EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 54, Issue 06
This issue's topics:
Unplugging MIDI cables (5 messages)
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Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 12:26:52 BST
From: "Steven D. Bramson"
Subject: Unplugging MIDI cables
J R III mentioned unplugging serial cables.
Can you / should you plug and unplug MIDI cables into equipment which is
switched on?
My experience with other equipment is
Apple keyboard/mouse yes
Apple Local talk net yes
PC RS 232 yes
PC thin ethernet you can unplug a cable from a station as long
as you don't break the net
PC parallel centronics avoid
Mac SCSI definitely avoid
On a connected subject, my MIDI setup is
Yamaha Clavinova -----> PC with MPU 401 clone -----> Roland Sound Canvas
(the sound canvas audio out is fed to the Clavinova audio in)
I find the MIDI thru default connection may not come up depending on what
order I switch on the kit. I try to stick to
Yamaha, then Roland, then PC which works
Any comments
Steven Bramson
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 18:11:00 EDT
From: John Rossi III
Subject: Re: Unplugging MIDI cables
I have yet to find a problem with plugging and unplugging MIDI cables. Since
the things are connected using optoisolators I would think that any kind of
damage would be very unlikely. Also, they realized that the
MIDI spec was for musicians (electronic musicians especially) who are very
used to plugging and unplugging things while synthesizers are on.
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 18:34:14 EDT
Subject: Re: Unplugging MIDI cables
Steven asks:
> Can you / should you plug and unplug MIDI cables into equipment which
> is switched on?
You can not afraid to do it, because MIDI is optocoupled. Until no
message is actually transmitted, there shouldn't be no unexpected
effect too, because the current loop is unactive at idle time (take
care on the 'active sensing')
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 18:32:34 -0600
From: Mike Bishop
Subject: Re: Unplugging MIDI cables
I wouldn't recommend unplugging Mac ADB cables. You run a serious risk
of frying your motherboard. Honest. Modem and printer are OK.
| Michael Bishop | "Any technology sufficiently advanced is |
| | indistinguishable from magic." |
| Linfield College | |
| McMinnville Oregon | - Aurthur C Clarke |
On Thu, 15 Jul 1993, Steven D. Bramson wrote:
> Can you / should you plug and unplug MIDI cables into equipment which is
> switched on?
> My experience with other equipment is
> Apple keyboard/mouse yes
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1993 23:47:55 +0000
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: Re: Unplugging MIDI cables
>Apple keyboard/mouse yes
>Any comments
Yes: doing this you run a risk of blowing a soldered-in fuse on the
keyboard logic board.
Nick Rothwell |
CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance |
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest