
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 55, Issue 14

This issue's topics:
	Machine guns at the ready (was Re: Pianist) (3 messages)

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Date:         Wed, 11 Aug 1993 10:52:07 EDT
From:         Brian Good 
Subject:      Re: Machine guns at the ready (was Re: Pianist)y

Nick Rothwell writes:

> I don't buy much electronic stuff myself these days. I'm listening to solo
> didgeridoo pieces, Vietnamese traditional music, voice music by the
> Meredith Monk vocal ensemble, and a superb album of arrangements of
> traditional Norwegian folk songs by Agnes Buen Garnas and Jan Garbarek, on
> ECM. Recommended.
Garbarek's tone can on occasion get edgy enough to peel paint off the walls;
I wondered whether this album would work at all.  Not bad, you say?

brian good

Date:         Thu, 12 Aug 1993 13:54:17 +0000
From:         Nick Rothwell 
Subject:      Re: Machine guns at the ready (was Re: Pianist)

>Garbarek's tone can on occasion get edgy enough to peel paint off the walls;
>I wondered whether this album would work at all.  Not bad, you say?

I think it's excellent. I don't know much of Garbarek's work at all, but
this is really moody and subdued, with the vocal work carrying all the
energy. Garbarek mainly supplies some pad work and light percussion backing
(tabla and stuff).

                        Nick Rothwell   |
     CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance   |

Date:         Thu, 12 Aug 1993 14:24:12 -0400
From:         Jon Crystal 
Subject:      Re: Machine guns at the ready (was Re: Pianist)y

>I think it's excellent. I don't know much of Garbarek's work at all, but
>this is really moody and subdued, with the vocal work carrying all the
>energy. Garbarek mainly supplies some pad work and light percussion backing
>(tabla and stuff).
>                        Nick Rothwell   |
>     CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance   |

You might want to check out "I Took Up the Runes" favorite of
Garbarek's works.


End of the EMUSIC-L Digest