EMUSIC-L Digest Volume 56, Issue 06
This issue's topics:
anyone using 386 clones for sequencers? (5 messages)
el-cheapo 16-bit a/d d/a for ibm
Making CakeWalk load midi files from Band in the Box
PC-connection (for ADAT)
Question about connecting keyboard, sound module & PC
Soundblaster 16ASP
thanks for 386/486 clone answers
Turtle Beach
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Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1993 13:20:35 -0500
From: Mark Swann
Subject: anyone using 386 clones for sequencers?
hi Imnew on the list......wondering if any of you out there are
using pc clones to run midi,, .. Ive heard (from salesmen here in
town that want to sell me a new IBM) that clones dont run midi
software,, and Ive heard the contrary,,, but not from people that
areactually doing it... anyone have any experience in this field?
ie.. what software seems to work with 386 clones the best?
thanks, svann
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1993 14:44:00 EDT
From: Arthur Friedman
Subject: Re: anyone using 386 clones for sequencers?
salesmen may not know. i am running midi ok on 286 clone with shareware
midi programs such as winjammer, a windows sequencer.
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1993 23:08:51 -0500
From: Kenneth Wayne Goodson
Subject: Re: anyone using 386 clones for sequencers?
I'm using a clone (486DX 33Mhz) and running Cakewalk Pro for Windows and
Finale for Windows w/out any problems. However, my dad had a 386SX and did
experience some problems running these same two. However, he also used
Cakewalk for DOS with NO difficulties whatsoever. I think his problems had
to do with
a. running Windows on a underpowered 386 and
b. constantly fiddling with settings and indiscrimanately deleting
files and reinstalling software at the slightest hint of a
Generally, it has been my experience that clones many times run software,
MIDI included, better than a true-blue IBM.
*Kenneth Goodson *Atlanta High School *
*Band Director/UIL Computer Science*705 Rabbit Blvd *
* *Atlanta, TX 75551 *
*(903) 796-4636 (home) *(903) 796-7213 (office)*
"Up, up and away, in my beautiful balloon"-Fifth Dimension
On Sat, 18 Sep 1993, Mark Swann wrote:
> hi Imnew on the list......wondering if any of you out there are
> using pc clones to run midi,, .. Ive heard (from salesmen here in
> town that want to sell me a new IBM) that clones dont run midi
> software,, and Ive heard the contrary,,, but not from people that
> areactually doing it... anyone have any experience in this field?
> ie.. what software seems to work with 386 clones the best?
> thanks, svann
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1993 08:14:17 -0500
From: Randy Holder
Subject: Re: anyone using 386 clones for sequencers?
I'm now running a 486 clone with a mpu-401 midi card and Cakewalk 3.0.
I've run both the mpu board and cakewalk on an old 8088 clone. Salesmen
seem to be wrong. As long as the clone is fully IBM compatible - no problem.
| Randy V. Holder | |
| ADSB Computer Lab Supervisor | "Success is a journey |
* Electronic Mail Support | not a destination." *
| Lotus 1-2-3 Support | |
* User Count Coordinator | *
On Sat, 18 Sep 1993, Mark Swann wrote:
> hi Imnew on the list......wondering if any of you out there are
> using pc clones to run midi,, .. Ive heard (from salesmen here in
> town that want to sell me a new IBM) that clones dont run midi
> software,, and Ive heard the contrary,,, but not from people that
> areactually doing it... anyone have any experience in this field?
> ie.. what software seems to work with 386 clones the best?
> thanks, svann
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1993 13:42:52 +0000
From: Nick Rothwell
Subject: Re: anyone using 386 clones for sequencers?
>Ive heard (from salesmen here in
>town that want to sell me a new IBM) that clones dont run midi
Q: what's the difference between a computer salesman and a used car salesman?
A: a used car salesman knows when he's lying.
Nick Rothwell |
CASSIEL Contemporary Music/Dance |
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1993 14:33:03 CDT
From: "Kevan L. Moore"
Subject: el-cheapo 16-bit a/d d/a for ibm
hey guys.
what's the cheapest way to get 16-bit a/d d/a on an ibm pc?
i just want to write a C program to sample a line level mono
input & and play back.
any way i can do this without buying a soundblaster?
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1993 10:31:17 GMT
From: Christer Lundberg
Subject: Making CakeWalk load midi files from Band in the Box
I'm running CakeWalk and Band-in-the-Box on a SoundBlaster 16ASP with Wave,
exporting "Standard Midi Files" from Band-in-the-Box and having problems making
CakeWalk Professional read them. Does anybody have a solution to the problem ?
Please give me a clue ?
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1993 01:00:29 EDT
Subject: Re: PC-connection (for ADAT)
Any one out there got an ADAT. If so have you heard anything on the
IBM controler/software package That sound-trax is putting out? Or any
other bonus things that you can do with it.?
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1993 14:08:07 GMT
From: ehrlich@WORLD.STD.COM
Subject: Question about connecting keyboard, sound module & PC
Although I was going to get a Roland SCC-1 for my PC, I am now thinking
of getting a SC-50 Sound Canvas and a plain midi interface for the PC.
What is the best way to hook up the PC (MIDI), Sound Canvas, and MIDI
controller (keyboard)? I will be running a sequencer (maybe Cakewalk)
on the PC.
Keyboard midi out ==> PC MIDI in; PC MIDI out ==> Sound Canvas MIDI in ??
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1993 15:51:44 GMT
From: Christer Lundberg
Subject: Soundblaster 16ASP
Hi there! I just bought a Soundblaster 16ASP card with WAVE and MIDI interface
to my PC. When I unpacked the stuff I found quite a lot of manuals, but to my
astonishment very few of them described the hardware. There were so many
programs included, that they seem to have spent allt their money on manuals for
them, and forgotten that the hardware needs some description too.
Does anybody know how to find information about how to use the cards from for
a C program. Is there a book that covers that kind of detailed information for
the Soundblaster/Waveblaster and Midi interface ?
Thanks for your help !
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1993 00:24:08 -0500
From: Mark Swann
Subject: thanks for 386/486 clone answers
problee going for a 386 to learn midi on,, until the new mac AV models
get the bugs out.. and the powerPC drives prices down,, yeah, sure.
I called two mac dealers to ask about whether the AV will allow direct
to disk recording w/o the audio2 card that macs need. (900$)
noone knew,, and the apple 1-800 help line,, heh.. a recording comes
on and says " your wait will approximately be 30 min" please plan
your time accordingly. " sure, if you have a speaker phone, ..
anyway.. onward. svann.
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1993 21:54:21 -0500
From: Phil Somebody-or-another
Subject: Turtle Beach
I just purchased the turtle beach multisound card for my pc- the one with
the 1/xr proteus onboard. I have a couple questions
that I hope someone can answer.
1- I want to sample voice from a mike, but the board will only take a signal
at line level. If I put it though my guitar effects processor (Korg a-4),
will that raise the level enough to sample well?
2- This is my first experience with computer aided composition, and I
am having trouble getting anything but general midi voices out of the proteus.
I know it has 400 some-odd voices, so do I need to create a "midi map" to task
the other voices to the standard 128 voices? What is the best way to do this?
any help you guyys could lend would be great. Thanks.
phil skiba sps5251@siena
End of the EMUSIC-L Digest