EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 55, Issue 12
This issue's topics:
Sequencer Software for PCs (2 messages)
Sequencing/Performing Programs (Mac) (2 messages)
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Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 16:50:22 GMT
From: Martin Rootes
Subject: Sequencer Software for PCs
Dear All,
I am about to migrate from my old trusty (and slowly deterioating) Atari ST
to a PC set up. The very probable supplier of the Hardware has agreed to throw
in software of my choice at cost price to make the deal more attractive to me.
However, I've just found out the cost for my favoured software CuBase (I
currently use this on the Atari) is astronomical even at cost. So what I'd like
to know is:- What software is available and recommended for PC's, with
facilities, look and feel as close as possible to Cubase (but price should
obviously be less). The machine will be a 486-DX 33MHz with a Sound Blaster 16
card (anything that may exploit the capabilities of this card would obviously
be good). A rapid response would be much appreciated as I want to clinch the
deal as soon as possible.
Martin Rootes - Senior Systems Programmer/Analyst, Sheffield Hallam University
Email :
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 1993 11:05:56 MDT
From: Bob Erkamp
Subject: Re: Sequencer Software for PCs
In article <>, Martin Rootes
>Dear All,
> I am about to migrate from my old trusty (and slowly deterioating) Atari
>to a PC set up. The very probable supplier of the Hardware has agreed to throw
>in software of my choice at cost price to make the deal more attractive to me.
>However, I've just found out the cost for my favoured software CuBase (I
>currently use this on the Atari) is astronomical even at cost. So what I'd
>to know is:- What software is available and recommended for PC's, with
>facilities, look and feel as close as possible to Cubase (but price should
>obviously be less). The machine will be a 486-DX 33MHz with a Sound Blaster 16
>card (anything that may exploit the capabilities of this card would obviously
>be good). A rapid response would be much appreciated as I want to clinch the
>deal as soon as possible.
> Martin.
Well you will find that most equivalent titles cost more on the PC. I can never
figure out why this is (I own an Atari). You might look at Cakewalk
but I think you will find it difficult to get an equivalent PC product to many
of the excellent Atari programs.
Bob Erkamp --> It Could Happen <-- A L B E R T A
R E S E A R C H "Some people make me pro-nuclear" C O U N C I L
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 16:26:53 LCL
From: Anthony Arviola
Subject: Re: Sequencers
I know most of you out there are using Macs, but I'm a PC
user and have a question for those using PC's. I see a lot
of IBM people using Cakewalk. I've never used it, but
apparently it's pretty powerful. I have used Voyetra's SP
Gold for quite a while, and my students catch on quickly
to the features, which are pretty extensive. Am I in the
dark here? I don't see anyone else using Voyetra. Maybe
someone who is experienced with several other programs
could give me some insight.
Eric Moseley
I used Sp gold for a long time. Cakewalk for Windows is much
more powerful. You can access multiple midi/sound cards through
the Windows multimedia drivers. You can store sysex and design your
own sysex init strings easier than in Sp. You can even view
notes in three other forms other than piano roll (standard music
notation is one of the three.) You can also design custom macros
that can set different variables such as velocity, pitch, etc.
Sp gold is a great product now becoming a victim of more agressive
Good day,
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1993 21:31:33 -0400
From: "James M. Macknik"
Subject: Sequencing/Performing Programs (Mac)
-=To All You Musicians Who Use Macs for Live Performance/Recording=-
I have a friend who really needs to purchase a
sequencing/performing program for a Macintosh, and I'm not quite sure what
to suggest to him. I'd like to get a few opinions from people on the
business, or people who are experienced with the best programs out there.
If you could, I'd like to know what the best programs are - what
features they have, and such. As well, I'd like to know you're opinion
on the lowest model to use the program on without going crazy. A good
program on a slow Mac can be worse than a bad one on a fast Mac. A few
replies to this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
James M. Macknik Assistant to MicroComputer Specialists
Senior - Connecticut College Department of Academic Computing
New London, Connecticut Connecticut College
Home (203)-439-4748 Work (203)-439-2094
BITNet: jmmac@conncoll.bitnet InterNet:
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1993 13:47:51 +0000
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: Re: Sequencing/Performing Programs (Mac)
> I have a friend who really needs to purchase a
>sequencing/performing program for a Macintosh
There's a few sequencing programs available (I've covered the differences
between Performer and Vision many times in various forums), but I don't
know of anything approaching a "performing" program, unless you count
Opcode MAX (which is more of a toolkit for building systems).
... or Bland-in-a-Box.
Nick Rothwell |
CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance |
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest