EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 55, Issue 10
This issue's topics:
MIDI PROGRAM (5 messages)
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Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 16:07:45 CDT
From: U21920@UICVM.UIC.EDU
Has anybody written a simple routine to read and output a midi file in
preferably Basic but C or assembler would be OK.
Thanyou in advance.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 15:36:12 EDT
From: eric harnden
what precisely do you mean 'read and output a midi file'?
do you mean read a standard midi file format and reduce it a simpler
form, like raw midi data stream? what do you want to do with the
timing information? and output from what? a keyboard? that's called
a sequencer.
if you can be a little more specific as to the need (like what exactly
you want to accomplish with it once you've got it) we might be able
to narrow this down.
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Eric Harnden (Ronin)
The American University Physics Dept.
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(202) 885-2748 (with Voice Mail)
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Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 19:09:46 -0400
From: Rajeev Upadhye
>>To: Multiple recipients of list EMUSIC-L
>>Status: R
>>Has anybody written a simple routine to read and output a midi file in
>>preferably Basic but C or assembler would be OK.
>>Thanyou in advance.
I am also interested in such a program routine. If available
in C or PASCAL would be OK.
Rajeev Upadhye
Fundamentals of Research Methodology | Centre for Development of
| Advanced Computing
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Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 11:31:02 GMT
From: Greg Lee
Rajeev Upadhye (music@PARCOM.ERNET.IN) wrote:
: >>To: Multiple recipients of list EMUSIC-L
: >>Status: R
: >>
: >>Has anybody written a simple routine to read and output a midi file in
: >>preferably Basic but C or assembler would be OK.
: >>
: >>Thanyou in advance.
: -----------------------------------------------------------
: I am also interested in such a program routine. If available
: in C or PASCAL would be OK.
: Rajeev Upadhye
Tim Thompson wrote a set of C functions to read midifiles, and M.
Czeiszperger added writing functions. Very useful. The original
version with examples of use should still be at in /midi
and is called (I think) Midifile.tar.Z. I have a modified version
which calculates elapsed midi time as its functions read a midi
file (allowing for tempo changes). That version is part of the
distribution of Adagio for Linux, which can be found at in /outgoing/adagio04n.tar.gz (a gzipped file).
The relevant files are midifile.c, midifile.h, and midifile.3.
Also there are a midi file disassembler, file midt.c, and assembler,
file tm.l. (The FSF file compressor gzip can presumably be found
at (The midi file player in the Adagio
distribution depends on an unreleased version of a Linux driver.)
Greg Lee
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 08:47:52 -0400
From: idealord
> Rajeev Upadhye (music@PARCOM.ERNET.IN) wrote:
> : >>To: Multiple recipients of list EMUSIC-L
> : >>Status: R
> : >>
> : >>Has anybody written a simple routine to read and output a midi file in
> : >>preferably Basic but C or assembler would be OK.
> : >>
> : >>Thanyou in advance.
> : -----------------------------------------------------------
> :
> :
> : I am also interested in such a program routine. If available
> : in C or PASCAL would be OK.
> :
> : Rajeev Upadhye
> Tim Thompson wrote a set of C functions to read midifiles, and M.
> Czeiszperger added writing functions. Very useful. The original
> version with examples of use should still be at in /midi
> and is called (I think) Midifile.tar.Z. I have a modified version
> which calculates elapsed midi time as its functions read a midi
> file (allowing for tempo changes). That version is part of the
> distribution of Adagio for Linux, which can be found at
> in /outgoing/adagio04n.tar.gz (a gzipped file).
> The relevant files are midifile.c, midifile.h, and midifile.3.
> Also there are a midi file disassembler, file midt.c, and assembler,
> file tm.l. (The FSF file compressor gzip can presumably be found
> at (The midi file player in the Adagio
> distribution depends on an unreleased version of a Linux driver.)
Also, check out MF2T and T2MF, by Piet van Oostrum at These
programs convert MIDI files to a easily parsed text and back. Very nice and
Jeff Harrington
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest