
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 55, Issue 04

This issue's topics:
	Help with Apple Midi Manager (9 messages)

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Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 09:02:57 -0500
From:         Kirk Corey 
Subject:      Help with Apple Midi Manager

Please pardon the interruption in the "which musical culture/sampled piano
gizmo is better" threads.  I have a (hopefully!) simpler question.

Does anyone have any documentation concerning the setup of Apple Midi
Manager?  We got our copy bundled with some other software, sans
documentation.  Now, the folks at Coda tell us that Finale 3.0 won't work
properly without AMM, and I have a very anxious colleague trying to get
results.  Is there anyplace reachable by ftp that can explain Apple Midi

Email replies are fine.  Thanks in advance.


P.S.  Anyone looking to blow off steam in ways other than EMUSIC flame
wars is cordially invited to our university to help with water bailing and
sandbagging.  Also, mosquito control.

Dr. Kirk Corey                 [insert       Electronic Systems Administrator          disclaimer                      School of Music
                                here]                  The University of Iowa
    "Msdos?  MSDOS? I've seen CALCULATORS with a better operating system!"

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 10:07:51 -0500
From:         Kirk Corey 
Subject:      Help with Apple Midi Manager

*Apologies if this is a repeat post.  Some automated agent of chaos told
me the mail didn't go through.  If you are reading this, please, send me a
signal so that I don't repost _again_.*

Please pardon the interruption in the "which musical culture/sampled piano
gizmo is better" threads.  I have a (hopefully!) simpler question.

Does anyone have any documentation concerning the setup of Apple Midi
Manager?  We got our copy bundled with some other software, sans
documentation.  Now, the folks at Coda tell us that Finale 3.0 won't work
properly without AMM, and I have a very anxious colleague trying to get
results.  Is there anyplace reachable by ftp that can explain Apple Midi
Manager?  An explanation beyond "just drop it in the system folder" is
what I need.

Email replies are fine.  Thanks in advance.


P.S.  Anyone looking to blow off steam in ways other than EMUSIC flame
wars is cordially invited to our university to help with water bailing and
sandbagging.  Also, mosquito control.

Dr. Kirk Corey                 [insert       Electronic Systems Administrator          disclaimer                      School of Music
                                here]                  The University of Iowa
    "Msdos?  MSDOS? I've seen CALCULATORS with a better operating system!"

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 11:13:44 EDT
Subject:      Re: Help with Apple Midi Manager

Did you not get the help file also, which I think explains you put MidiManager
in the system folder, and Apple Midi Driver in the extensions folder, and
I think maybe patch bay in the apple menu folder.

As an asside, I have all this set up, and most midi apps can take advantage
of it, but I don't generally use AMM if I don't need to (I use the internal
midi drivers) because it     s l o w s       d o w n    the pull down menus
and other performance.  Does anyone know why this happens?



Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 12:29:51 -0400
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      Re: Help with Apple Midi Manager

>Did you not get the help file also, which I think explains you put MidiManager
>in the system folder, and Apple Midi Driver in the extensions folder, and
>I think maybe patch bay in the apple menu folder.
Yes. Please note that you should use the PatchBay *application*, not the
desk accessory. I had no success with MIDI Manager until I did so.

In regard to using internal MIDI drivers vs. MIDI Manager: you will find
this breaks - badly - on the PowerBook 100. I used a 512K for a while with
internal drivers in several different applications, none of which worked on
the PB100. Switching to the MIDI Manager worked, but there are very few
public domain applications which use it.

 --- Joe M.

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 09:38:28 -0700
From:         Michael O'Hara 
Subject:      Re: Help with Apple Midi Manager

There is a public domain application called "dino switch" that can make
older apps work on some newer machines.  Reccommended.

I can post it if desired.

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 12:59:09 -0400
From:         Joe McMahon 
Subject:      Re: Help with Apple Midi Manager

>There is a public domain application called "dino switch" that can make
>older apps work on some newer machines.  Reccommended.
>I can post it if desired.
Better yet, send it to me and I'll put it up on the ftp site.

 --- Joe M.

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 14:04:20 EDT
Subject:      Re: Help with Apple Midi Manager

Yea, I for one would like a posting of this "dino switch" application.

John Pinion

Also, surely someone knows what the deal is on performance slowdown when
using Midi-Manager?  I would like to use it so as to patch one application
to another, but as it stands it's just too slow.  Does my 68030 Classic II
just not have enough power, or what?


Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 11:24:33 -0700
From:         Michael O'Hara 
Subject:      Re: Help with Apple Midi Manager

I will make the application available at the ftp site.

(via Joe M - who offered to post it.)

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 13:58:51 -0500
From:         Kirk Corey 
Subject:      Re: Apple Midi Manager

Dear y'all,

Thanks much for your help.  After finding a new copy of Apple Midi
Manager, and, through trial and error, check all permutations of where to
put the various files, it's finally working.  Glad to know this was of
interest to someone besides me.

If anyone knows of documentation/troubleshooting tips or anything else
available online, I'd be happy to know about that, too.  I've been assured
by some that the application is "flaky", and it would be wonderful to have
a little more info around if further problems arise.

Thanks again,


Dr. Kirk Corey                 [insert       Electronic Systems Administrator          disclaimer                      School of Music
                                here]                  The University of Iowa
    "Msdos?  MSDOS? I've seen CALCULATORS with a better operating system!"

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest