EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 54, Issue 13
This issue's topics:
Computer Music Grad. Programs
Computer Music Program...
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Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 15:51:51 -0600
From: Mike Bishop
I would recommend University of Michigan ;-)
| Michael Bishop | "If you have an apple and I have an apple and |
| | we exchange these apples, then you and I will |
| | still each have one apple. But if you have an |
| | idea and I have an idea and we exchange these |
| Linfield College | ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." |
| McMinnville Oregon | - attributed to George Bernard Shaw |
On Fri, 9 Jul 1993, Gregory Youtz wrote:
> anybody got any recommends on commercial music programs at the college level
> ch are essentially technical training in MIDI and commercial
> m etc...? I teach at a traditional music school and get lots of requests
> this info...thanks...
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1993 15:46:00 PST
From: Gregory Youtz
anybody got any recommends on commercial music programs at the college level whi
ch are essentially technical training in MIDI and commercial applications-fil
m etc...? I teach at a traditional music school and get lots of requests for
this info...thanks...
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1993 08:46:36 -0400
From: idealord
> I would recommend University of Michigan ;-)
That reminds me ;-) of a friend of mine - richhhhh... rich dude... inherited
the B.V.D. underwear fortune (a "brief" fortune - anyway) when he was telling
his totally snobbish parents that he wanted to go to Juilliard - they told him
- (add snobbish accent here) - "But deahrrr... it's just a trade school..."
Jeff Harrington
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 13:33:42 EST
From: Wen-Hao Chuang
Subject: Re: Computer Music Grad. Programs
WoW! Hi! My name is Wen-Hao Chuang.
According to your e-mail, I think that we could make good friends. :-)
I major in CS, and, I'm interested in computer music, too.
Here are some useful infomation about graduate study in computer music field:
And, they accept CS major student!
1. RPI (NY) : electronic arts (including computer music)
2. Dartmouth College (NH): electro acoustic & music
3. John Hopkins (Peabody)
4. Mills College
5. Berkely Music college (Boston)
Above is some school which offer the opporturnity of graduate study in
C.M. field, I intended to apply them, too! But some of them need GRE
music subject test, which is not very easy to prepare (for a CS major stu-
I have a lot of other information & books concerning graduate study of
computer music, we can keep in touch.
Good luck in your application!
For more detail, just feel free to contact with me or, the library is the
Wen-Hao Chuang
BITNET: unis353@twnmoe10.bitnet
Taiwan, Republic of China
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1993 15:57:39 GMT+7
From: Eric Wuehler <$ERICW@SASB.BYU.EDU>
Subject: Computer Music Program...
Does anyone own or use or have or like or etc a decent program that
will use a computer's hardware to make music? I want to buy
something decent, but not necessarily professional.
I have a SoundBlaster 16 ASP and the demo software it comes with is
neat...I've had fun making WAV files, but I would like to move on to
making my own music. I don't have a keyboard (yet) with a MIDI
interface, but I'm sure there are programs available that don't
require keyboards....(are there?)
This is just for personal fun so I'm not really interested in all the
high tech stuff, but any information would be appreciated...
Thanks in advance...
-=-=- eric -=-=- ericericericericericericericericericeric
Eric Wuehler r "Never drop something you have a e
Work: $ i firm grip on (until you have a r
Home: c firm grip on something better.)" i
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End of the EMUSIC-L Digest