EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 56, Issue 01
This issue's topics:
*** new german MAILING LIST *** (2 messages)
1994 International Computer Music Conference
call for scores message from two days ago (2 messages)
Your EMUSIC-L Digest moderator is Joe McMahon .
You may subscribe to EMUSIC-L by sending mail to with
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University of North Carolina.
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1993 23:28:32 GMT
From: Buebl Felix
Subject: *** new german MAILING LIST ***
Welcome to the mailing list Watchtower. It's purpose is to scan the
german progressive/experimental music scene. Therefore the standart
language is german. Of course we understand english questions.
Aber Hallo!
Watchtower beschaeftigt sich mit progressiver/innovativer/experimenteller
Musik. Es gibt dabei keine Einschraenkung auf einen speziellen Stil wie
z.b. "fruehe Genesis", Free Jazz, Power Metal, 12-ton-musik, tekkkkno,
grindcore oder sonstige Schubladen. Alles ist erlaubt.
Die Funktionen von Watchtower sind:
* WEITERMELDEN, wenn irgendeine interessante Band irgendwo im
deutschsprachigen Raum unterwegs ist! Z.B. war im Fruehling '93
"Lars Hollmer's Looping Home Orchestra" in D und CH auf Tour -
featuring Fred Frith (ex Henry Cow)! Also ein Leckerbissen fuer
das aufgeweckte Ohr - nur hat's wohl kaum einer mitbekommen.
Selbst wenn man's irgendwo gelesen haette, haette man wohl kaum geahnt,
(ich jedenfalls nicht) welcher Schatz sich hinter diesem Namen verbirgt.
Aus diesem "Vorwarnungs-service" leitet sich auch der Name Watchtower
ab (ein gleichnamige progressivst-metal band is nur zu empfehlen 8c).
* FACHSIMPELN. Palavern. Expertenrunde befragen. Wissen weitergeben.
* Tauschboerse etc.....
Alles klar? Wenn Du Mitglied werden willst, schicke eine mail an - dort sollte in einer Zeile
SUBSCRIBE (= abonniere) stehen. Abmelden geht genau so, nur mit
Zur Zeit bin ich leider noch in den Semesterferien, deswegen kann es
bis zu einer Woche dauern, bis ich antworte.
So lang,
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 14:27:12 +0000
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: Re: *** new german MAILING LIST ***
>12-ton-musik, tekkkkno, grindcore
Sounds like there's some good stuff going on over there... I'm only
surprised I can't hear it from where I'm sitting right now...
Nick Rothwell |
CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance |
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1993 11:38:29 -0400
From: "Paul Lansky (by way of Joe McMahon)"
Subject: 1994 International Computer Music Conference
Aarhus Denmark, September 12-17, 1994
Submission deadline: February 1, 1994
ICMC 1994
Musikhuset Aarhus
Thomas Jensens All
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Tel: +45 8931 8171 Fax: +45 8931 8166
Please use the following numbers before November 18, 1993:
Tel: +45 8620 2855 Fax: +45 8620 2276
1) Conference Description
2) Program Schedule
3) Registration Procedure
4) Submission Procedure
ICMC 1994: The Human Touch
Since the first conference in 1974, the annual International Com-
puter Music Conference has developed into the principal interna-
tional forum for the interchange of artistic, scientific, en-
gineering and philosophical research in the field of computer
music and music technology. The ICMC consists not only of paper
sessions, but a variety of other activities as well, including
hardware and software demonstrations, studio reports, special in-
terest group meetings and a trade exhibition. An integral part of
an ICMC is the professional performance of computer music compo-
sitions: usually around ten concerts are presented at each
conference. Recent conferences have been held in Glasgow (in con-
nection with European City of Culture 1990), Montreal (1991), San
Jose, California (1992). and Tokyo in September 1993. ICMC 1994
will be held in Aarhus, Denmark, September 12-17. The Aarhus ICMC
will be organized by DIEM, Denmark's national center of elec-
troacoustic music. The theme of the 1994 conference is "The Human
Touch", focusing on the many aspects of human-machine interaction
by highlighting live performance and presenting new developments
in the area of user interface and instrument design. The 1994
ICMC will present a wide variety of outstanding soloists, ensem-
bles and orchestras performing with computers. Featured guest ar-
tist, Michel Waisvisz, from Holland, explores the possibilities
of the human touch in his exciting solo performances using "The
Hands". The Cikada ensemble from Oslo and the Athelas Sinfonietta
from Copenhagen have both specialized in repertoire for acoustic
instruments combined with computers. The Aarhus-based profession-
al dance company, Marie Brolin-Tani Dance Theater, will present
an evening of computer music and ballet. And the closing concert
will feature the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra. The call for music
submissions includes a description of these performance groups
and encourages composers to send works involving computers with
instruments and dance. In addition to the performances of submit-
ted works selected by an international jury, the 1994 ICMC will
premiere two ICMA commissions as well as five new works by lead-
ing Nordic composers commissioned by DIEM. There will be a total
of 11 concerts including an outdoor performance with fireworks
and computer music! A special-edition compact disc with selected
works from the ICMC 1994 concert programs will be distributed to
all delegates.
Aarhus is Denmark's next largest city after Copenhagen with about
260,000 inhabitants, offering all the advantages of a major city
within a relaxed and pleasant environment. The entire conference
will be held in the heart of Aarhus in and around the beautiful
Concert Hall Aarhus. Great care has been taken to ensure that
conference delegates can move easily from their hotels to the pa-
per sessions to the concerts with no more than a five minute walk
between locations!
British composer Trevor Wishart, known for his extensive work
with computers and the human voice, will give the keynote speech
and perform his own new work for solo voice and computer. Miller
Puckette from IRCAM will present a special talk. Mr. Puckette's
important work in developing the graphic programming environment,
MAX, is highly regarded among computer music practitioners. Four
full days of paper sessions, demonstrations and poster sessions
will present the latest research in the many areas of computer
music, including recent hardware and software developments. A
special panel session will be devoted to the effect of computer
technology on the musical thinking of the composer and performer.
A vendor exhibition showing products related to computer music
will be open to delegates as well as the general public in the
foyer of the concert hall.
Prior to the conference itself, four workshops will be held. The
topics are Digital Signal Processing, The Kyma Sound Specifica-
tion Language, The Aesthetics of Computer Music and Interactive
Composition. The colorful and impressive Aarhus Festival, one of
the largest festivals in Northern Europe, will be held September
2-11, immediately prior to the conference.
ICMC in Aarhus promises to be an inspiring and exciting event.
With emphasis on convenience for delegates, high standards of mu-
sical performance and comfortable conference facilities, we will
do our best to bring the human touch to ICMC 1994. We look for-
ward to welcoming conference delegates to Aarhus in September
Wayne Siegel
Conference Chairman
ICMC 1994: Aarhus, Denmark
Program Schedule (subject to change)
Monday September 12
10:00 - 13:00 Workshop 1: Digital Signal Processing (Perry Cook)
14:00 - 17:00 Workshop 2: KYMA (Carla Scaletti)
Tuesday September 13
10:00 - 13:00 Workshop 3: Aesthetics of Computer Music (Trevor
14:00 - 17:00 Workshop 4: Interactive Composition (George Lewis)
17:00 - 20:00 Early Registration
20:00 - 22:00 Concert 1: Cikada Ensemble
Wednesday September 14
08:00 - 20:00 Registration and Information
09:00 - 12:00 Paper sessions 1
13:00 - 14:30 Concert 2
14:40 - 17:00 Paper sessions 2
17:30 - 19:00 ICMC Reception (Host: City of Aarhus)
20:00 - 22:00 Concert 3: Performance and Multi Media
22:30 - 23:00 Concert 4: Fireworks and Computer Music
Thursday September 15
08:00 - 20:00 Registration and Information
09:00 - 12:00 Paper sessions 3
13:00 - 14:30 Concert 5
14:40 - 15:30 Special Talk (Miller Puckette)
15:40 - 17:00 Paper sessions 4
19:30 - 20:00 Keynote Address (Trevor Wishart)
20:00 - 22:00 Concert 6: Athelas Sinfonietta
Friday September 16
08:00 - 17:00 Registration and Information
09:00 - 12:00 Paper sessions 6
13:00 - 14:30 Concert 7
14:40 - 15:30 Special Panel (Stephen Pope, chair)
15:40 - 16:30 Paper sessions 7
17:30 - 20:00 ICMA Banquet
20:30 - 22:30 Concert 8: Marie Brolin-Tani Dance Theater
Saturday September 17
09:00 - 12:00 Paper sessions 8
13:00 - 14:30 Concert 9
14:40 - 16:30 Paper sessions 9
16:30 - 18:00 ICMA general assembly
20:00 - 22:00 Concert 10: Aarhus Symphony Orchestra
22:30 - 24:00 Concert 11: Computer-jazz
Registration Procedure
For a copy of the first announcement and submission form contact the
ICMC secretariat at the above address. A conference registration form
must be completed and mailed before July 1, 1994 to avoid late
registration fees. All ICMA members receive a 25% reduction in the
Conference and Tutorial Workshop Fees. An ICMA Membership Form is
enclosed in the first announcement.
Registration Fee
The registration fee covers admittance to all ICMC 1994 concerts, paper
sessions, demonstrations sessions and receptions. The fee also includes
a copy of the 1994 ICMC Proceedings, a special edition compact disc and
the complete concert program. Prices are as follows:
Before July 1 After July 1
ICMA member Dkk 1,800 Dkk 2,200
Non-member Dkk 2,500 Dkk 2,900
Student ICMA member Dkk 950 Dkk 1,200
Student non-member Dkk 1,300 Dkk 1,600
The rate of exchange as of August 15, 1993 was US$ 1.00 = Dkk 6.80
Submission Procedure
All submissions must be received by February 1, 1994.
Music Submissions:
Music to be performed at the conference will be selected by an
international committee. The following categories of music works will
be considered: Live Computer Music, Computer Generated Tape, Algorithmic
Compositions, Music for Instruments and/or voices and Computers, Music
for Experimental Instruments and Computers, Computer Music with Visual
Art, Computer Music and Dance, Computer Music Installations.
Papers and Demonstrations Submissions:
Submissions from any field of computer applications in music and audio
will be considered. Submissions are encouraged on substantial,
original, and previously unpublished research on all aspects of
computer music, including the conference theme, "The Human Touch".
A limited amount of space is available for the demonstration of
non-commercial systems, methodologies and new technologies.
Submissions will be reviewed and selected by an international committee.
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1993 13:43:13 -0400
From: Thom Cox
Subject: call for scores message from two days ago
I have been trying to figure out how to send a message to this address.
Has anyone had any luck? Please help.
>Subject: Re: CALL FOR SCORES!!!!!!
Thom Cox
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1993 14:46:16 -0400
From: idealord
Subject: Re: call for scores message from two days ago
> I have been trying to figure out how to send a message to this address.
> Has anyone had any luck? Please help.
> >Subject: Re: CALL FOR SCORES!!!!!!
> thanx
> Thom Cox
Hmmm... I posted what was in effect correspondence between Peter and myself -
I used the automatic reply feature of "elm" and I'm pretty sure it went to the
aforementioned address - you could try reversing it -> not sure if that would
help or not - if worse comes to worse - send me your letter and I'll repost it
to him...
Try -> first, though.
Jeff Harrington
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1993 14:23:40 -0400
From: idealord
Found this on ->
Subject: Re: CALL FOR SCORES!!!!!!
The ensemble consists or nine players that play both acoustic, and electronic
instruments. Here is what they play:
player one - synths, piano
player two - cello, viola da gamba, synth, piano
player three - Akai EWI, Saxophone (any), synth
player four - electric bass, picollo bass (electric), acoustic
player five - electric and acoustic guitars
player six - acoustic percussion, and electric triggers via OCTAPAD
(the octapad consists of eight square capable of triggering 16
sounds via two velocity levels)
player seven - tenor voice
player eight - soprano voice
player nine - (only if needed - not yet strongly commited) - Yamaha WX7 wind
controller, second saxophone (any), and recorder.
All acoustic instruments will be amplified and placed with some sort af effect.
Any combo of reverb, echo, pich shit, chorus, etc.. can be accessed at any time.
If you need a list of synths just ask.
We have two performances set for fall semester.
October 20th, and Dec 1st
the deadline for october 20th concert is September 30, 1993.3
Oh, i almost forgot... we have excelent sequencing capabilities.
Thank you for your interest, if you have any questions, please e-mail back.
Peter J. Climie
co-founder Memphis State Electronic Music Ensemble
>From smtp Tue Sep 7 02:32 EDT 1993
>From UPJCLIMIE Tue Sep 07 01:46:38 0600 1993 remote from MSUVX1.MEMST.EDU
Received: from MSUVX1.MEMST.EDU by MSUVX1.MEMST.EDU (PMDF V4.2-11 #3869) id <01H2NE0SMIUA9EE2KT@MSUVX1.MEMST.EDU>; Tue, 7 Sep 1993 01:46:38 CST
Received: from MSUVX1.MEMST.EDU by; Tue, 7 Sep 93 02:32 EDT
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1993 01:46:38 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: CALL FOR SCORES!!!!!!
X-VMS-To: IN%""
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-Length: 1237
Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
Status: RO
Jeff, I am not sure if I already replyed to your message as to what equipment
that we have so I will give it again, or for the first time, which ever this is.
If I already send this information, please excuse my absent mindednes.
(Us composers are like that sometimes!)
For micro tuning pourposes, we have the following:
1 SY77
4 TX81z
1 Akai analog synth (i forget which one)
we also have:
1 Kawai K1II
2 Proteus 1
1 Yahama DX7
1 Ensoniqs EPS
1 Yahama Sampler (again, the model slips me)
1 Kertzweill 2000 synth/sampler with more memory than you can shake a stick at
1 Yahama TG55 tone generator
1 Korn mono-analog synth
(that's a KORG, not korn)
(no midi either on the KORG)
1 Akai EWI wind controller-- can be used as a tne generator
(The EWI is an analog synth, not digital, and yeilds some
VERY nice sounds)
we also have a nice aray of acoustical, and non-synth electric instruments.
(I think i sent the list)
As you can see, we are well stocked with sources, and there should be no
problem giving any piece the correct "instrumentation"
If you have any more questions, feal free to ask, that's why I posted.
Thank you very much for your time... again.
Peter J. Climie
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 08:34:42 -0400
From: idealord
Hi all,
I am sorry about this being a form letter.
I would much rather send this to each of you individually,
but the pressure of time, and an ever closing deadline won't allow for it.
If you have decided to send scores, they must be recieved by September 31st.
Don't fret, if your's doesn't reach here by then, there are two performances,
and any submittles recieved after this month will be considered for the
December concert. Although, scores that are recieved on time will get
first consideration.
Send all scores to the following address:
Peter J. Climie
Memphis State Electronic Music Ensemble
3563 Mynders #6
Memphis TN 38111
If you would like to speak to me personally, my phone number is:
Please included the following items with your score:
1. Biograhical information and program notes for EACH work submitted.
2. A cassette tape of a prior performance. (if available)
3. Parts for individual players. (Works submitted without individual parts
CANNOT be considered for the October 20th concert due to the prperation
time needed.)
4. A list of performers needed, and any composers notes that would help reduce
rehearsal time.
The concerts are on the following two dates:
October 20th 12:30pm Harris Auditorium
December 1st 7:30pm Harris Auditorium
Another performance is currently being arranged in conjunction with
the Mid-South Composers Forum, and the Dixon Art Gallery.
No date has been set.
Each performance will have a different program, with the Dixon performance
drawing from the other 2 for it's program.
** Only materials including a self-addressed sealed envelope will be returned.
I look forward from hearing from you, and performing your work,
Peter J. Climie
Memphis State Electronic Music Ensemble
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest