
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 55, Issue 03

This issue's topics:
	ELECTRONIC OPERA (4 messages)
	electronic operas

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Date:         Wed, 18 Aug 1993 17:55:17 GMT
From:         JOEL STERN 

          Re  Michael  Vitali's question  about electronic opera  music,  I
          could be wrong, but hasn't Tod Machover written such things?

          Joel Stern
          Library Of Congress

          tel:301-588-8061  fax:301-585-7642

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 12:07:07 LCL
From:         Michael Vitali 

Regarding electronic opera, Joel Stern writes:

 E> hasn't Tod Machover written such things?

Yes, I've only heard/endured one of them, "Valis" I think.  I didn't like
it and was hoping there was more than just him in this field, if in fact
it is a field.  This seems like such an erudite, well-informed bunch, let
me know if you know of others!  (And thanks, Joel.)

 * Freddie 1.2.5 * I'm the operator of my pocket calculator

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 15:32:38 -0400
From:         idealord 
Subject:      Re: ELECTRONIC OPERA

> Regarding electronic opera, Joel Stern writes:
>  E> hasn't Tod Machover written such things?
> Yes, I've only heard/endured one of them, "Valis" I think.  I didn't like
> it and was hoping there was more than just him in this field, if in fact
> it is a field.  This seems like such an erudite, well-informed bunch, let
> me know if you know of others!  (And thanks, Joel.)

Sylvia Pengelle (sp?) - British composer living in New Orleans has written
several -
she uses other electronic media including lasers... I've seen one - it was
quite nice - not a mere extension of the European classical form - more of a

There are 3 or 4 Italian electronic operas I've read about... one mentioned in
a recent CMJ...

Jeff Harrington

Date:         Sat, 21 Aug 1993 18:43:23 PDT
From:         metlay 
Subject:      Electronic Opera

I have a copy of VALIS. I consider owning it an obligation of some sort.
I have a very hard time listening to it with any sort of enjoyment. Maybe
I would have better luck with LICHT, but since Stockhausen is the archangel
Michael and I am considered the Antichrist by any number of electronic
musicians, there's a point of professional pride here that makes it tough.

My vote for best electronic opera is THE AGE OF PLASTIC by the Buggles.
Before you scoff, listen to it from end to end and think of thematic ties
between the songs, and suddenly it all makes sense.

Though we cannot see we crawl invisible/tracks that move on pylons through
the sky/oh my my you are so sci fi/please will you let me ride/johnny on
the monorail/johnny on the monorail/metlay/atomic city/

Date:         Wed, 18 Aug 1993 16:28:46 EDT
From:         Mark Simon 

Michael Vitali asks about e-music operas.

I recently read (I wish I could remember where) that Stockhausen has recently
renounced the use of conventional instruments entirely and that from
henceforth all his works will be scored for MIDI synths. Since 1978 he
has been writing a cycle of 7 operas, one for every day of the week, called
"Licht" (Light). He's so far written at least 3 of them, but I think he
intends to score the last 4 for MIDI instruments. In any case, all his `
scores, including all of the "Licht" operas I've come across involve
electronic apparatus of some sort and give detailed specifications as to
how they're to be deployed.

Of course I'm not much of a Stockhausen fan. Too European.

                   --Mark Simon

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 12:07:05 LCL
From:         Michael Vitali 

Mark Simon writes:

 E> Stockhausen has recently renounced the use of conventional
 E> instruments entirely and that from henceforth all his works will be
 E> scored for MIDI synths.

The psychologist Alfred Adler said that all compensation (in the
psychological, not financial, sense) arrives in the form of
overcompensation.  Sounds like Stockhausen is overcompensating for
something, but God knows what.

 * Freddie 1.2.5 * Go, Europe!

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 15:10:44 EDT
From:         Mark Simon 

If Mike Vitali didn't like Todd Machover's opera I doubt if he'd be
able to sit very long through any of Stockhausen's. Even having read
the scenarios of his "Licht" operas I haven't the foggiest idea of
what he's getting at. Something about the archangel Michael, Lucifer,
Eve, other cosmic archetypes. Sure beats me.

Can't think of any other examples at the moment either.

                       --Mark Simon

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 15:37:30 -0400
From:         idealord 

Mark Simon continues ->
> If Mike Vitali didn't like Todd Machover's opera I doubt if he'd be
> able to sit very long through any of Stockhausen's. Even having read
> the scenarios of his "Licht" operas I haven't the foggiest idea of
> what he's getting at. Something about the archangel Michael, Lucifer,
> Eve, other cosmic archetypes. Sure beats me.

Stockhausen has said in several interviews that he believes that he _is_ the
archangel Michael.

Stockhausen used to say that he was an alien incarnated in human form from the
planet Sirius.

Whatever :)----*-----(*

Actually, the parts of "LICHT" that I've heard were pretty nice - a little
long as always (yawn...).

Jeff Harrington

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 15:02:31 -0500
From:         Kirk Corey 

On Fri, 20 Aug 1993, idealord wrote:

[excerpt follows]

> Stockhausen used to say that he was an alien incarnated in human form from the
> planet Sirius.

*seizes opportunity to combine two threads*

This makes him a minority composer, right?  I mean, as the only member of
Sirian society on earth, that would make his music a valuable contribution
to our aesthetic something-or-other, no?  Now the truth can be known.  I
always suspected those voices in "Gesang der Junglinge" were really
extra-terrestrial (extra-terrestrial = E.T. = extended techniques, get it?)

Gosh, wait 'til the Weekly World News hears about this!

*runs away in a fit of caffeine-induced silliness*

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 16:05:25 -0400
From:         idealord 

> On Fri, 20 Aug 1993, idealord wrote:
> [excerpt follows]
> > Stockhausen used to say that he was an alien incarnated in human form from
> > planet Sirius.
> *seizes opportunity to combine two threads*
> This makes him a minority composer, right?  I mean, as the only member of
> Sirian society on earth, that would make his music a valuable contribution
> to our aesthetic something-or-other, no?  Now the truth can be known.  I
> always suspected those voices in "Gesang der Junglinge" were really
> extra-terrestrial (extra-terrestrial = E.T. = extended techniques, get it?)
> Gosh, wait 'til the Weekly World News hears about this!

SHIT!  Can't your READ!!! He's Michael now... he was the alien in the 60's and

But seriously, there is NO truth to the rumor that he played Spock on the
pre-pre-release ST first episode.  Just wanted to make that _damn_ clear.

> *runs away in a fit of caffeine-induced silliness*

Remember - OK? - he's Michael - ArchF*ckin'Angel MICHAEL - the quote was that
he had come to earth to bring the vibrations of heaven to us in preparation
for the global cultural changes to come...  OK?  GET IT STRAIGHT!

Damn - glad I quit coffee this week...

Jeff Harrington

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 17:42:24 EDT
From:         Mark Simon 

Maybe Stockhausen and Sun Ra are brothers?

                        --Mark Simon

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest