EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 55, Issue 02
This issue's topics:
d'ya 'member... (4 messages)
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Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 10:21:29 EDT
From: ronin
Subject: d'ya 'member...
this is only of marginal relevance to the purview of this group,
but i don't hang out anywhere else...
i think that many of us interested in emusic and its pop forms fondly
remember FM, the canadian group that often opened for Rush in the early days,
headed by cameron hawkins, and featuring nash the slash, who played electric
mandolin and violin while bandaged up like the invisible man. nash, you
will remember, went solo, and was replaced by ben mink. the group put out
a couple of more albums, hung on a little touring with rush (the last time
saw them was on the 'moving pictures' tour... fm, i mean.), and then
vanished, as far as i could tell.
ben mink just popped up. the news is a little late, but i don't listen
to country n western, so i never got an earlier kd lang album called
'torchin and twangin'... i was exposed to it at a friend's house the other
night. and ben mink was the guitarist, string player, and principle
producer. ho ho. how things do change.
-----------< Cognitive Dissonance is a 20th Century Art Form >-----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)
The American University Physics Dept.
4400 Mass. Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20016-8058
(202) 885-2748 (with Voice Mail)
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Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 09:12:19 PDT
From: metlay
Subject: Re: d'ya 'member...
>this is only of marginal relevance to the purview of this group,
>but i don't hang out anywhere else...
Oh, I dunno. FM were a very good electric/electronic band in their day.
>i think that many of us interested in emusic and its pop forms fondly
>remember FM, the canadian group that often opened for Rush in the early days,
>headed by cameron hawkins, and featuring nash the slash, who played electric
>mandolin and violin while bandaged up like the invisible man. nash, you
>will remember, went solo, and was replaced by ben mink. the group put out
>a couple of more albums, hung on a little touring with rush (the last time
>saw them was on the 'moving pictures' tour... fm, i mean.), and then
>vanished, as far as i could tell.
After Ben left to work with kd lang (see how the mighty etc), Nash actually
came back for two more albums, making him equal in number of releases with
FM to Ben Mink (Black Noise, ConTest, and Tonight vs. Surveillance, Head
Room, and City of Fear). Nash is now doing live shows in Toronto with my
good friend Brett Maraldo, playing live accompaniment to silent horror
films from the 1920s. Good stuff. If anyone's wondering, due to legal and
financial hassles, the Nash/FM discography is never going to get onto CD.
mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
"Wow, now my hand's all sticky! Yum." (metlay's wife)
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 22:02:18 GMT
From: mathias thallmayer
Subject: Re: d'ya 'member...
metlay (metlay@NETCOM.COM) wrote:
: After Ben left to work with kd lang (see how the mighty etc), Nash actually
: came back for two more albums, making him equal in number of releases with
: FM to Ben Mink (Black Noise, ConTest, and Tonight vs. Surveillance, Head
: Room, and City of Fear). Nash is now doing live shows in Toronto with my
: good friend Brett Maraldo, playing live accompaniment to silent horror
: films from the 1920s. Good stuff. If anyone's wondering, due to legal and
: financial hassles, the Nash/FM discography is never going to get onto CD.
: Alas.
As a matter of fact, I was wondering. This is a shame. So, what is the
bird's-eye low-down on this caper? And aren't Nash and Ben the same person?
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 11:38:20 PDT
From: metlay
Subject: File: "EMUSIC-L LOG9308C"
>metlay (metlay@NETCOM.COM) wrote:
>: After Ben left to work with kd lang (see how the mighty etc), Nash actually
>: came back for two more albums, making him equal in number of releases with
>: FM to Ben Mink (Black Noise, ConTest, and Tonight vs. Surveillance, Head
>: Room, and City of Fear). Nash is now doing live shows in Toronto with my
>: good friend Brett Maraldo, playing live accompaniment to silent horror
>: films from the 1920s. Good stuff. If anyone's wondering, due to legal and
>: financial hassles, the Nash/FM discography is never going to get onto CD.
>: Alas.
>As a matter of fact, I was wondering. This is a shame. So, what is the
>bird's-eye low-down on this caper? And aren't Nash and Ben the same person?
Oh heavens no! Nash's real name is a closely guarded secret, but I assure
you it's not B. Mink. Ben is off happily touring with kd lang, as her
band's musical director, and Nash is ensconced in Toronto doing his own
thang. Cam is out of the music business entirely (house renovations?
painter? shrug-- don't remember) and Marty is (I think) a session drummer
now. The record label that owned the rights to the albums dinked the guys
but good, and it is unlikely that anyone will have the $$ to straighten
things out again. I'm afraid I don't have more details, and I don't plan
to ask Brett or Nash, as it upsets their digestion.
However, there is one Nash CD available that I know of: the soundtrack
album to "Highway 61," the best movie in the (admittedly small) history
of Canadian filmmaking.
mike metlay * atomic city * box 81175 pgh pa 15217-0675 *
"Wow, now my hand's all sticky! Yum." (metlay's wife)
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest