
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 54, Issue 03

This issue's topics:
	Windows for the Mac? (5 messages)

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Date:         Mon, 5 Jul 1993 13:44:16 -0400
From:         Rajeev Upadhye 

Does anyone know of any software for translating
WINDOW interfaces for Macintosh?

Rajeev Upadhye

    Fundamentals of Research Methodology | Centre for Development of

 | Advanced Computing
   "Take roots of some tree                      | Pune University Campus
    Crush them with some thing           | Ganesh Khind, Pune
    Then give it to someone              | Maharashtra, INDIA 411 007
    SOMETHING will definitely happen!!!" | Email:
                                         | Fax  : 91 212 337551
           ------ PANCHA TANTRA          | Phone: 91 212 332461
       (A Sanskrit Book of Fairy Tales)  |

Date:         Mon, 5 Jul 1993 11:19:15 -0700
From:         Michael O'Hara 
Subject:      WINDOW interfaces for Macintosh?

The latest version of SoftPC for the macintosh is available with WINDOWS 3.1

Date:         Mon, 5 Jul 1993 18:46:00 EDT
From:         rg8 
Subject:      Re: WINDOW interfaces for Macintosh?

>The latest version of SoftPC for the macintosh is available with WINDOWS 3.1

I hope the manual is better than the one that comes with Access PC.  The
software (Access PC) works, but you're on your own to figure exactly *how* it
works in certain situations.

I can imagine that this environment would turn the Mac into a snail.

Bob Gibson

Date:         Mon, 5 Jul 1993 18:25:48 -0700
From:         Michael O'Hara 
Subject:      File: "EMUSIC-L LOG9307A"

It isnt as bad as you'd think; the windows "toolbox" is rewritten in
native 68000 code.

Date:         Mon, 5 Jul 1993 21:38:47 -0500
From:         Kenneth Wayne Goodson 
Subject:      Re: your mail

There is a program called SoftPC that runs a Windows 3.1 interface on a
Mac. It is published by Insignia Solutions, 526 Clyde Ave., Mountain View,
CA, 94043. Their telephone number is 800/848-7677 (toll free) or
415/694-7600. Windows will only run in Standard mode but will run DOS
sessions. A Macintosh with a Motorola 68040 CPU, 12Mb RAM (16 Mb
recommended) and 18 Mb of hard disk space. It comes highly recommended but
is slow. There is a fairly complete review in the July 1993 WindowsUser
magazine. The retail price is $499.

Good Luck

Kenneth Goodson

On Mon, 5 Jul 1993, Rajeev Upadhye wrote:

> Does anyone know of any software for translating
> WINDOW interfaces for Macintosh?
> Rajeev Upadhye
> _________________________________________________________________________
>     Fundamentals of Research Methodology | Centre for Development of
>  | Advanced Computing
>    "Take roots of some tree                      | Pune University Campus
>     Crush them with some thing           | Ganesh Khind, Pune
>     Then give it to someone              | Maharashtra, INDIA 411 007
>     SOMETHING will definitely happen!!!" | Email:
>                                          | Fax  : 91 212 337551
>            ------ PANCHA TANTRA          | Phone: 91 212 332461
>        (A Sanskrit Book of Fairy Tales)  |
> _________________________________________________________________________

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest