
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 51, Issue 07

This issue's topics:
	EZVision/ EdLib Problem (3 messages)
	New Line of Mac's (15 messages)
	PC Midi Interface

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Date:         Mon, 5 Apr 1993 13:26:30 -0400
From:         "David R. Sacco" 
Subject:      EZVision/ EdLib Problem

Hi all,
I have a problem running an Ed/Lib and EZVision on my mac IIsi at the
same time.  EZVision seems to want to hog all the midi communications,
and the Ed/lib won't work.  Any help, anyone?

Date:         Mon, 5 Apr 1993 12:01:36 PDT
From:         Casey Dunn 
Subject:      EZVision/ EdLib Problem

You said (Re: EZVision/ EdLib Problem)
> Hi all,
> I have a problem running an Ed/Lib and EZVision on my mac IIsi at the
> same time.  EZVision seems to want to hog all the midi communications,
> and the Ed/lib won't work.  Any help, anyone?

I think there is a switch with which you tell OMS to allow non-OMS
application to use the serial ports. it should be in on an OMS Setup
option dialog box.... unf I'm not at home with the manuals...but check
out the MIDI setup dbxs...

Date:         Thu, 8 Apr 1993 07:41:38 +0000
From:         Nick Rothwell 
Subject:      Re: EZVision/ EdLib Problem

>Any help, anyone?

Sounds like the Ed/Lib doesn't use OMS.

I could go on about this issue at length but I don't want to reiterate
everything. Hopefully an up-and-coming issue of the Mac TidBITs electronic
newsletter will cover all this stuff in detail.

                        Nick Rothwell   |
     CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance   |

Date:         Wed, 21 Apr 1993 14:48:05 -0400
From:         Jon Crystal 
Subject:      New Line of Mac's

Does anyone out there have any insights/inside info on the next line of
Macs due out in the next few months? All I've heard is that there will be
DSP chips built in, which could be real exciting if Apple does it right.

Date:         Wed, 21 Apr 1993 20:11:05 EDT
From:         Dayl Burnett 
Subject:      Re: New Line of Mac's

> Does anyone out there have any insights/inside info on the next line of
> Macs due out in the next few months? All I've heard is that there will be
> DSP chips built in, which could be real exciting if Apple does it right.
Yes, these systems will be dual processors.  All of the voice, video, etc.
will be done on one chip while the *normal computing* will be done on the
other.  These will have a voice command known as Casper.  They have input
15,000 samples for each word, so no training will have to be done for
Casper to understand you.  These commands can also be overridden.  Yes,
you too can have a Mac that answers your phone, acts like a TV (video
in/out), programs your VCR, plays your CDs, all with voice commands, at
the *low, low* starting price of just $2,400.00!  Yes, that's right!
Twenty-four hundred dollars!  (I'm not sure if this version will have the
CD or not).  You can throw away the phone, the answering machine, the
TV, the CD player, and the remote control!  The high end machine should
be about $4,800.00.

Yes, it slices, it dices...  we asked about a microwave....  Maybe in
the future.......

Anonymous (not the sender shown on reply - just in case I'm breaking
any rules - but then again, they didn't have me sign anything...)

Date:         Fri, 23 Apr 1993 07:37:38 +0000
From:         Nick Rothwell 
Subject:      Re: New Line of Mac's

>All I've heard is that there will be
>DSP chips built in, which could be real exciting if Apple does it right.

They won't. Trust me.

Meanwhile, Apple is working on a totally new MIDI Manager, apparently, with
audio hookup (8-bit I hear, well, great...). I can't wait to run it
alongside the old MIDI Manager, Opcode's new OMS 2.0 and MOTU's FreeMIDI...

                        Nick Rothwell   |
     CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance   |

Date:         Fri, 23 Apr 1993 07:47:42 +0000
From:         Nick Rothwell 
Subject:      Re: New Line of Mac's

>you too can have a Mac that answers your phone, acts like a TV (video
>in/out), programs your VCR, plays your CDs, all with voice commands, at
>the *low, low* starting price of just $2,400.00!  Yes, that's right!
>Twenty-four hundred dollars!

Yeah, just what I need, a machine which answers my phone with a Californian
accent, to which I have to talk in American, and which won't work with my
VCR (which is PAL, not NTSC) and won't work properly with my phone (which
is British, not US).

Will I have to think in Russian to activate the thought-controlled missile

                        Nick Rothwell   |
     CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance   |

Date:         Sat, 24 Apr 1993 09:05:57 PDT
From:         metlay 
Subject:      Re: New Line of Mac's

>Will I have to think in Russian to activate the thought-controlled missile


Bad Rothwell. No biscuit.

mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
I bow to the obvious superiority of a culture that coins words like "snog."

Date:         Sun, 25 Apr 1993 10:05:45 +0000
From:         Nick Rothwell 
Subject:      Re: New Line of Mac's


Nah. Firefox was a fun film. I liked it a lot. Apart from the Star Wars
Death Star trench sequence at the end (well, if they would hire John
Dijkstra for SFX, what did they expect?).

The book is superb, and the sequel book (Firefox Down) is better. It could
be made into a good film, but it's more likely to be made into a bad film.

ObEMusicContent: Maurice Jarre's first electronic score, I think.

                        Nick Rothwell   |
     CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance   |

Date:         Wed, 28 Apr 1993 07:32:39 +0000
From:         Nick Rothwell 

>Nick Rothwell said:
>> Will I have to think in Russian to activate the thought-controlled missile
>> system?

>Ya lyublyu moosiku!

Missed! (wugga wugga wugga)

                        Nick Rothwell   |
     CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance   |

Date:         Wed, 28 Apr 1993 08:29:53 EDT
From:         wbf@ALUXPO.ATT.COM
Subject:      Deep Thoughts... in Russian

Nick Rothwell said:
> Will I have to think in Russian to activate the thought-controlled missile
> system?

Then I said:
> Ya lyublyu moosiku!

Then Nick said:
> Missed! (wugga wugga wugga)

I understand "wugga wugga wugga" (I'm positive you didn't pick that up
at Metlay's house, though I could be wrong) less than you understood "Ya
lyublyu moosiku!"  At least you knew it was Russian.  It means "I love
music!"  (Or in Greek, "Agapo teen moosiki!"  Or in French, "J'aime la
musique!" .......)  But what is a wugga?

Bill Fox

Date:         Wed, 28 Apr 1993 15:47:15 GMT
From:         JOEL STERN 

Nick Rothwell said:
> Will I have to think in Russian to activate the thought-controlled missile
> system?

Then I said:
> Ya lyublyu moosiku!

Then Nick said:
> Missed! (wugga wugga wugga)

I understand "wugga wugga wugga" (I'm positive you didn't pick that up
at Metlay's house, though I could be wrong) less than you understood "Ya
lyublyu moosiku!"  At least you knew it was Russian.  It means "I love
music!"  (Or in Greek, "Agapo teen moosiki!"  Or in French, "J'aime la
musique!" .......)  But what is a wugga?

Bill Fox



Date:         Thu, 29 Apr 1993 05:32:23 EDT
From:         Doug Walker 
Subject:      Re: Deep Thoughts... in Russian

>On Wed, 28 Apr 1993 08:29:53 EDT  said:
>>Nick Rothwell said:
>>> Will I have to think in Russian to activate the thought-controlled missile
>>> system?
>>Then I said:
>>> Ya lyublyu moosiku!
>>Then Nick said:
>>> Missed! (wugga wugga wugga)
>>I understand "wugga wugga wugga" (I'm positive you didn't pick that up
>>at Metlay's house, though I could be wrong) less than you understood "Ya
>>lyublyu moosiku!"  At least you knew it was Russian.  It means "I love
>>music!"  (Or in Greek, "Agapo teen moosiki!"  Or in French, "J'aime la
>>musique!" .......)  But what is a wugga?
>>Bill Fox
>  Speakin' of languages,
> in Polish - "Kocham muzyke."
> in Deutsch - "Ich liebe musik."
> in MIDI - "9C 54 23 7F 4R 19 51 8D"
>(the last one I'm not sure of...)
>Jack L.

>Jack Latanowicz      tel/fax Pl-(0-61) 798-202
>ul.Porzeczkowa 27
>61-306 Poznan
> P O L A N D         "all these words, thrown against the wall..."

