
EMUSIC-L Digest                                      Volume 56, Issue 02

This issue's topics:
	-- k5 editor -- (fwd)
	DOS Editor for Sound Canvas
	Editors (2 messages)
	Ensoniq 16+ Editor?
	yet another editor query (2 messages)

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Date:         Wed, 29 Sep 1993 17:23:34 -0400
From:         Andrea TONI 
Subject:      -- k5 editor -- (fwd)

Forwarded message:
>From Wed Sep 29 05:03:01 1993
Message-Id: <>
>From: Andrea TONI 
>Subject: -- k5 editor --

I think this software is now ready .. try to get in touch with Bob.
PA-decoder also used to have an editor for Atari ST(only I guess)
where you can draw harmonics with the mouse,have graphical envelopes,
a patch creator randomizer,bank manager etc etc

 Andrea TONI (     |     |     |
 Planetary and Space                            VCO-->VCF-->VCA--> DUCATI 900SS
 Science Division (SI)                           |     |     |

>Subject: k5MP, list
>Date: Sun, 11 Oct 92 1:42:53 EDT


                I saw your message about getting a K5 list together.  I
started compiling one, and I'll give you any unique addresses that may
appear on mine, though probably none.  I noticed a .si. in your address
that I did not include before, so I hope this gets there. (Last attempt
got returned again!)  Here is a brief description I wrote up on my K5
software for sales purposes.  You can also call me at 503-726-1094, or
write Bob Weigel
        446 N. 5th
        Springfield, OR  97477

if you like.  I'm just starting a business called "Sound Doctorin'", in
which I'm hoping to sell some sounds and software, as well as doing some
track work and general technical support/instruction/consulting. .R:
                The Kawai K5 is one of the most revolutionary
        synthesizers to ever hit the consumer market.  With so
        many features ahead of its time, one might wonder why
        it didn't make even more of a splash than it did.  The
        architecture, to my knowledge, provides the most flexible
        sound generator of its kind available.  No other product
        exists to rival it today, yet Kawai discontinued the K5.
                I suspect that, even though the architecture is
        ideal for teaching, and generating harmonic sounds, most
        users became easily frustrated with on board editing, and
        weren't all that pleased with the bulk of the available
        patch libraries.  The number of parameters and absence of
        presets, leaves doubt that there are really any people who
        can sit down at the K5, or any available editing program,
        and crank out the sound they are desiring without several
        hours of hard work!  (Unless they desire something very
        simple).  That's why I wrote K5MP. ( K5 Macro Processor )
  Andrea,  I've never tried uploading anything to this silly editor
they are using on this bbs.  It's doing crazy things, and I'm really
tired, so I'll just try to brief you on the rest.

        K5MP works with IBM compatables with MPU-401 compatable cards
currently.  It allows the user to library all the data groups on the K5,
so that patches can be quickly "initialized" to a "rough sketch" state.
You can then transmit the data back to the K5 ( I recomment setting one
patch apart as a scratch pad.  When a sound reaches a completed state, I
immediately put it somewhere else), tweak some of the more difficult to
computer edit parameters, like velocity, pressure and key split things,
then possibly write and reload it to the computer for some more time
saving edits, as the sound begins to take on the form you had initially
set out toward.  I find that, where I used to get lost and frustrated
quite frequently, and wind up with a sound that I in no way had initially
envisioned, I am now able to keep my focus and get something close to what
I want in a reasonable amount of time.
        Discrete editing is currently limited to the harmonics and the
envelopes, in which real time entries are now converted into those absurd
so called "rates".  The display gives the elapsed segment AND event time.
Harmonics can be entered in rapid fashion manually, or using various math
functions.  An oscillogram of the resulting waveform can be plotted.
        In the future, if I start getting some sales....still only one to
date... I hope to make some improvements.  Many would like an integrated
bulk dump utility.  (I use SPG, so I've never desired one)  I also want to
put in some color enhancements. (version 1.01 runs on, but does not
utilize color, which would lend itself nicely for, say, showing which bus
a particular harmonic was assigned to.  In other words, I'd like to turn
this puppy into the hottest piece possible for the instrument, but I just
can't pour any more of my production time into it unless some other people
are going to share interest, and lessen the time I am using on making a
        I won't share all the visions I have for it, because right now,
the piece is already very useful, as the new bank of patches testify.  I'd
like to send them to you if we can figure a way to tranfer them.  -bob

Date:         Wed, 29 Sep 1993 17:34:34 UTC+0100
From:         gui 
Subject:      Re: DOS Editor for Sound Canvas

        Eric asked about DOS based editors for some machines....
You can find an editor for Sound Canvas in


        I don't remember the exact name of the zipfile and I haven't tried it
yet, but a friend on the net told me it worked even with the JV-30.

        Hope this helps.

        Luis A. Fuente

Date:         Tue, 28 Sep 1993 05:44:25 -0500
From:         Eric Stratton Moseley 
Subject:      Editors

I'm needing DOS based editors for the following instruments:
K2000S, Ensoniq SQ2, EPS 16+, Kawai K1m, Roland Sound Canvas, Yamaha SY35, and
 Sequential Circuits Prophet 600. Of the editors available, do they have to be
 bought separately, or is there a program that might have most of these?

;31H7m[ Thanks,

Date:         Thu, 30 Sep 1993 10:20:56 CET
From:         Jack Latanowicz 
Subject:      Editors

  Hay !

   I see a lot of people looking for editors. I am looking for
some too. I'd like to get Korg M1 editor, and Roland JV80/880.
I heard of Amiga prog. called Sound Quest (1991) which had
many editors for most instruments made before 1991.
I also heard of DrT's XOR, one of best , but where, and how I didn't...
I have editors from DrT's for Roland D10/110 , Yamaha DX7, and few
more... There is also a librarian for S220 (??? I think)...

BTW, I wonder if any 'notation' software has an option to upload
patches to synth with the song using these pathces. It would be
a useful thing. Now I have to do banks upload them and than using
different program run songs to this bank (pain in the but...)

  Jack L.

Jack Latanowicz      tel/fax Pl-(0-61) 798-202
Ul.Porzeczkowa 27    Jack@plpuam11.bitnet
61-306 Poznan
 P O L A N D         "exploring life is the sense of living..."

Date:         Wed, 22 Sep 1993 14:46:30 CST
From:         dburke@VAX1.UMKC.EDU
Subject:      Ensoniq 16+ Editor?

I have high hopes:
      What I'm looking for is an editor for the Ensoniq 16+ that will allow me
to create instruments on a pc, and then save them to an ensoniq format disk.I
know SampleVision allows the transfer of samples over a midi cable, and I've
heard of programs that allow a pc to read ensoniq 16+ disks, but is there
anything that has on-screen editing of all the wave/amp/layer/instrument/etc
parameters?  Or perhaps a Universal editor?
                   Any suggestions appreciated,

Date:         Tue, 28 Sep 1993 15:45:30 EDT
From:         ronin 
Subject:      yet another editor query

anyone know of/have a pc-based (nonwindows) editor for the kawai k5?
the lcd screen is kind of nifty for the spectral specifications, but
total puppy-poo for those six part envelopes.
and i'm still looking for a functioning editor for the jx8p.
and, while i'm at it...
how come nobody got back to me on those paia systems? i sent out
personal inquiries but haven't heard anything.

-----------< Cognitive Dissonance is a 20th Century Art Form >-----------
Eric Harnden (Ronin)
The American University Physics Dept.
4400 Mass. Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20016-8058
(202) 885-2748  (with Voice Mail)
---------------------< Join the Cognitive Dissidents >-------------------

Date:         Tue, 28 Sep 1993 23:02:23 -0400
From:         Biff Padiduwitz 
Subject:      Re: yet another editor query

There is a program that runs in the megawindows gui (carries the gui
with it) called Overtone published by a company called Syntonix.
Actually, it's a single person who wrote the software. Jim somebody
(sorry, I can't remember). His address, though, is (was) 7 Loudoun
Street SE, Leesburg, VA 22075 and phone number is (703)777-1933.
The software is excellent for graphically displaying the different
envelopes. It also allows you to create K5 patches from samples.

Bill Scott

End of the EMUSIC-L Digest