
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 51, Issue 14

This issue's topics:
	BIble of Music and Sound (2 messages)
	Hz-->MIDI commands (3 messages)

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Date:         Thu, 1 Apr 1993 17:09:59 GMT
From:         Steve Sanders 
Subject:      Re: BIble of Music and Sound

In article  Thomas Neuhaus
>you mentioned that very interesting book by C.Yavelow. If you
>(or anybody else in this group) happens to know a mail.order adress
>or the ISBN, I would be glad to know (and maybe some others in the group
>as well).
>| Thomas Neuhaus|"American Beer is like making   |
>| Frankfurter Str.16, 43 Essen-1/Germany    |love in a canoo -- f**king close|
>| Phone 49-201-767748                       |to water"        --Monthy Python|

This book is distributed by MixBooks in Emeryville, California. I called
them to get the following info (great company for lots of books on music,
by the way):

MacWorld Music and Sound Bible
by Christopher Yavelow
ISBN #1-878058-18-5
Retails at $37.95 US (plus S&H)

This is a thick book, softcover, but well over a thousand pages. I find it
to be a great reference. Has screen shots of most software packages.
Anything related to making music on a Macintosh is included. It doesn't
go into esoteric experimental uses, mainly the available commercial and
shareware offerings.

6400 Hollis Street
Suite #12-S
Emeryville, CA 94608
(800) 233-9604 - toll-free US & Canada
(510) 653-3307 - phone
(510) 653-5142 - fax
Accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards.

No, I don't own stock in them, I just think they are a great company
and wasn't sure how much info you needed to order from Germany.

Steve Sanders 

Date:         Thu, 1 Apr 1993 17:26:45 GMT
From:         Steve Sanders 
Subject:      Re: BIble of Music and Sound

In article <> (Steve
Sanders) writes:

Sorry, forgot to include the MixBooks item order number for the MacWorld
Music & Sound Bible - it's #3522C. Hope this helps.

Steve Sanders 

Date:         Sat, 17 Apr 1993 15:33:26 +0200
From:         Hmeljak Dimitrij 
Subject:      Hz-->MIDI commands


recently there was a discussion about MIDI -> Hz conversion.
Now I would like to know the opposite:

as far as I know, you activate MIDI notes with MIDI note on
command and then you can alter the frequency of the notes
with the MIDI pitch wheel command.
But: is there a REAL correlation between the pitch bend (or
pitch wheel) number sent after the command and the frequency
of the sound produced by the synth (supposied in 'normal'
Could there be a formula to convert the frequency (in Hz)
I want to hear to MIDI note on number + MIDI pitch number
I have to send to the synth,  to do things like a 5-octave
smooth glissando?

Dimitrij Hmeljak

Date:         Mon, 19 Apr 1993 08:39:57 GMT
From:         w.purvis@DARESBURY.AC.UK
Subject:      Re: Hz-->MIDI commands

Dimitrij Hmeljak writes:
> is there a REAL correlation between the pitch bend (or
> pitch wheel) number sent after the command and the frequency
> of the sound produced by the synth (supposied in 'normal'
> conditions)?

Sorry, but the answer is NO. Midi information such as note pitch and pitch bend
is simply a number in the range 0..127. What the synth does with that number
depends on the patch. By convention, the basic note pitch normally corresponds
to the `normal' scale with a value of 60 for middle C, but you can program
many synths (e.g. Yamaha TX81Z) to interpret these differently. Pitch bend
information is even more variable - some patches will bend only a couple of
semitones, while others will bend a full octave - again it depends on the
individual synth and the patches.


Date:         Mon, 19 Apr 1993 12:56:32 CET
From:         Jack Latanowicz 
Subject:      Re: Hz-->MIDI commands

On Mon, 19 Apr 1993 08:39:57 GMT  said:
>Dimitrij Hmeljak writes:
>> is there a REAL correlation between the pitch bend (or
>> pitch wheel) number sent after the command and the frequency
>> of the sound produced by the synth (supposied in 'normal'
>> conditions)?
>many synths (e.g. Yamaha TX81Z) to interpret these differently. Pitch bend
>information is even more variable - some patches will bend only a couple of
>semitones, while others will bend a full octave - again it depends on the
>individual synth and the patches.

What's more, for instance Korg M1 let's you decide what's applied to
pitch bend. You can change it so, that pitch bend will not be pitch
bend again. You can make the joystick (pitch bender) , change the
cutoff frequency rather than pitch. All options are various.
  The same thing is with aftertouch. You can assign aftertouch
to do from -12 to +12 semitones pitchbend ! (and many more...)
  But still as Bill said in the track on seq. aftertouch will be
still written as aftertouch, and pitch bend as pitch bend.
Another patch won't respond the same way unless it also has the
same parameters applied to various controllers.

Jack L.

Jack Latanowicz      tel/fax Pl-(0-61) 798-202
ul.Porzeczkowa 27
61-306 Poznan
 P O L A N D         "sooner or later everything has it's end..."

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest