EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 51, Issue 06
This issue's topics:
Asking the right question?
Need info on patches (9 messages)
New M1 sounds for my puppet theater (4 messages)
Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
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University of North Carolina.
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 12:09:38 -0500
From: kruse joel
Subject: Asking the right question?
A couple of days ago I posted an inquiry as to whether anyone on this
list had any experience with automated mixing boards or retrofitting
a board with midi automation. I haven't seen any replies. Am I
asking the wrong kind of question? Perhaps I am posting to the wrong
news group. Is there a list that would be better able to help me
with questions of this sort. I am interested in all aspects of
small and large studio recording. Please post a reply here or mail
me directly. Thanks.
Joel Kruse
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 16:49:00 LCL
From: DFV
Subject: Need info on patches
I would like some FTP sites where I can give/receive patches for the
following equipment. If the patches are NOT .SYX (system exclusive
format), as in the case of patches obtained from anonymous FTP from
UCSD.EDU for the TX81Z which were in some other format (GLIB???), how would
I get these read into .SYX format?
I hope that someone can help me. Oh, I am interested in patches fro the
following equipment:
Ober Matrix 6R
Yamaha TX81Z
Korg Wavestation
Ensoniq ESQ-1
Ensoniq SD-1
Thanks for your help...
Don V.
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 15:52:58 -0700
From: Art Lowery
Subject: Re: Need info on patches
On Wed, 28 Apr 1993, DFV wrote:
> I would like some FTP sites where I can give/receive patches for the
> following equipment. If the patches are NOT .SYX (system exclusive
> format), as in the case of patches obtained from anonymous FTP from
> UCSD.EDU for the TX81Z which were in some other format (GLIB???), how would
> I get these read into .SYX format?
> I hope that someone can help me. Oh, I am interested in patches fro the
> following equipment:
> Ober Matrix 6R
> Yamaha TX81Z
> Korg Wavestation
> Ensoniq ESQ-1
> Ensoniq SD-1
> Thanks for your help...
> Don V.
> e-mail
I have a bunch for the esq-1 with a librarian also. I was going to upload
them to /midi/patches/ESQ1.
If you have any patches, put them up too, ok?
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 16:01:43 -0700
From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: Re: Need info on patches
I attempted to post a bank of patches, but none appeared after I uploaded to
\incoming\... what gives with UCSD???
I will e-mail my ESQ-1 Patches (over 1000) in sysex or galaxy (mac) format to
all askers.
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 17:34:41 -0700
From: Art Lowery
Subject: Re: Need info on patches
On Wed, 28 Apr 1993, Michael O'Hara wrote:
> I attempted to post a bank of patches, but none appeared after I uploaded to
> \incoming\... what gives with UCSD???
> I will e-mail my ESQ-1 Patches (over 1000) in sysex or galaxy (mac) format to
> all askers.
Could you send em my way in my directory space, I will compare em with
what I have. I have upload access at ucsd, (i think) and will dump em all
ftp ftp/pub/artlow/
anyone else is welcome to em too, Ill leave it up for a while
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 13:14:45 LCL
From: Sten E Severson
Subject: Re: Need info on patches
> I attempted to post a bank of patches, but none appeared after I uploaded to
> \incoming\... what gives with UCSD???
> I will e-mail my ESQ-1 Patches (over 1000) in sysex or galaxy (mac) format to
> all askers.
I would love to get these (mac sysex please) but you need to put your
e-mail address in the text of your message for me to send you something.
Sten Severson
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 19:06:25 GMT
From: Greg Lee
Subject: Re: Need info on patches
: ... If the patches are NOT .SYX (system exclusive
: format), as in the case of patches obtained from anonymous FTP from
: UCSD.EDU for the TX81Z which were in some other format (GLIB???), how would
: I get these read into .SYX format?
If they are in glib format, glib can be used to convert them into
dump format. Using glib, (1) read the patch library into a library
bank (the 'r' command), (2) transfer the patches to the synth bank
(the 't' command), (3) upload to a file (the 'U' command).
Greg Lee
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 18:51:45 -0700
From: Michael O'Hara
Subject: Re: Need info on patches
I would love to get these (mac sysex please) but you need to put your
e-mail address in the text of your message for me to send you something.
Sten Severson
is the address.. mailers should see something this weekend.
I shall try once again to get the stuff up to UCSD, as well
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 10:24:32 LCL
From: Sten E Severson
Subject: Re: Need info on patches
I ftp'd to ucsd yesterday and downloaded the zipped archive of ESQ
patches. The other achive 480 something was 0k. That's not my problem,
though I like to see the real thing. The problem I have is that the
zipped files are proving very difficult to upload. First off the file is
somewhat corrupted, I tried several different unzipping programs for the
mac, and only one could get some of the files out. Once done though, I
found that these were not midiex files. When I used the "Bulk Sysex
Utility" it transmitted something that makes the ESQ go bonkers. The
internal banks reset themselves and sometimes the keyboard becomes mono,
or doesn't work at all. I'd love to hear these patches. God knows I'd
share mine if I even had a bank full of my own! If anyone has any
suggestions, please do.
Thanks much,
Sten Severson
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 17:46:11 -0700
From: Jesse Kanner
Subject: Re: Need info on patches
What's the address for FTP ing UCSD?
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1993 00:50:42 GMT
Subject: New M1 sounds for my puppet theater
For the past two years, I have been using my Korg M1 (plus Cakewalk software,
now on a 486) to put together music used in our marionette theater. Mostly, I
arrange early music, which works well with puppetry; so I use the flutes,
brass, percussion, etc. programs on the M1, for the most part, although I've
used most other non-New Age sounds. Now the problem:
Our focus is broadening into world folk tales and I need some new sounds,
particularly more international folk-like instruments, for example a buzzier
reed, a koto, a gong, different flutes, a plucked instrument sound,
more sound effects. I've listed to the "ethnic" program disk Korg
sells -- too new age-y, not acoustic-sounding enough, no humor.
Any suggestions? Please excuse my lack of sophistication about this.
Christine Roysdon (
Lehigh University Libraries
PHONE: (215) 758-3049
FAX: (215)758-3079
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1993 09:35:09 -0400
From: Joe McMahon
Subject: Re: New M1 sounds for my puppet theater
>Our focus is broadening into world folk tales and I need some new sounds,
>particularly more international folk-like instruments, for example a buzzier
>reed, a koto, a gong, different flutes, a plucked instrument sound,
>more sound effects. I've listed to the "ethnic" program disk Korg
>sells -- too new age-y, not acoustic-sounding enough, no humor.
>Any suggestions? Please excuse my lack of sophistication about this.
Christine, you may have to resort to orchestrational techniques to achieve
your ends. The M1, alas, does not have the means to synthesize sounds from
scratch well. However, I do have a few suggestions: You may be able to get
your gong by shifting a bell sound down a few octaves. You need a sound
with inharmonic tones to get a good gong sound, so look at more
"church-bell" type sounds. "Chimes" will be inharmonic, but may not have
enough non-integral multiples to sound convincing as a gong. Re-enveloping
an electric piano wave and mixing it with an acoustic guitar enveloped to
give you just the "pluck" portion of the attack may get you a decent koto.
This technique may be useful for your other "plucked instrument" as well.
Take the flute patch that you currently have and try the other waveforms in
it; this should give you sounds with flute-like attack characteristics, but
with different tonal qualities. Some will work, others won't. Try them and
see what works. The same process may get you usable alternate reeds. As far
as sound effects, without knowing what you are looking for, I can't give
you an idea where to start.
The basic things you'll be doing, though, are taking an existing sound and
changing the waveform to see what you can get (I know this is possible on
the M1), and transposing waveforms downward (I *don't* know for sure that
the M1 can do this, though I seem to remember that it can).
Also, you might want to look into some books on orchestration. Certainly
symphonic composers have faced some of these problems before, and have
drawn on the resources of the orchestra to provide them with different
--- Joe M.
"Primal scream therapy you can dance to?" (A. Schabtach)
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 00:30:51 CEST
From: Paolo Pizzi
Subject: New M1 Sounds For My Pup
> Our focus is broadening into world folk tales and I need some new
> sounds, particularly more international folk-like instruments, for
> example a buzzier reed, a koto, a gong, different flutes, a plucked
> instrument sound, more sound effects. I've listed to the "ethnic"
> program disk Korg sells -- too new age-y, not acoustic-sounding
> enough, no humor. Any suggestions? Please excuse my lack of
> sophistication about this.
I know it doesn't come cheap but the easiest suggestion would be to get a
Proteus 3. Most of the instruments *do* sound realistic though now and then
a critical ear would detect imperfections.
Extensive programming of the machine, however, is advised to avoid presets
too often heard in commercials and the like.
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 16:20:08 CET
From: Jack Latanowicz
Subject: Re: New M1 sounds for my puppet theater
On Thu, 22 Apr 1993 00:50:42 GMT CHRISTINE M. ROYSDON said:
>For the past two years, I have been using my Korg M1 (plus Cakewalk software,
(I use M1 for two years too !!!)
>used most other non-New Age sounds. Now the problem:
>Our focus is broadening into world folk tales and I need some new sounds,
>particularly more international folk-like instruments, for example a buzzier
>reed, a koto, a gong, different flutes, a plucked instrument sound,
>more sound effects. I've listed to the "ethnic" program disk Korg
>sells -- too new age-y, not acoustic-sounding enough, no humor.
>Any suggestions? Please excuse my lack of sophistication about this.
Have you tried to buy some cards (card sets) with PCM's ??? There is
a whole card set of samples and sounds called MSC-xx . And also there
are many companies that do cards with sounds too. (the MSC serie is
original KORG made).
Right now I'm planning to buy such thing, because the original M1 samples
are not enough for me. I am looking for a different kind of sounds than You
but still I think that there is something that You'll find useful.
PS.A cost of 1 card set in Germany about 130DM (80$). (sorry for braking
list's rules - this should be on SYNTH-L)
Jack L.
Jack Latanowicz tel/fax Pl-(0-61) 798-202
ul.Porzeczkowa 27
61-306 Poznan
P O L A N D "sooner or later everything has it's end..."
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest