
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 55, Issue 15

This issue's topics:
	Wanted 1989 issue of Keyboard magazine (sampler evaulations) (2 messages)

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Date:         Thu, 12 Aug 1993 13:27:33 LCL
From:         Michael Vitali 
Subject:      THE ZODIAC

Any synthheads out there remember a novelty LP called "The Zodiac" which
appeared in (I think) 1968-69 (??) and featured a new thingy called the
Moog synthesizer?

I may have the date wrong, but I still remember the album - 12 cuts (one
for each sign) with some weird astrological poetry read over it.  The
tagline below is my recollection of the opening to "Aries".  Anyway, I
don't remember the artist, label, etc.  Any clues?  Thanks.

Michael Vitali

this board, or

 * Freddie 1.2.5 * Nine times the color red explodes like heated blood...

Date:         Sat, 14 Aug 1993 09:26:00 EDT
From:         "J. KEITH OSTERTAG" 
Subject:      Wanted 1989 issue of Keyboard magazine (sampler evaulations)

Does anyone have a copy of the March 1989 issue of Keyboard magazine they feel
they can spare (sell, give, loan)?

I've checked, and Keyboard doesn't have that back issue for sale any longer.

I want it for the two sampler articles in it- (1) Listening Tests, and (2)
Samplers: the Truth Behind the Specs.

Maybe someone could photocopy the two articles for me? Though I suspect they
may be lengthy.

Also, I haven't been able to find similar articles that are more current- lots
of reviews of individual samplers, but nothing comparing many units at the same
time in the same context, or general _evaluations_ of the technology based on
current models. Any suggestions?




Date:         Sat, 14 Aug 1993 09:59:21 EDT
From:         "THERE GOES THE GSLIS IMAGE...." 
Subject:      Re: Wanted 1989 issue of Keyboard magazine (sampler evaulations)

try your local library...if they don't have it...they could most
like ly get it from another library!!

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest