response.

There have been quite many and will always be questions like this.

Could you PLEASE always specify FOR WHICH COMPUTER the software is
wished to be for, or what you are able to use. MS-DOS is no default
for these questions. (It is the last possible solution, IMHO)

*******************   "Jartsu"   **********************
***********   Jari                 Lehto   ************
****************   "I hate MS-DOS"   ******************
*****   Finger for more info   *****

Date:         Wed, 4 Nov 1992 18:45:07 -0800
From:         mccalld@SONOMA.EDU
Subject:      Re: Which Midi Card for PC

Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 18:39:21 -0800
From: mccalld@Sonoma.EDU
To: mailer::"">"
Subject: Re: Which MIDI Card for PC?

About Soundblasters, mine allows me to record while listening to previous
tracks! I am using Voyetra Gold and a simle SB 1.5 on my XT Clone 9mhz....
I havn't had any problems. Not only that, but I have mixed the channel 2
Soundblaster sounds thru some effects, ie zoom 9000, and then mixed the other
sounds direct, like into my K1 or my CZ1000.....

Date:         Wed, 4 Nov 1992 18:56:43 GMT
From:         "(Kiernan Holland)" 
Subject:      Re: Which MIDI Card for PC?

In article
(Ingo Gringer) writes:
>Sorry, I know, this is shurely a FAQ, but I didn't this group very often...
>I'm looking for a cheap MIDI-Card for a PC (may be an XT). It can
>be a built-in-card or something to use the connectors on the
>back of the PC (LPTx, COMx).
>Is there something recommendable?
>Thanks for any hints!

I have heard that the sounblasters are good for some things but
not MIDI. What i heard was that they will not allow incoming
midi signals at the same time as outgoing... therefore you can't
record while you listen to the last set of tracks you layed down...
I recommend a card that connects to the jacks in the back (RS-232
ports) becuase MIDI is nothing real special. I own a Amiga and
this is how they use MIDI.. through the RS-232 serial port in the back..
The MIDI baud rate is about 31250 which is not fast enough to shoot
more than 3 Kilobytes per second. No wonder it takes so long to
upload samples to a sampler through MIDI.

I bet it would be pretty simple to just make your own... this depends
on how much electronic stuff the PC's require for a similar
device. I know that for my first MIDI card there was only one TTL
circuit and a few resistors. It looked really cheap. And it worked
very well.

Date:         Fri, 6 Nov 1992 17:17:00 EST
From:         Bruce Brown x12893 
Subject:      Re: Which MIDI Card for PC?

>In article
>(Ingo Gringer) writes:
>Sorry, I know, this is shurely a FAQ, but I didn't this group very often...
>I'm looking for a cheap MIDI-Card for a PC (may be an XT). It can
>be a built-in-card or something to use the connectors on the
>back of the PC (LPTx, COMx).
>Is there something recommendable?
>Thanks for any hints!

>>I bet it would be pretty simple to just make your own... this depends
>>on how much electronic stuff the PC's require for a similar
>>device. I know that for my first MIDI card there was only one TTL
>>circuit and a few resistors. It looked really cheap. And it worked
>>very well.


 Along the same lines, in the March 1992 issue of Radio Electronics there
 is an article entitled "Build this midi interface for your pc". It describes
 design, parts, and construction, as well as provides a source for the entire
 kit. There are about three levels that you can purchase, such as printed
 circuit board only, printed circuit board and all parts, an additional midi
 port option, as well as all the above plus Voyetra SPJr sequencer software.
 It's not a very complicated project, mainly uart's, data buffer chips and
 some logic for picking up the pc's interrupt lines.

 Bruce Brown   (brown1@niehs)

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest