EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 54, Issue 11
This issue's topics:
(fwd) YAMAHA DX,SY series FM emulator for PC
(6 messages) copy protection
fm parameterization
FM synthesis (2 messages)
FM synthesis DX-7 simulator (3 messages)
FM synthesis in Software (3 messages)
my FM synthesis mystery
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Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 08:50:00 EDT
From: Jeff Harrington
Subject: (fwd) YAMAHA DX,SY series FM emulator for PC
I` m working on a public domain emulator of YAMAHA series DX...
series SY...,V50 and so on ..
That FM emulator will work on a personal computer IBM compatible
(minimum 486 i think),and makes 16 or 8 bit samples for use with
mods or better sample-sequencer.
I` ve tried to find the file format of the saved parameters but in
the manual of such Keyboards there` s not too much for working.
If someone has something about DX7 ,DX21 ,V50, SY77,SY99
please tell me as soon as possible,expecially about the file
structure,the bit resolution of the oscillators ,and
if someone has a file version of the preset samples (for the SY)
Please post me
(*) IdEAL ORDER Psychic TV (*) Zappin' CBS Evening News (*)
(*) (*) Since 1983! (*)
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1993 09:16:19 CDT
From: crispen
Subject: Re: Chowning
>Is there anybody on the world, who can help me to find a book
>"Foundations of Sound Synthesis" by John Chowning ?
These are the only references I have for Chowning:
J. Chowning
"The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency
J. Audio Eng. Soc. 21, no. 7 (1973):526-534
[This is the standard reference.]
J. Chowning and D. Bristow
"FM Theory and Applications by Musicians for Musicians"
Yamaha Music Foundation, Tokyo, 1986
ISBN 4-636-17482-8
I don't claim this is complete, though. If you were referring to
something else, then I'd like to know about it, too.
| Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen | Music should not be held responsible |
| | for the people who listen to it. |
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1993 14:47:57 EDT
From: ronin
Subject: chowning n fm
um... almost...
the book you're looking for is Foundations of Computer Music, edited
by Curtis Roads. it is a collection of Computer Music Journal reprints,
and Chowning's article is included, as well as some extensions.
as for sample->fm parameters, it has i believe been done. get in touch
with IRCAM. that is, if you want the utility itself, rather than the fun
and experience of figuring it out yourself. if you do go that route, btw,
(the homebrew way, that is), let us know what strategy you decide on.
i think the last thing discussed here (by IDEALORD@DORSAI.DORSAI.ORG - you
might want to contact him directly) had something to do with genetic-algorithm
search of optimal parameters via bessel function lookup.
-----------< Cognitive Dissonance is a 20th Century Art Form >-----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)
The American University Physics Dept.
4400 Mass. Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20016-8058
(202) 885-2748 (with Voice Mail)
---------------------< Join the Cognitive Dissidents >-------------------
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1993 15:17:44 EDT
Subject: Chowning
Is there anybody on the world, who can help me to find a book
"Foundations of Sound Synthesis" by John Chowning ?
Maciej Bartkowiak, Technical University of Poznan / POLAND
Temporarily at Ecole Nationale Superieure des
Telecommunications de Bretagne / FRANCE
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1993 18:38:29 EDT
Subject: Re: Chowning
** >Is there anybody on the world, who can help me to find a book
** >"Foundations of Sound Synthesis" by John Chowning ?
** These are the only references I have for Chowning:
** J. Chowning
** "The Synthesis of Complex Audio Spectra by Means of Frequency
** Modulation"
** J. Audio Eng. Soc. 21, no. 7 (1973):526-534
** [This is the standard reference.]
----> yes, but in "Foundations..." (where nb. this paper is reprinted)
there are his newer concepts of more complexive FM synthesis, which
I'm looking for...
** J. Chowning and D. Bristow
** "FM Theory and Applications by Musicians for Musicians"
** Yamaha Music Foundation, Tokyo, 1986
** ISBN 4-636-17482-8
----> thanx for this, it sounds interesting, especialy because of YAMAHA's
activity in the field of FM.
In addition: I have found an interesting paper about reconstruction algorithm
for FM natural sound simulating. If anybody is still interested in FM
synthesis, but in software means, please to contact. I'm going to work at
smart program for converting sampled sound to DX's programm parameters.
cheers- Maciej
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1993 01:17:14 EDT
From: Graham Collins
Subject: Re: Chowning
In a previous article, mbartkow@GWENDU.ENST-BRETAGNE.FR () says:
>Is there anybody on the world, who can help me to find a book
>"Foundations of Sound Synthesis" by John Chowning ?
You might consider contacting Dartmouth University as I believe he
teaches there.
Graham Collins
If the environment is all that it's cracked up to be,
why are the homeless complaining?
P.J. O'Rourke
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1993 16:17:21 -0600
From: Mike Bishop
Subject: Re: Chowning
On Tue, 6 Jul 1993, Graham Collins wrote:
> You might consider contacting Dartmouth University as I believe he
> teaches there.
> Graham Collins
I thought that it was Stanford.
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 10:23:09 U
From: Terry Barnum
Subject: Re: EMUSIC-L Digest - 29 Jun
>I can't find (well three different bookshops couldn't find) that locus
>classicus, _Elements of Computer Music_ by Richard Moore, in either the
>British or American _Books In Print_.
Try Mix Bookshelf:
6400 Hollis St., #12-B
Emeryville, CA 94608
vox 800.233.9604
vox 510.653.3307
fax 510.653.3609
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 14:12:30 EDT
From: ronin
Subject: fm parameterization
as has been discussed, the issue with anything-to-fm conversion is
one of fit measurement. the first decision is which domain to operate
in, time or frequency. personally, i never tried it in the time
domain, believing formant content to be critical, and suspecting that
perceptable differences in content might be outside the meaningful
threshold of any kind of graphic comparison technique. unfortunately,
this opens a whole new can of invertebrates...
having discarded graphic comparison, it then becomes necessary to
quantify 'good enough' for numeric comparison of spectral analyses.
this leads to a requirement for psychoacoustic testing, which i began
with a colleague some years ago. that project went the way of all
graduate work, but the ideas, papers, and software are all still sitting
around, if you find merit in the approach and want to talk about it.
with exogenous impetus, i think i might be able to reconstruct the core
of the argument.
-----------< Cognitive Dissonance is a 20th Century Art Form >-----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)
The American University Physics Dept.
4400 Mass. Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20016-8058
(202) 885-2748 (with Voice Mail)
---------------------< Join the Cognitive Dissidents >-------------------
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1993 18:19:17 EDT
Subject: Re: FM synthesis
In answer of my:
> If anybody is still interested in FM
> synthesis, but in software means, please to contact. I'm going to work
> at smart program for converting sampled sound to DX's programm
> parameters. writes:
] I'm still interested in FM software synthesis! If you do develop
] the program you mentioned, I'd be very interested in it. Will it be
] written
] for the Macintosh? In C? <>
] Thanks -- John Duesenberry
The program will be written in PASCAL (first), in C (maybe) and I am
going to give it to the LIST as a source code (I am using actually
PC486/50 and VAX station). I have already said here, it'll take me a lot
of time (it's very complicated), so please wait.
I'm an electronic engineer, working at the Technical University of Poznan
/POLAND, not a musician.
I do not have a lot of standard equipment (self-made rather). First I am
waiting for the DX-7 simulator on the LIST's file server (because I don't
have one for my own)
If anybody could help me to find:
1) a precision DX-7 description (program parameter's function, especially
the real modulation depth values and precision frequency table)
2) full technical specification
3) some good, spectacular sample examples
It will be very helpfull.
best regards-
Maciej Bartkowiak
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1993 08:07:27 -0400
From: Andy Farnell
Subject: Re: FM synthesis
> writes:
> ] I'm still interested in FM software synthesis! If you do develop
> ] the program you mentioned, I'd be very interested in it. Will it be
> ] written
> ] for the Macintosh? In C? <>
> ] Thanks -- John Duesenberry
> ]
> The program will be written in PASCAL (first), in C (maybe) and I am
> going to give it to the LIST as a source code (I am using actually
> PC486/50 and VAX station). I have already said here, it'll take me a lot
> of time (it's very complicated), so please wait.
This is good stuff guys, I hope you will keep me posted on the developments.
I hope you realise this is a NON TRIVIAL problem.
How are you going yo analyse the samples?
Will you map a spectral map using Bessel functions onto a parameter matrix
for a fixed architecture?
Can you guaruntee that it will find the best parameter set.
How will you extract envelope features and handle significant discontinuities
How will it handle vibrato and unpitched sounds such as drums
Perhaps we should talk about this if you are really serious, it would be
a good point for exchanging some ideas. I am working on a totally generic
system which will map a sample onto ANY synthesis architecture as long as
it is known in advance. This is a long running research/PhD project.
You might like to look at:
De Poli et al. (ed C.Roads) Representations of Music Signals. MIT press
Andy Farnell
Computing and Cognition
Bournemouth University
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 08:42:45 -0400
From: idealord
Subject: Re: FM synthesis DX-7 simulator
Maciej continues ->
> Jeff Harrington writes:
> > have you seen Andrew Horner's research using GA's and
> > neural nets to do this (CSound not DX7).
> I have not seen and am very interested. Could you tell
> something more ?
I've been "paraphrasing" his research on this list for about 3 months in a
totally incompetent fashion - I'm sure - so I'll continue - I got a
pre-publication article after talking with someone who attended last summer's
CERL sound group workshop - actually two articles - one is on the use of
genetic algorithms to match FM C:M indices and envelopes and the other is on
his use of neural nets to accomplish the same thing. He's using Csound
instruments not DX7 patches ;-( but his GA work was very provocative.
The technique is pretty simple and would be easy to simulate with software
simulation of a DX7 (or even better a SY77) and samples. He uses simple 1 and
2 modulator FM - so to use a 6 op FM would probably require much more time for
the simulated annealing stuff to settle. My GA work has been primarily as a
front end to my counterpoint expert system to find spacings between periods
which would produce more combinations of counterpoint - and it is slow... on
my Amiga 1000...
Start with a random population of FM patches - do a FFT or other type of
spectrum analysis which would allow for matching comparisons - critique the FM
patches with regard to closeness of match - let the FM patches which came
close reproduce.
> > WHAT DX7 software simulator? Who wrote it and where can I
> > get it? Is source available?
> I just sent GET EMUSIC FILELIST to the
>, and got a list of avaliable
> discussion archives, MIDIspec packages, D50 libraries, and
> others, like "Small Algorithmic Composition Program" and
> just "DXTUTOR"-DX7 Simulator . Unfortunately, that
> last is not still avaliable (the INFOFORM too)
> Maciej Bartkowiak
Hmmm... does anybody know what this DXTUTOR do?
Jeff Harrington
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 09:31:32 -0400
From: Joe McMahon
Subject: Re: FM synthesis DX-7 simulator
I've dropped a note to its author about the DX simulator; I'll report
anything he has to tell me about it.
--- Joe M.
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 12:20:27 EDT
Subject: Re: FM synthesis DX-7 simulator
Jeff Harrington writes:
> have you seen Andrew Horner's research using GA's and
> neural nets to do this (CSound not DX7).
I have not seen and am very interested. Could you tell
something more ?
> WHAT DX7 software simulator? Who wrote it and where can I
> get it? Is source available?
I just sent GET EMUSIC FILELIST to the, and got a list of avaliable
discussion archives, MIDIspec packages, D50 libraries, and
others, like "Small Algorithmic Composition Program" and
just "DXTUTOR"-DX7 Simulator . Unfortunately, that
last is not still avaliable (the INFOFORM too)
Maciej Bartkowiak
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1993 12:14:06 -0400
From: idealord
Subject: Re: FM synthesis in Software
Mr. Bartkowiak writes ->
> In answer of my:
> > If anybody is still interested in FM
> > synthesis, but in software means, please to contact. I'm going to work
> > at smart program for converting sampled sound to DX's programm
> > parameters.
Sounds great - have you seen Andrew Horner's research using GA's and neural
nets to do this (CSound not DX7).
> The program will be written in PASCAL (first), in C (maybe) and I am
> going to give it to the LIST as a source code (I am using actually
> PC486/50 and VAX station). I have already said here, it'll take me a lot
> of time (it's very complicated), so please wait.
> I'm an electronic engineer, working at the Technical University of Poznan
> /POLAND, not a musician.
> I do not have a lot of standard equipment (self-made rather). First I am
> waiting for the DX-7 simulator on the LIST's file server (because I don't
> have one for my own)
WHAT DX7 software simulator? Who wrote it and where can I get it? Is source
Jeff Harrington
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 06:51:22 -0400
From: Andy Farnell
Subject: Re: FM synthesis in Software
> Sounds great - have you seen Andrew Horner's research using GA's and neural
> nets to do this (CSound not DX7).
Do you have any details of this research, has anything been published?
Andy Farnell
Computing and Cognition
Bournemouth University
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 08:44:05 -0400
From: idealord
Subject: Re: FM synthesis in Software
> >
> > Sounds great - have you seen Andrew Horner's research using GA's and neural
> > nets to do this (CSound not DX7).
> >
> Do you have any details of this research, has anything been published?
I've got a pre-publication of two articles - supposed to be published in CMJ
Jeff Harrington
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 16:20:08 EDT
Subject: my FM synthesis mystery
I see it's getting warm around the subject (I didn't expect it, I swear. I was
going to begin the stuff in some months, when I'd come back to POLAND, where I
left all the papers)
So here are some hints (sorry for my poor english, I'm learning french just
now, it's completely different)
* the first question is the best parameter set:
Of course I don't figure to find it (which is the criterion? It's stupid to put
human hearing-decicing in a feedback loop of the optimization algorithm)
* I wasn't going to use Bessel functions at all, because I'd work in time
domain rather. But concidering another's research subjects it's gonna be quite
interesting. I would be grateful for any informations (as well as NN based
* My first step would be to analyse the sample in spot of analytic signal
model. Then you can extract the envelope, the phase trend (-> carrier
frequency) and the instantaneous phase variation (->the modulator). Thus far
you can obtain whole nested modulator fixed chain.
This would be good start point for the optimization process in discrete
parameter space.
* Using feedbacks and multiplied sources (like in DX7 most algorithms) you can
obtain a nonlinear equation set for the optimization. It's of course more
difficult, but much more interesting too. I figure, prof.J.M.Chowning has
considered the effects of feedbacks in FM synthesis in his later papers, that's
why I'm still looking for his "Foundations of Sound Synthesis" and "Foundations
of Computer Music" (there are two books, I'm sure)
I emphasize, the idea of analytic signal processing is not mine. It has been
published in some papers (a.a. in IEEE Transactions, which I already mentioned)
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest