
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 55, Issue 18

This issue's topics:
	A Start to the Finnish [ouch!]
	emusic in Utrecht, the Netherlands

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Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 09:30:43 CDT
From:         Gregory Taylor 
Subject:      A Start to the Finnish [ouch!]

Kalev Tiits 

>how is it with the Institute of Sonology in Utrecht, Netherlands,
>these days?

Seems pretty much alright to me. But it's not *in* Utrecht, and hasn't
been for about 10 years or so. As a part of some of the perennial
reoorganization of the Dutch system, Sonology moved to the Koninklijk
Conservatorium in Den Haag, where it remains [although it has much
nicer facilities since my days there in '89-90].

>- how interested the institute would be to offer training and
>facilities for a foreign postgrad student?

Hey, they let *me* in [at least for the one-year stint. I'm not certain
about the 4-yr. program's requirements. We were there until my wife's
Fulbright $$ ran out, so the year seemed appropriate]. As for degree
programs and that sort of stuff, I'll not be much help. It was my
impression that there was a reasonably broad age range, clustering
toward the 20s-age range [I felt positively ancient in my mid-30s, but

>- who would be the right person to turn to regarding admissions
>(email and postal address?)

you could try something like!sun4nl!koncon!postmaster

and see if you get lucky.

>-as i am living on a low budjet (i got a family), the
>tuition/participation costs are also a primary concern

I cannot speak to your expectations as a European, but I found the
tuition quite reasonable - about $1200/yr. US [this was '89]. Dirt
cheap, by American standards. I'd suppose that some of the living
expenses would depend on getting that all-important 'work stamp' on
your verblijfsverguning [or laboring 'op de zwaart'].

>-are there some other noteworthy institutions in Utrecht or somewhere
>close to it that i should be aware of? if so, the the above questions
>apply to those too.

There was a brief Muziektechnologie program at the Hogeschool voor de
Kunst in Utrecht which got trashed bigtime and thrown to the 4 winds.
STEIM is looking perky these days under the somewhat newer management
of Nicholas Collins STEIM's on the Achtergracht in Amsterdam, though.
The CEM studios in Arnhem is rumored to be closed down. Leigh Landy
is still in Amsterdam and has studios through the Vrije Universiteit,
I think. Given the options, I'd go with Sonology, regardless of my
bias towards them.


Date:         Thu, 19 Aug 1993 12:10:06 +0200
From:         Kalev Tiits 
Subject:      emusic in Utrecht, the Netherlands

hello, world.

how is it with the Institute of Sonology in Utrecht, Netherlands,
these days?

i am a postgraduate student in Univ of Helsinki, Finland and focusing
on computer-assisted music research, also emusic composition,
improvisation with live electronics and general live electronics
performances is close to my heart, i have taken part of a number of
such events in Helsinki. now it seems i might be spending some time
(possibly a couple of years) in Utrecht and naturally would like to
exploit the facilities offered by the local institutes to the maximum
if possible.

my own research project has been on score analysis using parallel
distributed systems, more specifically i've been working with Kohonen
self-organizing feature maps. i am reasonably good C programmer with
a little experience on Objective C on NeXT platforms, not really into
low-level systems programming. I have a pretty good record of
publications, for instance a participation in a joint article in the
book Music and Connectionism published by MIT a couple of years ago,
some other international publications as well as a few domestic ones.
I also currently do a bit of teaching in Univ of Helsinki, elementary
studio courses etc.

well i dont want to write my life story here, my basic question is,
whether and how i could engage with emusic activities and research
institutes as i make it to Utrecht. (if this will become true, i'd
get there by (approx.) January -94.)  i would definetely wish to have
an access to internet, and would love to have access to emusic studio
as well. if there would be NeXT machines available that would be a
dream come true, as i have got quite used to those.

as you dutch colleagues will read this, perhaps someone would be so
kind as to tell me, what is the status of the Institute of Sonology
regarding to my case:

- how interested the institute would be to offer training and
facilities for a foreign postgrad student?

- who would be the right person to turn to regarding admissions
(email and postal address?)

-as i am living on a low budjet (i got a family), the
tuition/participation costs are also a primary concern

-are there some other noteworthy institutions in Utrecht or somewhere
close to it that i should be aware of? if so, the the above questions
apply to those too.

thanks a million in advance,

Kalev Tiits

postal address:
Dept of Musicology
University of Helsinki
Vironkatu 1, 00170 HELSINKI

Date:         Fri, 20 Aug 1993 09:55:04 CDT
From:         Gregory Taylor 
Subject:      Sonology address

I just found the address of the Sonology folks for our Finnish
colleague - phone number and all....

Koninklijk Conservatorium
Juliana v. Stolberglaan 1
2595 CA Den Haag
The Netherlands
tel: 070-81-4251

The leveling weight of music and weather/closes the stores, drives the people
underground/into cool rooms under ducts and water pipes./There are ways to prove the logic of whatever happens./In a movie, the darkness between each
frame proves it./Gregory Taylor/Heurikon Corporation/Madison, WI/608-828-3385

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest