
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 55, Issue 05

This issue's topics:
	hybrid arts (4 messages)

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Date:         Tue, 10 Aug 1993 12:57:13 -0500
From:         Jeff Beer 
Subject:      hybrid arts

I know someone else is handling their products.  Could someone inform me
who it is, and what their phone number is?

Thank You... Jeff

Date:         Tue, 10 Aug 1993 20:12:59 GMT
From:         Hendrik Jan Veenstra 
Subject:      Re: hybrid arts (Jeff Beer) writes:

>I know someone else is handling their products.  Could someone inform me
>who it is, and what their phone number is?

Probably this is of little use to you, but who knows...  I forgot the name
of the new company, so this is useless-piece-of-info-#1 :-).  And the only
phone number I have is in Germany, plus name of the most knowledgable person
over there...

    Hybrid Arts Gmbh, Michael von Garnier, +49-611928050

They *do* speak English there btw...

Hendrik Jan Veenstra (
Dept. of Philosophy
University of Utrecht             ... and they built up with their bare hands
The Netherlands                       what we still can't do today ...

Date:         Wed, 11 Aug 1993 08:56:02 -0500
From:         Phil Truesdale 
Subject:      Re: hybrid arts

The company (formed by former Hybrid Arts people) is Barefoot Software -
honest!  I have the phone number somewhere at home, but I think they've run
ads in Keyboard.  I think they're still in CA.


Date:         Mon, 16 Aug 1993 12:11:16 MDT
From:         Bob Erkamp 
Subject:      Re: hybrid arts

In article <248nhp$>, (Jeff Beer)
>I know someone else is handling their products.  Could someone inform me
>who it is, and what their phone number is?

Barefoot Software is handling all their software. I don't have their number
me though.

 Bob Erkamp                --> It Could Happen <--               A L B E R T A
                                                               R E S E A R C H      "Some people make me pro-nuclear"         C O U N C I L

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest