
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 51, Issue 03

This issue's topics:
	AKAI S1000 format (2 messages)

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Date:         Wed, 14 Apr 1993 22:00:05 EDT
From:         Andrian Pervazov 
Subject:      AKAI S1000 format

Does anybody know some details about the S1000 sampler format? I need to
transfer some samples to a PC compatible, but it turns out that the AKAI
disks have a proprietary format which is not readable by PC or Mac.

Also, is there an S1000 editor for the IBM?

Thank you in advance!

|       Andrian Pervazov                        |
|       University of Pennsylvania              |
|       Music Department                        |
|       Internet:   |
|       Phone: 215-382-0798                     |

Date:         Fri, 16 Apr 1993 14:57:00 LCL
From:         Achim Haag 
Subject:      Re: AKAI S1000 format

Andrian Pervazov writes:
> Does anybody know some details about the S1000 sampler format? I need to
> transfer some samples to a PC compatible, but it turns out that the AKAI
> disks have a proprietary format which is not readable by PC or Mac.

I've got the same problem and I've tried to read AKAI's disks with
PC and with ATARI. With no result.

Now I got AVALON, so that I can take samples from the AKAI and save
these on the disks of my computer. If you just want to save these
samples, this program is right for you (and for many other things
like editing and transforming in the time and in the frequency
domain etc. ...)

But if you want to do something with the samples from the AKAI by
yourself, this program isn't quit right. The samples on disk
have a very strange format and the first thing you have to do is
to decode this format. Unfortunately I haven't found any
description of this format, so I cannot help with this subject.

This is where I'm waiting for help from a computer-wizzard:
Who knows the structure of a AVALON-sample on disk? I want to play
samples created by CSound on an AKAI 2000. The only way I see is
via AVALON. But I can't get the samples into AVALON...


=  ACHIM HAAG                                                        =
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End of the EMUSIC-L Digest