Doug Walker

Date:         Thu, 29 Apr 1993 10:45:13 CET
From:         Jack Latanowicz 
Subject:      Re: Deep Thoughts... in Russian

On Wed, 28 Apr 1993 08:29:53 EDT  said:
>Nick Rothwell said:
>> Will I have to think in Russian to activate the thought-controlled missile
>> system?
>Then I said:
>> Ya lyublyu moosiku!
>Then Nick said:
>> Missed! (wugga wugga wugga)
>I understand "wugga wugga wugga" (I'm positive you didn't pick that up
>at Metlay's house, though I could be wrong) less than you understood "Ya
>lyublyu moosiku!"  At least you knew it was Russian.  It means "I love
>music!"  (Or in Greek, "Agapo teen moosiki!"  Or in French, "J'aime la
>musique!" .......)  But what is a wugga?
>Bill Fox

  Speakin' of languages,
 in Polish - "Kocham muzyke."
 in Deutsch - "Ich liebe musik."
 in MIDI - "9C 54 23 7F 4R 19 51 8D"
(the last one I'm not sure of...)

Jack L.

Jack Latanowicz      tel/fax Pl-(0-61) 798-202
ul.Porzeczkowa 27
61-306 Poznan
 P O L A N D         "all these words, thrown against the wall..."

Date:         Fri, 30 Apr 1993 06:52:56 +0000
From:         Nick Rothwell 
Subject:      Re: Deep Thoughts... in Russian

>At least you knew it was Russian.

Nope. That was a guess. Seeing ASCII rather than cyrillic threw me a bit.
(But then, seeing cyrillic in my mail reader would have thrown me even

>But what is a wugga?

No idea. I just picked it up as an expression years ago from some X-Men
comic or something: thumbs in ears, fingers flapping, tongue sticking out,
"wugga wugga wugga!"

Suppose I'd better put in some obligEMusic content. (i) I've read the OMS
developer specs. and the new manual. Rather nice. I'm impressed. (ii) I
have Wavestation effects journalising and playback running in MAX now. Next
project is chunk sequencers: it's half-working, with MIDI clock/SPP parsing
and message broadcast working. (You can sync two PowerBooks together
through a 2-MTP network. It seems to work rather well... I must try it as
PB170->PB100 to see if I can duplicate metlay's problems.)

                        Nick Rothwell   |
     CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance   |

Date:         Fri, 30 Apr 1993 10:18:31 EDT
From:         ronin 
Subject:      wugga wugga

warning: no emusic content.

the 'wugga wugga' image comes from a comc-book rendition of
ellison's "repent harlequin, said the tick tock man", released
some years ago. i forget the name of the book series, but the artist
was either nino or the guy that also did "more than human".

-----------< Cognitive Dissonance is a 20th Century Art Form >-----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)
The American University Physics Dept.
4400 Mass. Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20016-8058
(202) 885-2748  (with Voice Mail)
---------------------< Join the Cognitive Dissidents >-------------------

Date:         Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:45:09 PDT
From:         metlay 
Subject:      Re: Deep Thoughts... in Russian

>(You can sync two PowerBooks together
>through a 2-MTP network. It seems to work rather well... I must try it as
>PB170->PB100 to see if I can duplicate metlay's problems.)

That would be nice. I'm beginning to think I'm hallucinating.

mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
Gimme some juice and watch me blow, tell that joker where to go   (buggles)

Date:         Mon, 26 Apr 1993 09:42:29 EDT
From:         wbf@ALUXPO.ATT.COM

Nick Rothwell said:
> Will I have to think in Russian to activate the thought-controlled missile
> system?

Ya lyublyu moosiku!

Bill Fox

Date:         Wed, 21 Apr 1993 11:12:26 -0500
From:         Geoff Knight 
Subject:      PC Midi Interface

Can someone give me advice about what I might be able to do with my obsolete
computer and midi equipment?  I know this stuff is old and outdated but it
still works and I can afford it!  :-)  I have an IBM XT with a 40 meg hard
drive, 2 5.25 inch floppies and 640K.  I also have a Yamaha FB01 sound
module, a Yamaha keyboard with midi, a casio midi horn, and Yamaha midi
drum pads.  Is there a card which will allow these things to interface with
my computer?  Is there software which will allow me more flexibility over
the control of the FB01 than I currently have via the front panel?  Is there
sequencer software that will work with this setup?  Is it inexpensive enough
to make it worthwhile to invest in for old stuff like this?

I know this is not interesting to most of you with state of the art stuff but
if someone could help I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,


End of the EMUSIC-L Digest